"What the hell Rick???" you say?

Well, Rick says, this thread needs to be here. Not because we're involved in WWIII (yet) but because current events are seriously going in that direction.

We're looking at:

  • a Russian invasion of a former USSR Satellite.
  • a Russian push for the Cold War.
  • NATO balking a bit, but standing firm on several things.
  • Israel threating to destroy Lebanon
  • Russian cozying up to Hugo Chevez sudden
  • Russians helping Iran
  • Russians opening a path to more easily gain access to Iran (look at the maps!)
  • Russians threatening nuclear retaliation against the Poles.
  • US pushing back with Missile Defense plans in old Cold War states
There's a lot more most of you can add. That's right off the top of my head.

This thread is going to be sticky.

Here's it's PURPOSE though. Discussion.

Let's all drop in our opinions, ideas, scenarios and other information we've gleaned from the news and how World War Three will actually start. Looks like it's already in the making... let's see post the dates you think it will start, and perhaps the "how" it will start, and your thinking processes. Take your time.