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Thread: Will a Leftist Takeover of the Military Precede a Leftist Military Takeover?

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    Default Will a Leftist Takeover of the Military Precede a Leftist Military Takeover?

    Will a Leftist Takeover of the Military Precede a Leftist Military Takeover? | Print | E-mail
    Written by Selwyn Duke
    Friday, 31 December 2010 18:00

    When Roman leader Julius Caesar became “dictator for life” in 44 B.C., he had an asset all aspiring despots need: the military’s loyalty. For without boots on the ground, a totalitarian nightmare remains nothing more than an ambitious villain’s dream.

    This occurs to me when I ponder the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and the overall transformation of our military.

    Now, I must mention something here: I’ve never been much of a conspiracy theorist. Frankly, I subscribe to the maxim, “Never attribute to malice what is better explained by stupidity.” I don’t for a second believe that most of the boots on the cultural ground — the lust-blinded homosexual activists and ne’er-do-well civil-rights hustlers — have ambitions beyond their horse-blinders agenda. Nor do I think that our rather dull Senators, such as mind-frozen Mainers Susan Collins and Olympia Snow, never gay Golden Staters Babs Boxer (sorry, ma’am, but it just seems fitting) and Diane Crimestein, and the provisionally pious Joe Lieberman, want to relinquish power to a potentate. That’s why we have the term “useful idiots.” But something does occur to me, something you may call a fantasy — or a nightmare. And I don’t say it’s likely or that it isn’t; just view the following as my thinking out loud.

    Let’s say you were a leftist bent on orchestrating a takeover of the United States. I’m talking about someone with the mindset of Obama ally Bill Ayers, who once said that to cement a domestic communist revolution they might have to kill 25 million capitalists.

    Now, every informed person knows that leftists aren’t very popular in the military; our armed forces are a bastion of traditionalism, supporting Republicans and exhibiting Christian piety to a disproportionate degree. Given this, if a leftist had aspirations of becoming the first American dictator, it seems likely that the military (or at least elements thereof) wouldn’t back him. That is, unless he could transform the military.

    How would you eliminate traditionalism from the armed forces?

    Obviously, by instituting its opposite: politically correct social engineering. You could perhaps start by enlisting more women and then making them part of combat units, and you could make military academies co-ed. Also be sure to have women serving aboard naval vessels, which will result in a sky-high pregnancy rate.

    You then could cater to the increasingly feminized atmosphere by issuing “stress cards” to trainees, who could produce them in boot camp if they felt a drill sergeant was being, you know, a real meanie. And you could bring in a psychologist nicknamed “Dr. Happy” to teach “resiliency classes.” Next, it helps if you start promoting members through the ranks based partially on a quota system. And don’t forget the requisite sensitivity training, classes in how to prevent things such as stereotyping and racial profiling.

    Also, it’s important to promote pliant, boot-licking lackeys such as Admiral Mike Mullen to positions of power. Then, once this is accomplished (and I know I’ve missed a few steps, programs and policies), you can dumb down the prohibition against homosexuals to a “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy and later on, finally, allow them to serve openly. Of course, all this will do nothing to solve the military’s manpower problem, but it may solve its manly-power problem. It will start to bleed good men.

    And while conspiracists will say it’s by design, politics wonks will chalk it up to ideology and straight talkers will call it stupidity, that argument is secondary. Whether you contracted a deadly disease by accident or were purposely infected won’t change the fact that if you don’t cure it, you will die. And the point is that everything outlined in the above paragraph has already happened.

    And the process continues.

    And good men are leaving the service. Most of us have heard the stories, too. Just consider this posting under an American Thinker blog piece about the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”: “I no longer take pride in being a soldier. I will ETS as soon as my contract is up. To hell with this country now, [sic] I'm done fighting for it.” Or consider a couple of posts left under an August 18, 2009 Fox News piece about “Dr. Happy.” One serviceman wrote:

    I about fell out when I heard about ‘stress cards’ in boot camp…. What idiot came up with those stress cards?

    Do they think the Taliban or Abu Sayyaf will stop shooting at you because you show them a little pink card with Hello Kitty on it that reads, ‘Please stop shooting at me. It lowers my self esteem’?... I don't know if I want to reenlist now or not.

    And after complaining about spending several days a month in mandatory classes designed to combat things such as stereotyping and “racial profiling,” one ex-soldier wrote, “We only went to the firing range once during the last year I was in the Army, but we watched a ton of prevention presentations in air-conditioned auditoriums.”

    The fact is that the kind of warriors you want in the military appreciate a robust, masculine, almost Spartan environment and are deterred by a feminized, namby-pamby, Dr. Happy approach. And good men did in fact leave because of Bill Clinton. Good men left because of social engineering. And more good men are leaving because of Barack Obama.

    Of course, there are still plenty of good men left in the military. It is still a relative bastion of traditionalism. And it is still, most would say, far-fetched to believe that Obama might be laying the groundwork for a future dictatorship. As I said, I’m just thinking out loud.

    But this is undoubtedly true: As in ancient Rome, civilizations do tend to transition from democracy to tyranny. It’s also true that this transition occurs when the people become sufficiently corrupt. And what is the state of modern America? It is such that her people elected a man who, in saner times, would have been investigated by the House Committee on Un-American Activities. And this is not hyperbole. Remember that Barack Obama was raised by unreconstructed leftists, mentored by communist Frank Marshall Davis and gravitated toward Marxist professors in college. We also now know about John Drew, a contemporary of Obama’s at Occidental College who used to be a communist himself. He would discuss the Red faith with Obama and verifies that The One was “in 100 percent, total agreement” with his communist professors and was a flat-out “Marxist-Leninist” who believed in old-style communist revolution.

    Now, there’s something else I can say about that transition to tyranny. To state the obvious, communist revolution is certainly some degree closer when communists actually start appearing in government. Of course, Obama’s college days are almost 30 past, so he might have hoped and changed, right? Perhaps. But, if a man is known by the company he keeps, note that Obama not only allied himself with Bill Ayers (what’s 25 million “corpsemen” between friends?) but also appointed avowed communist Van Jones and Anita Dunn — who cited Mao Tse-tung as one of her two favorite philosophers — to positions in his administration. And this doesn’t even take into consideration the de facto communists in his employ, people such as Valerie Jarrett, and John Holdren of Chinese-style forced-abortion fame.

    Admittedly, it does sound like the stuff of late-night radio talk shows to say that Obama aims to remake the military in his own image so he can be a third-millennium Caesar.

    But his history certainly is enough to make one think out loud. And history is our only guide. Because whatever Barack Obama’s passions may be, the media won’t ask, and he won’t tell.

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    Default Re: Will a Leftist Takeover of the Military Precede a Leftist Military Takeover?

    U.S. Military in Danger of Leftist Takeover

    By Gina Miller on December 21st, 2010

    You may recall back during the presidential campaign of ‘08, Barack Obama was giving a speech in Colorado Springs when he said the following cryptic words,
    “We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”
    Ever since that speech hit conservative news outlets, writers and commentators have been puzzling over what the heck Obama meant by it. I believe I have a clue.

    Over the weekend (naturally on a weekend, or at night, as usual for the night crawlers in Congress) the Senate, against all sanity, put another nail in the coffin of America’s national security by voting to force open homosexuality on our military. What a wretched and foolish thing to do to our troops, and especially during war time! We can push for the incoming Republicans to work toward putting the door back on that despicable closet and reinstating the ban, but it would likely take Obama getting kicked out of the White House before it could be done without a veto.

    We know the left despises our military.

    They despise pretty much everything that America represents and that Americans hold dear–like God, family, truth, freedom and guns—oh, yes—guns. The left has worked against our military for many years and has infiltrated it to the highest levels. Just look at top guys like Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen, who came out saying that allowing open homosexuality in the military would be just peachy! Look at that bogus “survey” the Pentagon did that supposedly “determined” a large majority of our troops had no problem at all with homosexuals wearing the badge of their perversion on their foreheads within the military.

    Look at how the left has been persecuting our men for doing their jobs.

    When a terrorist gets killed in a war zone, our men are brought up on murder charges! It’s preposterous! These Muslim terrorists behave worse than mindless, vicious animals, yet the powers that be treat them like garden variety purse snatchers who are entitled to be Mirandized and given all the rights that belong to American citizens, not foreign enemy combatants.

    All these things are gradually building toward one outcome: the destruction of our armed forces as they exist and the replacement of America-loving troops and leadership with leftist goons. This latest affront to our troops, the forcing of open homosexuality on our military, is one more step toward that destructive goal, which brings me back to my original point. What does Obama’s mysterious “civilian national security force” have to do with all this? What is just as strong, just as well-funded, and just as powerful as the United States military?

    Why, the United States military, of course.

    The communist enemies within our government and military mean to take over our military. You think it can’t happen here? You’d better think again.

    Leftists are well on their way to that end. They’ve been working steadily toward this goal for years. They do things gradually, bit by bit, because they know most Americans would never allow the left’s hellish, degenerate, America-killing agenda to proceed. This is not something that will happen tomorrow, but it’s the end result of their twisted social engineering—to transform our marvelous military into their own force for anti-American, police state evil.

    The homosexuals are nothing more than useful idiots for the communist Democrats who are out to commandeer our armed forces, just as the homosexuals among the leadership of the SA storm troopers (the Brownshirts) were also useful idiots for Hitler until they outlived their usefulness to der Führer. Their homosexuality was later used as a partial excuse to execute them.

    The left certainly knows that the admission of open homosexuals to the military will drive out many God-fearing, America-loving patriots, who will leave the military rather than watch it rot from within by this invasion of homosexual degeneracy from the left, not to mention the suicidal rules of engagement imposed on our troops, plus the threat of being prosecuted for murder when you actually kill the enemy! All these things are by design of the left, but understand, that also includes some in the Republican leadership. Remember that our men were being prosecuted when President Bush was still in office.

    I’m certain some of you believe this is the most far-fetched thing you’ve ever heard, but would you have believed 20 years ago that our government would take over car companies and banks and force socialized medicine on America, completely against our will? Would you have believed we would have a Congress so utterly out of control as to spit in the face of the American people and regard the Constitution as nothing more than antique toilet paper, as they use mafia-type thug tactics to ram through one unconstitutional piece of legislation after another? Why is it inconceivable that these same America-hating communist Democrats would seek to tear down our military and remake it in their own diabolical image?

    You may say that’s not a “civilian” national security force, because it’s the military. That’s an easy problem for them to fix. By the time they purge the armed forces of the patriotic Americans who are against their evil freedom-robbing agenda and replace those people with their minions who will toe the party line, the rest is window dressing. They can call it whatever they want. Unless they are stopped, they will do as they desire.

    Do you think the Republicans will stop them? Look at the Republican turncoats who voted to allow open homosexuality in the military! The dirty rats! It appears some Republicans are even in favor of the insane Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) with Russia! The Wall Street Journal reports that Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer said that Mississippi’s own Republican Senator Thad Cochran has offered his support for START, as well. I called Sen. Cochran’s office, and the girl who answered told me that he has not yet stated his position. Why the heck not?! His office is apparently getting swamped with angry voters, because she said, “I don’t know where all this is coming from.” I told her it’s coming from the Wall Street Journal, that it was Schumer who said Cochran is on board with START. She got pretty quiet at that point.

    We are in a precarious place in our country where we’ve never been before. This is not the business-as-usual of the past. I’m not saying these things about our military to be sensational, but to offer a warning to those many America-loving patriots in our armed forces who are the only ones, with God’s help, who can stop the politically correct leftist onslaught of the military. The left has invaded every other area of power in our country, so what makes the military immune from the communist claws of the left? Nothing.

    We can’t stop them on our own. Without God helping us to thwart the evil plans of those on the communist left, there’s not much hope of stopping their vile agenda for our country. Groups like the Tea Party are important, but this is about much more than just materialistic fiscal policies. The moral foundation of our nation is rotten; the supports are crumbling away under decades of leftist termite infestation, and without a return to godly, moral principles in the hearts of Americans and those running our institutions, our whole country, including our military, will continue its relentless slide into the bottomless pit where darkness abounds and freedom does not exist.

    May God save America.

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    Default Re: Will a Leftist Takeover of the Military Precede a Leftist Military Takeover?

    Companion Threads:

    Soldiers asked to disarm during Leon Panetta speech in Afghanistan

    US soldiers were asked to disarm during a speech by Leon Panetta, the American defence secretary, in a sign of grown concern over spates of seemingly random violence in Afghanistan.

    A large security detail surrounds Leon Panetta during his visit to Afghanistan. Nato's forces have been seeking to step up the vetting of the thousands of Afghans who work on military bases Photo: GETTY

    By Raf Sanchez, Washington

    9:06PM GMT 14 Mar 2012

    Less than a week after a US staff sergeant allegedly massacred 16 civilians in Kandahar, American soldiers were banned from bringing guns into a talk by Mr Panetta at a base in Helmand province.

    Around 200 troops who had gathered in a tent at Camp Leatherneck were told "something had come to light" and asked abruptly to file outside and lay down their automatic rifles and 9mm pistols.

    "Somebody got itchy, that's all I've got to say. Somebody got itchy – we just adjust," said the sergeant who was told to clear the hall of weapons.

    Major General Mark Gurganus later said he gave the order because Afghan troops attending the talk were unarmed and he wanted the policy to be consistent for all.

    "You've got one of the most important people in the world in the room," he told the New York Times, insisting that the decision was unrelated to Sunday's killings. "This is not a big deal."

    Related Articles

    However, US troops often remain armed even when their Afghan colleagues have been asked to lay down their weapons and the incident is believed to be the first time they were stripped of guns during an address by their own secretary of defence.

    The Ministry of Defence was unable to confirm reports that a small number of British troops had also been asked to put down their weapons.

    Mr Panetta told the troops that the massacre of civilians and the resulting Afghan fury would not affect plans to keep US troops in the country until the end of 2014.

    "We will be challenged by our enemies, we will be challenged by ourselves, we will be challenged by the hell of war itself," he said.

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    Default Re: Will a Leftist Takeover of the Military Precede a Leftist Military Takeover?

    Disarmed Marines: A New Low in Obama’s Afghan Appeasement

    It's been reported that a car bomb exploded when Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta landed in Afghanistan earlier today, but no one was injured except the man who was driving the car when it burst into flames. In other news, an even bigger bomb was dropped on our Marines when they were ordered to disarm before entering a building in Afghanistan to hear Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta give a speech.

    That’s right: our Marines, who are in a combat zone, were ordered to stack their M-4 rifles over here and their 9mm handguns over there before listening to Panetta ramble on about this and that (I don’t remember Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld ordering our Marines to be disarmed in his presence, even once).

    Although the Obama administration has tried to spin this and make it look like an admittedly unusual yet valid request, the man who carried out the order to disarm the Marines, Maj. Gen. Mark Gurganus, gave some insight into the reason behind this order which even MSNBC commentators labeled "unprecedented." We didn’t want unarmed Afghans who attended the speech to feel out of place.

    Gurganus said the “reason to disarm was that the Afghan soldiers in attendance were unarmed and he did not want them treated differently than the Marines.” My guess is that Gurganus’s explanation, as sickening as it is, is still only half the truth. The whole truth probably includes another effort to apologize to Karzai and others for the American soldier who killed 16 Afghans over the weekend.

    In their continuous campaign to prostrate the United States before Hamid Karzai and the violent Islamic extremists of Afghanistan, President Obama and Secretary Panetta have signified that the United States government deems U.S. soldiers--Marines, no less--just as dangerous to American lives as Afghan soldiers with a record of killing coalition troops.

    Because of one American soldier who snapped, due either to his traumatic brain injury or the stress of warfare, our Departments of Defense/State are treating U.S. troops as though they're just as untrustworthy as the Afghan trainees who also attended Panetta’s speech.

    Compared to this one troubled individual, the Afghan trainees as a whole have clearly been infiltrated by insurgents, as at least 76 coalition troops have been murdered by Afghan soldiers in recent months. That fact notwithstanding, our glorious Marines were ordered to sit unarmed in the building next to them and listen to Panetta talk.

    Today, the Obama Administration's worldwide apology tour hit a new low.

    Marines were forced to disarm themselves inside a combat zone, seemingly to placate a foreign government which uses grievance mongering to excuse murders by its own citizens. With such a high-profile example of distrust and disrespect shown to our troops by their own commanders, what incentive do the people of Afghanistan have to treat them any differently?

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    Default Re: Will a Leftist Takeover of the Military Precede a Leftist Military Takeover?

    Wow take a couple days off and the shit hits the fan.

    Thanks for the update Peterle.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Will a Leftist Takeover of the Military Precede a Leftist Military Takeover?

    So.... as I've stated before, right now the military will "follow legal orders" but most people in the military (and by "most" I mean a MAJORITY) are not "Leftists"... they certainly do not consider themselves to be "Leftists".

    By the same token there are a hell of a lot of Liberals, there are people who believe "Civilians shouldn't have guns" (I used to work for one who was extremely outspoken about it, and though she outranked me, we had our moments of discussion... and my troops backed ME up).

    So - can the current guy "take over"? Not through the use of the military. Will the military oppose him? Maybe. Remember he has been appointing a lot of officers lately. In my dealings with the locals here in CO, and my wife dealing with cadets at the Academy, there is an overwhelming support in that age group for the current occupant of the White House. They are the next "Young Lieutenants" too - meaning "Tomorrow's Captains, Majors and Colonels".

    That's still perhaps a decade away for most of them though. Unless another "War" puts them in charge by sheer loss of forces.

    So right now, I doubt the military will DO anything, either way.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Will a Leftist Takeover of the Military Precede a Leftist Military Takeover?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Donaldson View Post
    Unless another "War" puts them in charge by sheer loss of forces.
    They will never let a crisis go to waist.

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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    Default Re: Will a Leftist Takeover of the Military Precede a Leftist Military Takeover?

    "Waste" - not waist (well, if we're talking about Michelle here, you might be right with "waist" lol) but you're correct.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    Default Re: Will a Leftist Takeover of the Military Precede a Leftist Military Takeover?

    And won't eat cheese burgers.... Did you see the video of her giving crap to the Gold Medal Winner?
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Will a Leftist Takeover of the Military Precede a Leftist Military Takeover?

    For most people, it's just called walking but when a Wookee in search of doughnuts is slapping it's tremendous foot pads against the gym floor, it could clearly be called hitting.
    Last edited by Malsua; August 22nd, 2012 at 16:17.
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    Default Re: Will a Leftist Takeover of the Military Precede a Leftist Military Takeover?

    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Will a Leftist Takeover of the Military Precede a Leftist Military Takeover?

    Glamour, Vector? Just saying...

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    Default Re: Will a Leftist Takeover of the Military Precede a Leftist Military Takeover?

    Saw a blip on the MSM this morning commenting about Michelle's workout regiment.

    In between meetings I responded to Rick's post here in this thread but he then caught me using waist instead waste...been a real busy day at work.

    I quickly Googled Michelle, Gym and 4:30am and copied the first link to quick post a response, then off to another meeting.

    I really didn't notice where it was from but how it tied into waist.

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    Default Re: Will a Leftist Takeover of the Military Precede a Leftist Military Takeover?


    We read all KINDS of things to get information, Minuteman! LOL
    Libertatem Prius!

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