The question of trust and competance

The KGB can be expected to try to plant its agents among American experts on the Soviet Union, as official or unofficial advisers on national security affairs.....
In the long run, American acceptance of Perestroika as a genuine, spontaneous process entailing the abandonment of that strategic objective will divide the American nation. The United States might well slide into a political morass comparable to the Weimar Republic in Germany in the 1920s. That would make Soviet victory through convergence coupled with war blackmail a realistic prospect. The risk of war might in any case increase.

The current joke among Soviet bureaucrats in Moscow is said to be that Perestroika will be followed by 'perestrelka' - that is to say, a shootout ending in a blood-bath in the Lenin-Stalin style.....
KGB defector Major Anatoliy Golitsyn, Memoranda to the CIA, January 4, 1988, published in The Perestroika Deception [page 62]

February 2006

We have to look and be critical to all our elected leaders, but most of
all those who are responsible for the safety of our nation. This includes
people responsible for accurate analysis of every threat America is facing
today or in the long run. Everybody should be under scrutiny and everybody must be double checked for a loyalty and competence, for a nation cannot survive if people on a loyal and competent to do the best to defend her.

In regards to such positions of influence and power it has to be taken into
[very serious] consideration, specially when the evils of communism were
not properly punished in the "former" Soviet bloc, that such people who are responsible for America's safety, which includes their proper analysis of threats that this nation is facing, are people group cannot be bought or otherwise compromised and recruited by the enemy.

This also includes people who have already failed in such task.....

The Sejna "affair" - Rice's serious disinformation

In her 1984 book The Soviet Union and Czechoslovak Army [1948-1983]
, the present U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice brought up also the question of Czechoslovakia general Jan Sejna.

Firstly we have to understand the timing of her book and the circumstances
of the chapter "The Sejna Affair and the demand for reevaluation of the
party-military system" [page 111].

It is important to know that general Sejna published his own book
We Will Bury You already in 1982.

Based on this fact and the timing of both publications [Sejna, Rice], it cannot escape our notice that Condoleezza Rice in her book completely disregards the enormous significance of general Sejna's expertise and the extreme importance of his firsthand knowledge of the Soviet system, of the Soviet communist long-range plan and its enormous significance for America's national security in the years to come.

Based on Rice's associations with various pro-communist and pro-detente
[with the Soviet Union] people, and based on her "lack of understanding"
of the simple and essential fact that communists cannot be trusted, she is
not fit to serve as America's national security expert nor as the U.S.
Secretary of State.

The significance of Rice's "expertise" in case of Soviet and Russian communist deception, long-term Soviet [Russian] policy, her disregard for genuine defectors from communism as Jan Sejna, Anatoliy Golitsyn, Ion Mihai Pacepa and others, her promotion of America's good relationship with our Russian "strategic allies", it all shows that the future of America's survival as a free society is in the wrong hands and therefore endangered, and that people like Condoleezza Rice [and many others - Clinton administration etc.] cannot and must not be entrusted with America's national security.

Quote from Sejna's book cover:
Jan Sejna, former Chief of Staff to the Minister of Defense in Czechoslovakia and Assistant [deputy] Secretary to the top secret Czech [Czechoslovak] Defense Council, a position of enormous power, is the highest ranking Communist ever to defect.
[...] what makes this book truly remarkable is that Sejna had access to a detailed Soviet plan to subvert the West, country by country.

Sejna defected in February 1968:

"In the years since I left Prague the Plan will have changed in detail, because each section is subject to constant revision to take into account the new factors introduced by changes in the world's political forces. Despite these variations I know that the essence
of the Plan will be unchanged.....however flexible and pragmatic Soviet policy appears, it is essentially directed towards the achievements of the Plan's objectives - objectives which have been, are and will remain utterly inimical to and subversive of
the freedoms enjoyed by the states of the Western world....."
Rice wrote in her book on page 111 the following:
The political crisis of 1968 led to an extraordinary transformation
of the Czechoslovakia communist system. The relationship of the Communist party to the society was thoroughly and unreservedly examined and every aspect of Czechoslovak life was affected.
During the period there was tremendous emphasis on freedom
of expression and upon the proper form of communist rule. Remarkably the military was not immune.
The military's participation in the liberalization was demanded by its domestic constituency, but the military stood isolated from the national revival by the character and nature of its ties to the Soviet Union. [1]
This above in itself is absolutely false analysis of the situation in Czechoslovakia during that period of 1968. First of all, there can be no freedom while the communists are still in power. Secondly, there's simply no way that the "domestic constituency", as Rice wants to imply, inside any communist country, can ever demand anything. Those who dare try to do so are dealt with most severely by the communists secret services and subsequent communist "justice".....

Rice continues to mislead the reader into thinking that communism is "somehow" able to reform itself. Such possibility is simply out of question,
it cannot happen - ever. The criminal background and foundation, on which communism was and still is built upon, simply doesn't allow any genuine reforms - period !

And now comes the "analysis" :
The catalyst for the military's involvement in the reform was negative one: a rumored attempt to interject the military into the January[1968] deliberations of the KSC [Communist Party of Czechoslovakia] Central Committee. Allegedly, a conservative group of military officers attempted to lend support to Novotny's wing of the party. [2]

A powerful politician, Maj. Gen. Jan Sejna, party-military security chief and chairman of the party collective in the Ministry of Defense, intended to use the military in support of the conservative cause.[3]
[...] "maneuvers" took place in which units assumed positions threatening an assault on Prague. The action was taken too late, however. Novotny has already been removed. In February, it was reported that Sejna had been accused of embezzling funds and had fled the country. He applied for and received asylum in the United States.
As it is explained by general Sejna, the Soviets were in the future planning
to turn Czechoslovakia into one of the Soviet republics. Czechoslovakia's sovereignty and national heritage as a nation was threatened. What is fascinating about the book of Condoleezza Rice, is the fact that she completely fails to understand, or doesn't want the readers to understand, that Russian mentality never allows any superiority to a non Russian thinking or national interest.

Rice continues with her "true analysis" 112-113:
Sejna himself denies that a coup was planned and such a plan has never been conclusively proven. Nor is it clear whether the army was being mobilized to take action or just the bring psychological pressure on the anti-Novotny wing.
On February 23, that then chief of the army political headquarters and later MPA chief Egyd Pepich, revealed that the army had tried to interfere in party affairs.... [4]

Later,the new minister of defense Martin Dzur, cited an "underestimation of the human error factor in failing to monitor the activities of conservative functionaries in the armed forces. There where.....serious signals indicating that the armed forces might be misused. is paralyzed the armed forces command in the critical period [January 1968]."
Again, Rice believes communist sources "of truth" rather than a genuine defector, general Jan Sejna, who provided extremely important information about the Soviet bloc. What is also remarkable is the fact that Rice completely fails to detect that the Russian communists after Sejna's defection were no doubt to implement an all out strategy to discredit Sejna's reputation, so he wouldn't be trusted in the West.

Rice even mentions the visit of Soviet official Gen. I. I. Iakubovskiy in Prague
3 days after Sejna's defection - and Rice doesn't bother to explain to the readers that Russians were in fact reacting to such high level breach of security and came up with plans to discredit Sejna, in the Czech press etc. and abroad.....

Rice in fact echoes these Soviet statements "of truth" in her book - again without explaining to the readers that communists cannot be trusted, and that when one of their own [Sejna], who knows about their Plan first hand, escapes and starts talking to the enemy [U.S. Government], they must discredit him before his expertise is taken seriously and proper measures are implemented by the Americans to counter the Soviet long-term strategy against the free world !!! [5]

Rice simply blames Sejna for slowing down the democratization process
in a fully controlled Soviet bloc country Czechoslovakia !!! And such people are today allowed to "explain to Americans" the geopolitical situation in the World !
Page 113:
In light of this evidence, Sejna's denial of the coup episode must be called into question. This is especially true, since his story is based upon claims that he was a member of the Dubcek forces.
The episode caused quite a furor and the Sejna affair became a cause celebre for liberal forces. Anyone suspected of association with Sejna was severely criticized.

The importance of the Sejna affair lies not in the event itself but in its role in the military's awakening.....
The episode was a clear example of the potential misuse of a power instrument, and some within the party suddenly confronted the specter of military pressures or, at worst, military solutions to political problems. The use of the military by one party faction against another was well outside the rules of communist politics.

Here, the mechanism of political infiltration, designed to guard against Bonapartism, backfired. The professional officers had not betrayed the military's isolation from politics, but rather a politician within the military establishment had.
The "coup" was headed by the consummate politician who had never held a military command and who had been promoted
to the rank of general because of political connections.
And here comes another "expert opinion":
The isolation of the conservatives in the armed forces was connected to the rise of the Dubcek wing of the party. Dubcek's refusal to deal the fatal blow and remove all conservatives in the party was mirrored in the armed forces. But appointees to key positions were moderate and apparently serious about reform of the armed forces.
In any case, the Sejna affair created an environment in which the leaders had no choice.....
It is absolutely clear that in her "expertise" Rice continues to smear general Sejna as somebody "without military knowledge", who "had no business"
to be in the military in the first place. This campaign against Sejna, even its today implication and significance, only serves the enemies of America - Russian "former" communists.

Moreover, it is clear that Rice blames Sejna for his "role in slowing down the 1968 Dubcek's democratization process"......

Such an outrageous claim lacks any substantial logic, true understanding
of communist deception and any real knowledge of the communist system itself. To my understanding of Rice's recent deeds [6] it is not, and cannot be,
a coincidence......

What is Sejna's true expertise ?

Condoleezza Rice has never stated in any of her recent or past publications
and public appearances, that there should be concerns about Russia's continuous military buildup, armament of America's enemies and Russia's cooperation with various Muslim states, which the "former" Soviet communists have secretly controlled for long years, in developing and producing "their" weapons of mass destruction.

Rice, by no coincidence, completely fails to take into consideration
that the long-term design of Russia, the true and logical facts regarding
the "anti-communist revolutions" in Eastern Europe and Russian KGB involvement in preparations, carrying out thereof, and subsequent control
of these countries by Moscow cadres, all these facts should warn the American leadership and persuade these people in charge not to do any
kind of business, nor to have any kind of diplomatic governmental ties,
or any doing whatsoever with these "former" Russian and Eastern European communists, and of course also China.

As the self-proclaimed expert on Soviet Union and Russia, Rice "fails to understand" even the most simplest questions surrounding communism
- can it ever reform itself without a genuine struggle ?

The obvious answer to this question is NO [!!!] - communism cannot reform itself, it is not willing to do so in the first place, never have and never will,
and therefore communists cannot and must not be trusted.

It is of no surprise that Rice in her book doesn't even mention the name
of Anatoliy Golitsyn. But let us look at what Jan Sejna is saying:
page 101
One of the basic problems of the West is its frequent failure to recognize the existence of any Soviets grand design at all.
Those rejecting this concept unwittingly serve Soviet efforts to conceal their objectives and further complicate the process of determining such objectives.
page 104
The blueprint for this plan was first debated at the Warsaw Pact meeting in Moscow in October 1966.

page 106
According to Soviet estimates post-war isolation of the Warsaw
Pact resulting from Stalin's policies had been modified during Phase One [of the Plan]. Khrushchev's de-Stalinization policy had opened a gateway to the West; his achievement had been to persuade the West that the Pact was prepared to replace military rivalry by economic competition.

In Phase Two, the main strategic objectives were to promote disunity in the West and accelerate the social fragmentation
of the Capitalist countries. In Europe, we must try to exaggerate fears over a renascent Germany and play upon French nationalism in order to detach France from NATO. We planned to use our penetration of the European Social Democratic Parties to weaken their ties with the United States and strengthen their will for an accommodation with the Warsaw Pact.
We also intended to exploit anti-Americanism in Europe in order
to weaken America's commitment to its defense. Inside the United States we would encourage isolationism and stir up internal disorder, focusing the attacks of the radical movement over there on the military and the industrial establishments as barriers to peace.
In the Middle East we were to encourage Arab nationalism,
urge the nationalization of oil, and work for the overthrow of Arab monarchies and their replacement by 'progressive' governments.
From about 1977, according to our forecasts in the Plan, the new Middle East regimes would respond to our strategy and, through their oil, give us the ability to deliver the paralyzing blow to Capitalism.
Sejna was smear-campaigned by the Russians from the day one of his defection. It is no wonder why. What bothers me the most is that Sejna's knowledge and expertise was totally disregarded by the U.S. government, and people like Condoleezza Rice, the "expert on Soviet Union and Russia" were promoted to positions of political and national security influence of America's government.
Sejna continues in his book:
pages 107-108
The main strategic purpose of Phase Three, "The Period of
Dynamic Social Change", was, in the words of the Soviet directive,
"to smash the hope of false democracy" and bring about the total demoralization of the West. Our relationship with the
United States would be the vital element in this Phase.
Thisalso means that various agents of influence are needed protect
the Soviets fraud perestroika and to prevent the west to find out the
true nature of communism and it's long-term designs. Can we simply
disregard the enormous possibility that people as Condoleezza Rice etc.
are not such agents of Moscow ?
Sejna continues:
By fostering belief in our policy of friendship and cooperation with America, we planned to receive the greatest possible economic and technological help from the West, and at the same time convinced the capitalist countries that they had no need of military alliances.
Under the Plan, we Czechs were to concentrate our efforts on those countries with which we had enjoyed close ties before the Second World War. We were to penetrate the Social Democrats in Germany, Austria, Belgium and Scandinavia, and we launched disinformation operations, especially in France.

We were to continue in enlisting and training recruits from Latin America and the British Commonwealth to overthrow their the Middle East we had special responsibility for penetration and espionage in Syria, Kuwait, Iraq and Algeria. It was also our job to ensure that in the event of war the oil pipelines in those countries were destroyed. [7]
Again, consider the complete lack of expertise of C. Rice and of the many other "experts" in the U.S. Intelligence circles - Sejna defected in 1968, and these people inside the U.S. government instead signed the treaty with Soviet communists - a treaty that will never bring America more national security
and long-term economic progress, but will only enable the Russian [and Chinese] communists to achieve their long-term goals.....victory of communism around the World.
Sejna continues:
The Fourth and final Phase of the Plan looked forward to the dawn of "Global Democratic Peace". At the start of Phase Four the U.S. would be isolated from both Europe and the developing countries.

We would therefore undermine it by the use of external economic weapons, and so create the social and economic conditions for progressive forces to emerge inside the country.....

In this Phase, the Plan envisaged a resurgence of the arms race, leading to the eventual military superiority of the Warsaw Pact, which the United States would accept.....

This analysis is intended to open eyes of people who still remain in dark
and don't fully understand, if at all, that communism is a deadly poison
for any society which values Christian principles and freedom of man.

There is much more information available, and this website will continue to bring it forward, but it is up to our elected leaders and America's military, intelligence and counter-intelligence experts, to recognize the real threats of communism, today so carefully and so far successfully hidden in the "friendly face" of Russia, Eastern Europe, and to some extent China, and to make necessary preparations for the long overdue face-off with communism.

There is simply no other way to deal with communist threats except to face them and to deal with them directly. The Rice's and her alike "diplomatic approach" [not coincidental] towards Russia and her communist allies,
must be reversed, reassessed and America must prepare the faced the enemy.

Without accepting that there could be serious traitors embedded within the American national security establishment, America cannot go forward with such a task.

The time is simply running out.....our enemies know it.

God Bless those who are willing to listen ....

[1] General Sejna remarked on page 113 of his book:
I have often been asked what Dubcek thought of the [Soviet long range] Plan, but I am not sure if he even knew about it. he was not then a member of the Military Committee of the Central Committee [of the CPCZ], where we used to discuss it. In any case, at the time the Plan was introduced, Dubcek, as a protégé of Brezhnev, never deviated from the Soviet line.....
As the leader of Czechoslovakia, Alexander Dubcek was responsible for the "communist reforms" of the Prague Spring. It is truly remarkable that Rice would accept this clear Soviet deception that Dubcek's "reforms" were genuine. It is also extremely important to mention that it was the "communist reformer" Dubcek who,
at the same time when "his reforms" were underway in Czechoslovakia, he ordered the Czechoslovak espionage STB in summer of 1968 to organize political communist coup in Ghana in Western Africa. This shows clearly that these "human face reforms of communism" cannot be taken as genuine nor accepted as true.

[2]Novotny was the Communist Party General Secretary before Dubcek and was considered somewhat hard liner. Rice is using the term "conservative" which in this sense means communists conservative - that is one standing for their principles of communism. As it will be shown, by this again misleading statement Rice is trying also to paint general Jan Sejna as "conservative communist".....that is a hardliner.

[3]The 1968 "Prague Spring democratization" of Soviet asset Dubcek "started" by the removal of Novotny from power. Jan Sejna explains in his book about the period, before his defection on February 25, 1968:
Obviously a very dangerous situation was developing. I decided I must talk to Dubcek and warn him.....I wanted to warn Dubcek about Soviet intentions [ed. note - to intervene in Czechoslovakia militarily, and to promote into leadership positions, in the Party and in the military fully pro-Soviet cadres, including for example the Soviet protégé and Slovakian former NAZI Martin Dzur as the new Minister of Defense
- Rice is using Dzur as one of her "sources"]....

.... I sent a personal letter to Dubcek's office, asking for an interview, and indicating I wanted to discuss Soviet thinking towards him and our country. I had no reply. Meanwhile it became obvious that the Russians were suspicious of me.....

The tragedy of the Dubcek's administration....was that they had no understanding of the Russians. Ten days before I defected I had lunch with Kriegel and Boruvka [from the Dubcek's administration - ed. note].

They spoke enthusiastically of reforming both the Party and Parliament, opening the political system to a new Social Democratic Party, introducing competition into the economy, and making new approaches towards the West. I warned them that the Soviet Marshals would pay any price to stop them because of Czechoslovakia's strategic position and Moscow's refusal to countenance any ideological nonconformity within the Eastern bloc.... [I told them] "You've been out of the world too long! For the Soviet Marshals there's no difference between 1956 and 1968...!"
[4] GeneralSejna described the situation himself .... and quite differently:
page 189:
That morning [Saturday, February 24 1968 - one day before Sejna's defection - ed. note], I went as usual to my office, where I found my secretary awaiting me with a copy of Obrana Lidu [Defense of the People], the official military newspaper. There, on the front page,
was an article by general Pepich, who had recently replaced my old friend Prchlik as Chief of the Main Political Administration [MPA].
...what caught my eye was the allegation that my Party Committee had weaken the fighting spirit and capacity of the armed forces.

This amounted to a charge of treason.

I immediately ran up two flights of stairs and burst into Pepich's office, where I dropped the newspaper on his desk.
"What the hell are you up to?" I shouted.

Pepich, who was a time-serving rascal, stuttered incoherently that
I had not been named in the article, which was directed against my committee.

"You well know," I replied angrily, "that I am responsible for the committee. You've virtually accused me of sabotage !"

He recovered his composure quickly.
"The Party demands to know," he said quietly, "all about your intrigues against the present leadership. And you needn't hope that Prchlik will protect you from investigation, because he'll soon be struck down himself."

"By what right do you claim to speak for the Party ?" I demanded.
"The Party will be just as interested in the conspiracy by yourself
and the rest of Kalder's clique against a leadership."

[Kalder was a Soviet supported party apparatchik - ed. note].
From just reading the rest it is absolutely clear that the Soviets were trying to falsely implicate General Sejna on charges of high treason and to get rid of him.
Rice is only doing the job of the communists and continues to promote their propaganda - which is being seen over and over.

[5]Rice's comments deserve more attention:
page 145-146
As we have noted, the first stages of the Czechoslovak military liberalization were in direct response to the Sejna affair. The initial flurry of activity in February and March drew no comment from the Soviet leadership. The only public response was a delayed denial that
the Soviet Union had aided Sejna's escape.

Three days after Sejna's defection, however, General I. I. Iakubovskiy, commander in chief of the Warsaw Pact, arrived in Prague for discussions with Dubcek, Novotny, Lenart, and Lomsky [ed. note- then minister of defense, shortly after Sejna's defection replaced by Martin Dzur - and of course Rice doesn't find any parallel in it......].
Iakubovskiy remained the Soviet's liaison with the Czechoslovak military throughout the crisis.....
It is important to notice that the Russians immediately began their
campaign against Sejna - by spreading disinformation that it was the Russians themselves who helped Sejna escape.

This way the reverse psychology works wonderfully, because people will start to question Sejna's credibility immediately - which only serves the Soviet purpose of discrediting him before he can start talking. Rice doesn't even bother the put the "honest word" of the Russian communist criminals into question....

[6] Somerecent 'achievements" of Condoleezza Rice:

The case of Condoleezza Rice - biographical details

The Chinese military spy and Condoleezza Rice

The folly in Gaza - Condoleezza Rice

Rice blocked U.S. attack on Syria

Condoleezza Rice briefs on Bush-Putin meeting

These are again only confirmations of what has been already published by this website in our analysis. The FBI should start investigating immediately !!!

[7] It is obvious, again and again, that the failure of America's national security experts in detecting such long-term Communist policies of the Soviet Union, are not coincidental. Sejna's credentials and his direct knowledge of the long-term plans
of the Soviet bloc were thoroughly disregarded and systematically brushed aside as nonsense by these very same people.

Meanwhile the Russian "former" communists have all doors open to conduct their anti-American campaign to the fullest extent - which includes most of all Russian and Chinese nuclear assault on America. Russians are in firm control of the "Islamic terrorist networks".....

One of the main reasons why the 1984 book of Condoleezza Rice is today out of print is that her failed "Sovietologist expertise" wouldn't be noticeable......agents
of influence must remain hidden until the full implementation of the anti-American communist policy of the Soviet bloc is achieved ..... such conduct is still called treason.....