kid's rhymes are very telling. Back in the very early sixties, we used to chant- Russia got hungary, somebody slipped on Greece, broke China, China got angry and sombody else ate Turkey ...that's when it all started wwIII- then kids got out their play guns.

I dont remember all the sub-basement chants about Korea gettin "bushwhacked" or Hugo tryin to choke off the states by blowin up Mexico's nuke plant.

well here's one- guess it referred to bama

My mother was a Russian, my father was a spy- jeepers weepers- I joined the FBI.

Sorry to hear about Jackie Chan's support of Chinese govt. (i´m not aware). Hope & reckon he's not a real maoist. Almost all folk have a loyalty- real or imaged of their birth place or nation. Communism is now shoved down the throats of most western kids too.

I dont know much of his history, only that he was cultured in various arts by the Chinese version of Komsomol. Send me a link of the full clip if you can of his new movie.

The oil spill flick was cute. I dont read a lot, but I haven't even glimpsed conspiracy theories on the bp spill being sabatoge- grey terror- or an accident on purpose?

The US & the west will need DF, humminbird and 3 winged butterfly style to get out of the brewing mess. Now is time for anudder chug, and wosawy...after all the dawn of the catholic feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, post- Sacred heart of Jesus.

Best wishes, Ryan. Dont be ribbed by comments about your weight- a big waist can pack a whallop. Maybe it wuz someone else... but whoever- how do you shed so many pounds? Sugar cane alcohol? Packs a whallop for 50 cents. 3 chugs and an xtra swallow 4 big feasts. Remember- His eye is on de sparrow.