Report: Russia Has Sent Syria Experts To Upgrade Air Defense
The Times of London reported Tuesday that Russia has sent technicians
to upgrade Syria's air defense system after Israeli electronic warfare systems allowed IAF warplanes to attack a target in Syria last month.

The Times account also said that the airborne electronic warfare system, which it said jammed the Russian-made radar and the Syrian army's communications, was "believed to have been designed in readiness for a possible attack on Iran's nuclear sites."

The Israel Defense Forces on Sunday lifted censorship on the fact that the air force carried out an air strike against a target deep in Syrian territory on September 6th. But censorship remained in effect on critical details of the mission, including the nature of the target.

According to foreign media reports, the air strike apparently targeted a North Korea-built nuclear facility in northeastern Syria. Syria and North Korea, however, have both vehemently denied any nuclear cooperation.