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Thread: The Plot to Overthrow the American Gov't

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    Default The Plot to Overthrow the American Gov't

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    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Plot to Overthrow the American Gov't

    I got a message saying the video wasn't available. Did anyone else get that?

    Did someone take it offline at the originating site?
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Plot to Overthrow the American Gov't

    The video was there. I watched a couple minutes of it last night (It's almost an hour long). Looks like it isn't there now.

  4. #4
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Plot to Overthrow the American Gov't

    27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="437" height="370" id="viddler_97b494eb">
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: The Plot to Overthrow the American Gov't

    Thanks guys for following it, they seem to updating it.

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    Postman vector7's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Plot to Overthrow the American Gov't

    I saw this dream posted and thought it would make for an interesting read. Since it is Halloween there's nothing better than a good story to keep you up at night.


    By Greg Evensen
    October 31, 2008

    After the last week of market disasters and scenes of mobs clamoring for just a glimpse of Barack Hussein Obama, I had all of these thoughts fresh in my mind as I ended my radio show and finally fell asleep last Saturday. My last conscious thoughts were of the dark clouds coming ashore in America and what our response to martial law, shortages, imprisoned patriots, and riots would be......

    I seemed to be present as military leaders exclaimed during heated campaigns, over the great map of America, “the battle lines are becoming clear.” I saw riflemen on the field of combat as they whispered to each other at four a.m., “I can smell ‘em coming.” The meaning was the same. All hell was about to break out. Indeed my fellow patriots, constitutionalists, and true citizens of the failing Republic, HELL IS staring you in the eyeballs.

    As much as it has truly pained me to the core, I have come to the irreconcilable fact that on Election Day, the line will be drawn. We will no longer argue amicably about politics or the latest imbecilic actions occurring in Washington, our statehouses, or in court rooms. We are considering for the first time in our lives, the unthinkable. That is, my neighbor, my associates in the office, my cousin, or my fellow citizen has become my potential enemy. They have betrayed me and what is left of my grandfather’s country.

    I am faced with the certain realization that no matter how I may try to sugar coat it, this time -- those who voted or supported the socialist left, the democrats, the liberals, the “elitists” in the universities and business, the apostate “liberation theology” or do nothing church, and politics everywhere--are my enemy. It can be stated in no other terms. That’s a fact, Jack.

    To all those who have supported the constant killing of the unborn, entitlements for those who don’t deserve them, for assisting undocumented illegals, to corrupted politicians, sanctuary cities, to USDA agents forcing the implantation of chips into the livestock herds of America, to those pushing social security numbers and locator chips on newborns, to thieves who forced an unconstitutional income tax on “sovereign” American workers, for the loss of privacy, the restraint of second amendment natural rights, to BATFE master search and arrest warrants, to SWAT teams and Taser Thugs in every hamlet in the land, to all of the homosexual rights fanatics and bullies who use their perverted lifestyles to intimidate my grandchildren in school and in the parks, to drug dealers who employ minority kids in Obama’s south Chicago neighborhoods, and the young men and women in our military who are now mercenaries trained to rove our streets when the first shots are fired and produce body counts similar to the ones in Iraq, you have become my potential enemy.

    The despicable power mad scurrilous maggots who have created this mess deserve a hole in hell deeper than the rest. They have already destroyed my family’s national ideals, my community’s cohesion, and our collective futures. They have aided and abetted the national calamity that has unfolded during the past seven weeks. The banks and investment houses, the stock market and derivatives, have all waltzed us off the pier into a thousand feet of cold dark water from which there is no return. The bankers, still standing safely on the wharf, have begged us in the water to throw them our lifejackets so that we can drown while they offer to sell us back the life vests we already had. In the meantime they ordered lobster while we dined on saltwater. Is this absurd picture, clear and painful enough?

    In no small measure this IS the America we inhabit at this moment. While I do not know at this time who will be elected, I suspect it may well be Barack Hussein Obama. If that is the case, then my opening premise is correct. Those of you who have anointed this socialist, Muslim sympathizing, gun rights hating, Mexican illegals embracing, abortion loving charmer as POTUS, you are not only the most stupid generation of Americans who have ever lived, you are the most dangerous. You have single-handedly embraced your own destruction. For including me in that, I detest your actions and see you as my enemy. What else can I think?

    Am I picking a fight? Pretty much. Might as well, one’s coming down the street anyway. You have been warned. You have been told of the consequences of your actions. McCain is not the answer, no matter how “appealing” Sarah Palin might appear. Chuck Baldwin is the only candidate that deserves my vote. Chuck can and will do the job and we can thank God Almighty that he is in the running. Vote what is right, not what you think is your only choice. Baldwin’s Constitutional Party is the only truly American party that is left. All the others are wasted losers and nut jobs.

    American patriots you need to decide what your battle plans are. You can not wait any longer. Are you stored up? Are you prayed up? Have you stayed up figuring it all out? Have you decided that the time has come for you to take that same principled stand that your founders took to establish this FREE nation in the first place? Have you decided who your true enemies are? Are you tired of the bankers running it, ruining it and then demanding we pay up for their greed? Are you sick over this nation finalizing its socialistic stance nationalizing the infrastructure of the county and Obama as an open socialist/communist/radical presidential candidate? Will you resist the “state’s” efforts to take you in and deprive you of your freedoms? Will you try to work with patriotic police officers and American armed forces that will fight with you? Will you stand firm when they shut off your supplies? Will you resist in the cold and in the dark? Will you go all the way to a constitutional victory? Can you dress your own wounds? Can you jog a half mile? Will you be able to live without commonplace things you have grown accustomed to having any time you wanted them?

    Minutemen and the militia were responsible for their own arms, ammunition and supplies. Can you muster with others and provide the essentials? Can you carry all that you need for two to three days at a time? Can you sleep with your back to a tree on cold, wet ground? Can you be still for an hour or two just watching and listening? How will you communicate with your fellow patriots—safely? When the bad guys start shooting, what will you do? Will you give away your position by firing randomly to “scare” them off? Will you remain defensive and not set yourself up for being killed? Will you learn how to move with stealth? Can you disarm someone and take them as a prisoner? What then? Have you organized with others to defend what is yours and theirs? Can you shoot and then seek good cover so you can survive another shot? Do you have a back-up retreat line and then another so that you can get out when you have to? Do you take your wounded with you? How? It’s not like the movies. When martial law is declared, can you and will you do these things or will you be rounded up by the hundreds of thousands each day? Many will resist for about as long as it took you to eat lunch. This is the new reality, friends. It may soon be your own personal reality as well.

    Ultimately, the bad guys are counting on you being weak, uncommitted, and afraid. They want you to believe that their superiority in initial numbers, training and equipment will take you out in minutes. Let me tell you something confidential. American police officers are used to overwhelming criminal groups of one, two, three, or four. Not twenty, thirty, fifty or one hundred determined well armed citizens who are otherwise first class community stand-outs. A whole department of twenty-five officers would not stand a chance against one hundred solid minutemen.
    I do not want it to come to that, but those are real scenarios. Muster five hundred or a thousand and an entire state police department is going to need regular army troops with air assault assets to have a chance. AND THEY KNOW IT! Multiply patriot numbers 1000 times that and the good guys win! Then we rebuild………at least that is where I saw it going.

    Foreign troops? So what? They understand determined resistance and the costs involved for their side as well. You’ll have Green Berets fighting with you if that happens. Where the good guys lose, is when they don’t organize, think, and carry out precision guided strategies. Guerilla warfare is well planned and executed.
    About the time I imagined a real rout of these traitorous snakes, I realized my twilight sleep was bringing me back to the real world. I had a strange mix of apprehension, relief, excitement and dread all in the same moment. The worst feeling though, was of the great loss of potential that this nation held for so many decades. I realized what we had done to the efforts of so many Americans who fought and died believing they were doing it for an America that was true to its heritage. I looked out my window to see peace and solitude---for the moment. My day long prayer was that it will remain peaceful, but I fear that we are--in the words of those seasoned command officers--seeing the battle lines being drawn very clearly, now. And like that entrenched rifleman I, too, “can smell ‘em coming.”

    Sure am glad it was all---------------------------just a dream.

    © 2008 Greg Evensen - All Rights Reserved

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    Postman vector7's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Plot to Overthrow the American Gov't

    Obama abandons Founding Fathers' dream

    Posted: September 25, 2009
    1:00 am Eastern

    © 2009
    And he said to them, "Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written, 'This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.'" – (Mark 7:6)
    But know this, that in the last days grievous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of self … holding a form of godliness, but having denied the power thereof.
    – (Timothy 3:1, 5)
    Day by day the American people are learning from their experience of him that we cannot judge Obama by his words. Much of what he says is semi-fictional, like the book that purports to be his autobiography ("Dreams From My Father"). As I read the text of the speech he gave to the U.N. General Assembly this week, it occurred to me that it deserved a similar title, and a similar description of its content. The speech included the rhetorical equivalent of his deep bow to the Saudi monarch. Only this bow signaled subservience to the majority of U.N. member governments – a gaggle of socialist democracies, totalitarian tyrannies, dictatorships and absolute monarchies.

    In a litany more appropriate to a prime minister of this illiberal majority than to any (even alleged) president of the United States, he dutifully reported on the long list of capitulations and betrayals of U.S. friends and interests that no have no doubt produced Libyan dictator Gadhafi's satisfied verdict: "We are content and happy if Obama can stay forever as a president of the United States of America." Gadhafi knows that, if Obama's self-conscious destruction of U.S. military, economic and moral assets continues unchecked, the USA won't last much longer, at least not as the troublesome champion of human liberty that has caused his ilk so much heartburn.

    In the key respect, the speech accurately mirrored the hollowing out of America the Obama faction is implementing at breakneck speed. The outward form of America's identity is being maintained, while its substance is being systematically demolished.

    I was, of course, especially interested in the parts of the speech that purported to reflect America's respect for the principles of liberty:
    … [W]e must champion those principles which ensure that governments reflect the will of the people. These principles cannot be afterthoughts – democracy and human rights are essential to achieving each of the goals that I've discussed today, because governments of the people and by the people are more likely to act in the broader interests of their own people, rather than narrow interests of those in power. The test of our leadership will not be measured by the ability to muzzle dissent, or to intimidate and harass political opponents at home. The people of the world want change. They will no longer tolerate those who are on the wrong side of history.
    Who could miss the echo of Lincoln's famous description of republican government "of, by and for the people"? Of course Lincoln offered that formulation in the context of alluding to its basic premise, that we are "created equal and endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights." However, Obama offers it in a very different context, that of the judgment of history.

    Since history is made by human beings, its judgments reflect whatever happens in human affairs, not what should happen.

    Lincoln's premise refers instead to the standard in light of which history is to be judged, a standard based not on the outcomes human beings produce, but on the just will and intention that produced and takes account of human beings. This makes it possible for people who end up on the wrong side of history to battle on nonetheless, if the higher standard of justice implanted by God in the human heart and conscience assures them that they exercise a right that transcends history and the judgment of merely human powers.

    Exploiting as he often does the false perception that he comes from and is especially familiar with the perspective of the black American struggle against injustice, Obama notes his "belief that no matter how dark the day may seem, transformative change can be forged by those who choose to side with justice." He purports to "pledge that America will always stand with those who stand up for their dignity and their rights – for the student who seeks to learn; the voter who demands to be heard; the innocent who longs to be free; the oppressed who yearns to be equal." But those who truly understand the transcendent source of the human claim to dignity and rights cannot but note that his words ring hollow. They ask themselves "What of those who cannot stand, or seek – the ones thrust out by lies, or ignorance or self-serving power, who suffer beyond longing or yearning or any human confirmation of their dignity? What of the voiceless ones, whom God intends for speech; the helpless one who by the nature He nonetheless destined for helping and hope and joy?"

    Obama's lips say, "There are basic principles that are universal." But his actions and policies thrust from the universe helpless children in the womb and helpless victims like Terri Schiavo. His lips say, "There are certain self-evident truths," but instead of life and liberty, he finally offers unwavering support only for the "right of people everywhere to determine their own destiny," which means in fact to accept whatever destiny they can perceive as their own, within the limits fabricated by the manipulators of historical perception, with no regard for the better destiny to which "nature and nature's God" entitle them.

    In a world where scientific advances every day confirm the emerging possibility of techniques that will allow the abusive manipulation even of human perception and consciousness, the denial of a standard for justice beyond what people can, at any given moment, determine for themselves leaves open the door to abuses of the human person more thorough and unscrupulous than history has ever known before. Slyly, with a careful eye upon the outward trappings of self-evident truth, Obama and those who ultimately help to craft his rhetoric (as Bill Ayers apparently helped to craft his semi-fictional autobiography) wean humanity from its hard won acknowledgment of the substantive authority for truth that arms conscience against the depredations of those who make the claims of knowledge (scientific and otherwise) the basis for a claim to unlimited power. Their excuse for the power grab is the good of mankind, but why should we believe their motive is any different than it has ever been for those with such ambitions – the arrogant self-worship that prides itself upon making the promise of good a successful mask for evil.

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    until you’ll
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

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