H.R. 1913: Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009

111th Congress

This is a bill in the U.S. Congress originating in the House of Representatives ("H.R."). A bill must be passed by both the House and Senate and then be signed by the President before it becomes law.

Bill numbers restart from 1 every two years. Each two-year cycle is called a session of Congress. This bill was created in the 111th Congress, in 2009-2010.

The titles of bills are written by the bill's sponsor and are a part of the legislation itself. GovTrack does not editorialize bill summaries.

Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009
To provide Federal assistance to States, local jurisdictions, and Indian tribes to prosecute hate crimes, and for other purposes.

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Primary Source
See H.R. 1913 on THOMAS for the official source of information on this bill or resolution.

Rep. John Conyers [D-MI]show cosponsors (120)
Cosponsors [as of 2009-04-29]
Rep. Doris Matsui [D-CA]
Rep. Anh Cao [R-LA]
Rep. Jim Cooper [D-TN]
Rep. Gwen Moore [D-WI]
Rep. Edward Markey [D-MA]
Rep. Mary Jo Kilroy [D-OH]
Rep. Bob Filner [D-CA]
Rep. Mark Kirk [R-IL]
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen [R-FL]
Rep. Jesse Jackson [D-IL]
Rep. Jay Inslee [D-WA]
Rep. Michael Capuano [D-MA]
Rep. Christopher Van Hollen [D-MD]
Rep. Adam Smith [D-WA]
Rep. André Carson [D-IN]
Rep. Steve Cohen [D-TN]
Rep. Joe Baca [D-CA]
Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard [D-CA]
Rep. James Langevin [D-RI]
Rep. Nydia Velázquez [D-NY]
Rep. Bradley Miller [D-NC]
Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee [D-TX]
Rep. Albio Sires [D-NJ]
Rep. Danny Davis [D-IL]
Res.Com. Pedro Pierluisi [D-PR]
Rep. Loretta Sanchez [D-CA]
Rep. Harry Mitchell [D-AZ]
Rep. David Price [D-NC]
Rep. Brad Sherman [D-CA]
Rep. Corrine Brown [D-FL]
Rep. David Loebsack [D-IA]
Rep. Dennis Kucinich [D-OH]
Rep. Joe Courtney [D-CT]
Rep. Daniel Maffei [D-NY]
Rep. Carolyn McCarthy [D-NY]
Rep. Jerrold Nadler [D-NY]
Rep. Gary Ackerman [D-NY]
Rep. Gerald Connolly [D-VA]
Rep. Diane Watson [D-CA]
Rep. Henry Johnson [D-GA]
Rep. Neil Abercrombie [D-HI]
Rep. Robert Brady [D-PA]
Rep. Joseph Crowley [D-NY]
Rep. Judy Biggert [R-IL]
Rep. Raymond Green [D-TX]
Rep. John Yarmuth [D-KY]
Rep. James Moran [D-VA]
Rep. James McGovern [D-MA]
Rep. Susan Davis [D-CA]
Rep. Jared Polis [D-CO]
Rep. Edward Pastor [D-AZ]
Rep. Elijah Cummings [D-MD]
Rep. Mary Bono Mack [R-CA]
Rep. Michael McMahon [D-NY]
Rep. Betty McCollum [D-MN]
Rep. Jane Harman [D-CA]
Rep. Earl Blumenauer [D-OR]
Rep. Leonard Lance [R-NJ]
Rep. Lynn Woolsey [D-CA]
Rep. Raul Grijalva [D-AZ]
Rep. Steven Rothman [D-NJ]
Rep. John Lewis [D-GA]
Rep. Barbara Lee [D-CA]
Rep. Chellie Pingree [D-ME]
Rep. Michael Castle [R-DE]
Rep. Barney Frank [D-MA]
Rep. Diana DeGette [D-CO]
Rep. Yvette Clarke [D-NY]
Rep. Patrick Kennedy [D-RI]
Rep. Tammy Baldwin [D-WI]
Rep. Shelley Berkley [D-NV]
Rep. Rush Holt [D-NJ]
Rep. Victor Snyder [D-AR]
Rep. William Delahunt [D-MA]
Rep. Charles Gonzalez [D-TX]
Rep. Phil Hare [D-IL]
Rep. Dennis Moore [D-KS]
Rep. Al Green [D-TX]
Rep. Howard Berman [D-CA]
Rep. Steve Driehaus [D-OH]
Rep. John Olver [D-MA]
Rep. Steve Israel [D-NY]
Rep. Carolyn Maloney [D-NY]
Rep. Bruce Braley [D-IA]
Rep. Maurice Hinchey [D-NY]
Rep. Marcia Fudge [D-OH]
Rep. James McDermott [D-WA]
Rep. Louise Slaughter [D-NY]
Rep. Chaka Fattah [D-PA]
Rep. Joe Sestak [D-PA]
Rep. Michael Doyle [D-PA]
Rep. Eliot Engel [D-NY]
Rep. Lois Capps [D-CA]
Rep. David Wu [D-OR]
Rep. Henry Waxman [D-CA]
Rep. Sanford Bishop [D-GA]
Rep. Todd Platts [R-PA]
Rep. Ron Klein [D-FL]
Rep. Lloyd Doggett [D-TX]
Rep. Janice Schakowsky [D-IL]
Rep. Mike Quigley [D-IL]
Rep. José Serrano [D-NY]
Del. Eleanor Norton [D-DC]
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords [D-AZ]
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz [D-FL]
Rep. Emanuel Cleaver [D-MO]
Rep. Sam Farr [D-CA]
Rep. Alcee Hastings [D-FL]
Rep. William Pascrell [D-NJ]
Rep. Zoe Lofgren [D-CA]
Rep. Kathy Castor [D-FL]
Rep. Gary Peters [D-MI]
Rep. James Oberstar [D-MN]
Rep. William Clay [D-MO]
Rep. Peter Visclosky [D-IN]
Rep. George Miller [D-CA]
Rep. Russ Carnahan [D-MO]
Rep. Patrick Murphy [D-PA]
Rep. Mazie Hirono [D-HI]
Rep. James Clyburn [D-SC]
Cosponsorship information sometimes is out of date. Why?

Summary | Full TextCost:
less than $1 per American over the 2010-2014 period. This is computed from a Congressional Budget Office report, merely by dividing the estimated cost of $10,000,000 by the U.S. population. The figure is extracted from the report automatically and may be incorrect. See the report for details.


IntroducedApr 2, 2009Referred to CommitteeView Committee AssignmentsReported by CommitteeApr 23, 2009Voted on in House (pending)Voted on in Senate(pending)Signed by President(pending) This bill was considered in committee which has recommended it be considered by the House as a whole. Although it has been placed on a calendar of business, the order in which bills are considered and voted on is determined by the majority party leadership. Keep in mind that sometimes the text of one bill is incorporated into another bill, and in those cases the original bill, as it would appear here, would seem to be abandoned. [Last Updated: Apr 29, 2009 12:15PM]

Last Action:
Apr 28, 2009: Supplemental report filed by the Committee on Judiciary, H. Rept. 111-86, Part II.Related:

See the Related Legislation page for other bills related to this one and a list of subject terms that have been applied to this bill. Sometimes the text of one bill or resolution is incorporated into another, and in those cases the original bill or resolution, as it would appear here, would seem to be abandoned.
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Apr 29, 2009 12:21 AM - Is it considered a Hate Crime to call out the Zionist Jews of Israel as the most racist people on the face of the planet? - Answer it!
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Apr 29, 2009 5:33 AM - I am a Christian, and I (as well as many others) are concernd that this bill will make it illegal for me to express a Biblical view of homosexuality. However, upon reading the actual text of the bill, I see that consititutional rights, and specifically freedom of expression, are not to be infringed by this Act (see paragraph eight - Rules of Construction). So, would those who alos have this concern please explain how paragraph eight does NOT address this adequately? I do notice that the wording of this paragraph has been watered down a bit from the initial version (where it was paragraph ten). - Answer it!
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