Massachusetts School Bans Candycanes, Calls Them "Religious Items"
November 12, 2009

Twas the month before Christmas and all through the class, controversy was stirring about Christmas present and past.

The rhyme may sound trite, but the complaint is real from two Chelmsford mothers who say the Byam Elementary School has banned Christmas from its annual holiday gift shop.

A flier sent home with students for the gift shop, which will run from Dec. 1 to Dec. 4 and benefits the school's PTO, states no Santa, candy canes, stockings, Christmas, Hanukkah or other "religious items" are welcome.

Kathryn McMillan and Kathleen Cullen, who both have children at Byam, are asking school officials to allow all holiday items or move the gift shop to another time of year.

"It's sending the wrong message to our kids," said McMillan. "The school is doing this in the name of diversity. But diversity means accepting all views, not suppressing some views."

But school officials argue that the tradition to keep the gifts "neutral" is one that's been in place for several years. Superintendent Donald Yeoman said shopping guidelines are under the purview of Byam Principal Jane Gilmore, and he stands by her position.