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Thread: The Basics of Understanding the Islamist Threat

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    Default The Basics of Understanding the Islamist Threat

    This is Islam 101. Quoted below is the best article I have ever seen written as a primer for the western mind to begin to understand the mind of a Muslim. Don't get me wrong, there are outstanding books on this subject, but this is the best quick-read article I know of to prep the western mind on the topic of what this war is about, as well as who and what we are fighting.

    If you can grasp this, and its over-reaching contexts, then you are well on your way to understanding what the war we are currently fighting is all about, and why, for the moment at least, we are only fooling ourselves concerning its outcome.

    First, a few thoughts of my own to prepare you for what will follow.

    Fault can be readily found with every American administration going back to Jimma Carter and Ronald Reagan for the failure to decisively confront the rise of global Islamism. But for now I will focus on the absolute folly of the present time as it is the most critical.

    The Bush Administration has from the beginning - since immediately after 9/11 - insisted that we are fighting a Global War on Terrorism. This Administration has most vociferously denied this is a war between religions (Judeo-Christianity vs. Islam) or a war between the western civilization and the civilization of the Arabs and Islam. On the contrary, it is both, and it is more.

    Number 1.

    A nation cannot wage war against a METHOD. A nation such as America can only successfully wage war against another nation.

    Number 2.

    Terrorism is a method to achieve the desired result of a given political or ideological agenda.

    Number 3.

    Therefore, the Global War On Terrorism is a grand misnomer, and a public deception of what it is we and our progeny and fortunes are going to be actively engaged in for the next several decades or century.

    Number 4.

    Islam is an ideology and a culture disguised as a religion. The agenda of Islam is nothing less than total GLOBAL DOMINATION under an all-powerful, theo-autocratic, dictatorial Islamic Caliphate (Khalifa), a global Islamic State.

    Number 5.

    According to its docrine, the Qur'an, the methods Islam MUST use to achieve this goal are TERRORISM, DISSIMULATIVE RHETORIC, and finally, OPEN WARFARE.

    Number 6.

    These methodologies and tactics are uniquely combined with using our own laws and system of governance against us, with dissimulation (al-Taqiyya) and outright deception utilized to obfuscate the true objectives.

    Alan Caruba
    Thinking Like an Arab
    By Alan Caruba
    Mar 6, 2006

    If it hasn’t occurred to most Americans by now, Arabs don’t think like us. They see the world in very different terms. Rationality, logic, and common sense do not rate high among their priorities.

    Not long ago, I had the opportunity to briefly work with Edward V. Badolato, a retired U.S. Marine Colonel with a distinguished career in government and private enterprise. Col. Badolato is a graduate of the U.S. Naval War College with several tours of duty in the Middle East, beginning in 1967 shortly after the Arab-Israeli Six-Day War. His tours took him to nearly every country in the Middle East. Following his retirement, he served as a Deputy Assistant Secretary of Energy in both the Reagan and Bush administrations (1984-89). As such, he was the principal architect of the government’s readiness and response to terrorist threats to our energy infrastructure.

    In 1980, he wrote a white paper, “Learning to Think like an Arab Muslim: a Short Guide to Understanding the Arab Mentality”. I am going to provide a brief introduction to it. At only 14 pages, it is not a long document, but it succinctly explains why Americans and others in the West are encountering such difficulty understanding why Arab Muslims appear, by our standards, to be completely insane.

    Why, for example, would people who believe they have the one, true religion, not hesitate to blow up mosques and other holy places? Why would they attack weddings and funerals? Why is beheading so popular among terrorists? Why would a few cartoons set off rioting and killing? And what does all this mean to us in terms of the threat it represents?

    Badolato begins by describing Arabs as “a proud and sensitive people whose culture is mainly derived from three key factors: family, language, and religion.” The Arab cultural system has existed for centuries and predates the introduction of Islam around 610 AD and its rapid spread after the death of Muhammad in 632 AD. “An Arab’s commonly accepted view of the world (is) basically threatening and harsh.”

    Arab Muslims and presumably others because Islam has more than a billion adherents, divide the world between themselves and what they call Dar al Harb, literally, “the world of war.” So, you are either a Muslim or you are an infidel and, by definition, a threat to Islam until you convert or are killed.

    This may seem harsh, but true believers in Islam hold all other religions in contempt. The view of Judaism is psychopathic. Christians do not fare much better. The contempt for Hindus and Buddhists, religions deemed not to have “a book”, completes the utter certitude of Muslims that they alone are truly religious.

    You might feel that way, too, if you were compelled to pray five times a day, at dawn, midday, late afternoon, sunset, and nightfall. There are five prescribed prayers and all are in Arabic, a language Arabs will tell you is superior to all others. Verbal grandiosity is greatly applauded by Arabs. When facts are trumped by “ideas”, however, you have entered Alice’s bizarre Wonderland.

    Badolato writes that, “An Arab’s concept of the world has occasionally been described as a series of seven concentric circles with the individual Arab at the center. Thus, he has his family, an extended family or tribe, an immediate geographic region, and then his country. It is within the family that the psychology of the Muslim Arab is formed and observers have noted that, “the fluctuation between a loving mother and stern disciplinarian father can add to the complexity of growing up and often fosters schizoid personality traits.” To put it another way, Arabs can go from hot to cold and back again so fast that it is bewildering. Arabs live in a black and white world with no shadings of grey.

    Why do Arabs seem to be so violent? Conflict can be found in a family culture of competitiveness that is instilled at an early age. An old Arab saying aptly describes this. “I against my brother, my brother and I against our cousins, my brother, my cousins and I against the world.” Add to this the way Arab history has been dominated “by warfare, domestic upheaval, and struggles against invasions from outside the Arab world” and you begin to grasp a mindset that will resist anything that is not Arab.

    As Badolato describes it, it is an “almost visceral mistrust of any outside group or more specifically any Western state whose true ultimate intentions cannot readily be determined.” For Arabs, their wars such as the conflict between Iraq and Iran in the 1980s really began at the battle of Qaddisiya over a thousand years ago!

    The Islamic wars following the death of Mohammad led to the Sunni and Shiite divisions within Islam. It is a history of tension and conflict that literally dates back to the earliest years of Islam. Westerners might dismiss this by saying, “Get over it!” but the Arab mentality is totally rooted in the past.

    And why not? Not one single word of the 114 surahs (chapters) of the Quran has been changed in fourteen centuries and they describe in detail the conduct of every hour of every day of an Arab Muslim’s life. As Badolato describes it, “It is as if one single document contained our Constitution, our legal code, national education policy, business practices, inter-personal etiquette, and the Bible.” Welcome to the seventh century AD!

    What America and the West are up against are Islamic fundamentalists and countless sympathizers who would destroy us in a desperate effort to retain their Arab identity. Thus, when Palestinians elect Hamas, a terrorist organization, as their government, the West recoils, but the same is true throughout the Middle East and across northern Africa. In any election, Islamic fundamentalists would take control of the politics of these nations.

    Their very identity as Arabs and/or Muslims is at stake. The validity of Islam as the one, true faith is at stake. “Huge segments of the population simply cannot cope with modernity and the social and political changes taking place.”

    What we see as an improvement in the lives of millions of Arabs, changes in their educational system, women’s rights and their inclusion in the work force, improved literacy rates, better nutritional standards, advanced health and hygiene, all things that Westerners embrace, threaten Arabs. This explains why the Middle East has remained the most backward region of the world for centuries and why it now constitutes the greatest threat to the modern world.

    Arab Muslims are not like us. They do not want to be like us. If they become more like us they will have to let go of a culture that both stunts their humanity and provides an odd, brutal security blanket at the same time.

    For the West that leaves us with the same demand we made of Japan and Germany in the last century, unconditional surrender.

    Alan Caruba writes a weekly column, “Warning Signs”, posted on the Internet site of The National Anxiety Center, The complete text of Badolato’s essay can be read at

    © 2006, Alan Caruba

    Last edited by Sean Osborne; March 16th, 2006 at 08:03.

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    That is an interesting take on things, and a well-thought-out treatise. Some of those things i had tumbled to on my own, and others was starting to grasp and still other parts of it, i hadnt really grasped. the Comparison to Japan, and its culture leading up to and during world war 2 are telling. So is the comparison to Islam as a safety blanket, albeit a safety blanket that would afford them an excuse to do and be all manner of unspeakably evil. I think it has been clear for a long time, that there is indeed a war not just brewing, but already on between modernity, modern civilized people everywhere, and the followers of Islam. that much has been obvious for a long long time. just how impossible it is to change the followers of Islam is I think crystal clear after reading the article. Again, the comparison to Japan during the Second World War is Telling: we have to irradicate islam as a cultural and political as well as a military force, and we have to find a way to contain the so-called moderates and limit or altogether stop and roll back the spread of islam.

    In this i am almost reminded of communism. The cold war was ending as i became old enough to really join in that battle, that is to say the soviet union fell into disarray but the fact remains communism is dormant and awaiting a second chance to return. We fought the IDEOLOGY of communism, and the spread of communism not just with actions but with words, with influence, with money, with doctrine, with a lot of things, because we UNDERSTOOD it was not merely nationalism but it was an effort AIMED AT GLOBAL DOMINATION, much the same way ISLAM IS ALSO. Both are ideological in nature, with terrorism of the islamic brand the political goals of the violence merely serve an end, and are not the end in itself much the way certain marxist terror groups held in itself power, real political power and change of a society to conform to their norms, as the end goal. political and social power using violence and fear to acheive those ends.

    Islamic terror is different, as you cannot in any way seperate it from the culture of islam or from the religion. the religion is the driving means of the will the desire, for world domination. they want the caliphate, i get that, but more than that. they want sharia, they want elimination of certain nations and groups, they want political, social, and religious dominance, not just power. Islam IS a religion, much the way the communist ethos REPLACED religion proper and substituted for the it among the masses. it led to the drive to conquer, the justification of evil, and the ultimate hatred and fear of the west, as is evident in Islam and Islamic nations. This much is clear in the way the Islamists refer us as 'The West' mimicking the Soviet Union and its viewpoint. there are stark differences as well and i am aware of them. such as the soviet viewpoint that we were competitors for world control, that we were economic, military and political arch rivals, that ultimately the war would be fought whether through surrogates, through economic means, or via outright confrontation, but to be sure they saw us as a similar entity and their greatest threat and rival. islam sees us as lambs to the slaughter, and nothing more than unconquered serfs, much the way hitler saw the world. Its interesting that the Islamists adopt much the nazi propaganda about jews and the so-called untermenschen, which in islam i think would equate to infidels and dhimmis.

    with all that said, the simple term GWOT IS a misnomer, and it completely ignores the ideological and cultural aspects of the war we are facing.

    Let me be very blunt here, very frank and open for a moment: this is not merely a war. this is not even a WORLD war. this is a CRUSADE. it is a crusade started by ISLAM to wipe anyone not a muslim from the map, the way hitler intended to conquer and cleanse the earth of anyone not german. It will start with the Islamic Republic of Iran. They are the ONLY nation with the tools and the key people to bring out the what i beleive is in evitable. Heres where i start to sound a little crazy, so fair warning. i am religious. i do beleive that there will be an end times, a reckoning if you will between the forces of good and the forces of evil. It is my beleif that Iran and its leadership, and the Islamists there will at some point if they have not already, will acquire weapons of mass destruction and use them. The west will retaliate, and the west will be hit, and the war to end all wars will have commenced. Whether i think iran has Nuclear weapons yet or not is a mute point, i think they will sooner or later acquire them. They already have biologics and Chemical agents that are on proven delivery systems. we know the thinking, we know the goals, we know the the targets. what we do not know is the timeline, what we do not know are the triggers.

    It is my assertion that Israel cannot wait for this to begin, she doesnt have the ability to survive a first strike so MAD is a theory that does not bear fruit, especially considering the Iranians have given voice to the fact they do not fear an israeli counter strike using israeli nuclear weapons in response to an iranian nuclear strike. with that said, it makes it clear that Israel will probably be forced to strike the first blow and will probably attempt to do so in a conventional way. I do not think the United States will intervene, i think it may be in our interests so as to help ensure the success of dismantling the ability of the Iranian Theocracy to wage armageddon even if only for a time, as a delaying action, but i do not see anyone in a position of power in the united states willing to make that call and decide to strike iran. its my firm beleif that the number and strength of enemy sympathizers here in the United States and elsewhere also such as in europe, make it impossible for the political leadership here to actively participate in the strike against iran no matter how vital it is for us. i think that israel, with no such constraints and with no other choice or way to preserve its existance, will be forced to ultimately go it alone. Success is not assured and teh consequences of failure would speed up the coming war to end all wars.

    Islam is the most dangerous threat we have ever faced, and not just 'the west' , i mean humanity. I really see Islam as the face of evil that will bring about the war to end all wars. I think we may be seeing it unfold with events in the middle east now. Islam is the ideology of evil, it is taught from birth, it is in the schools, it is rooted in the family, in the tribe, in the culture and it is part of the nationalism. Islam, and its outlook on everything not islamic, makes it the gravest danger to the world that has ever come to face civilization. Nazi germany was ideological, as was the soviet union, but both suffered from corruption, and from a lack of true religious meaning and spiritualism. it was merely racism added to nationalism. Islam has all these traits in addition to a religious component that makes it far stronger and far more ingrained in the individual and in the masses. it reaches across traditional race boundaries that national socialism and communism never could. it unites All Peoples who seek to do evil under one umbrella.


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    Default Re: The Basics of Understanding the Islamist Threat


    We need to glass a city every time these Fkers kill a hostage, and once they run out of cities, we can stop nuking them.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: The Basics of Understanding the Islamist Threat

    Before you leap into darkness : do educate yourself on the relationship of Arab and Jew. The Arabian stock is as is the Jew from Araham. Read Genesis Ishmael. The language of the Arabian is ninetenths that of the Jew. It's all one big theological end time drama played out by fools who think the resurrection is meant for them.


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    Default Re: The Basics of Understanding the Islamist Threat

    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Donaldson

    We need to glass a city every time these Fkers kill a hostage, and once they run out of cities, we can stop nuking them.
    Well.... There are still tactical nukes available to us so we can nuke smaller towns, groups, or even the rare individual running from one hovel to another in hopes of avoiding us. Should provide for many months of "cleanup" after their cities are glazed.
    Brian Baldwin

    Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil.... For I am the meanest S.O.B. in the valley.

    "A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in... And how many want out." - Tony Blair on America

    It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press.

    It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.

    It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us the freedom to demonstrate.

    It is the soldier who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag.

    -Father Denis O'Brien of the United States Marine Corp.

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    Default Re: The Basics of Understanding the Islamist Threat

    Quote Originally Posted by Segestan
    Before you leap into darkness : do educate yourself on the relationship of Arab and Jew. The Arabian stock is as is the Jew from Araham. Read Genesis Ishmael. The language of the Arabian is ninetenths that of the Jew. It's all one big theological end time drama played out by fools who think the resurrection is meant for them.

    Actually, the principle exercise here is to leap from complete ignorance of what Islam really is, into the broad daylight of enlightenment of the true nature of Islam. It's beginnings, the basis upon which it was born and rests to this day.

    The relationship between Arab and Jew? It's the difference between Judaism and Islam. White and Black. God and Lucifer.

    If you want to use the Bible for a reference... regarding the Arabs and their adopted Islamic religion, you're looking in the wrong book. However, you can do yourself a favor and read the Biblical accounts of when the Archangel Gabriel interacted and delivered messages to human beings - like Mary and Elisabeth among others. Then compare that with the actions Gabriel engaged in, and what words he spoke when delivering the Qur'an to Muhammad, which you will find explictitly and specifically and ONLY in the Qur'an.

    If you don't see a Day-Night difference between the two, let me know and i will speel it out for you in the proper forum.

    Yes, the descendents of Ishmael, the Arabs, do trace a lineage to Abraham.

    However, Islam -- which came along much later in the Arabic timeline and culture -- is not an Abrahamic religion -- although there is a very definite movement behind the scenes by those most interested in establishing a unified global religion to so declare it in the not-to-distant future.

    Segestan, Be very carefull with who you refering to as "fools". Be very careful indeed. First and Fair Warning.
    Last edited by Sean Osborne; March 16th, 2006 at 07:59.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: The Basics of Understanding the Islamist Threat

    I think Segestan may be referring to the idiots that think they can bring about the "end times" by committing certains acts here on earth. Not just muslims but also Christians and Jews. If this is true than I agree with him, these people are fools, especially if they think they can manipulate God's will.

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    Pretty much the way I read it, echoes my own thoughts.

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    Default Re: The Basics of Understanding the Islamist Threat

    Quote Originally Posted by catfish
    I think Segestan may be referring to the idiots that think they can bring about the "end times" by committing certains acts here on earth. Not just muslims but also Christians and Jews. If this is true than I agree with him, these people are fools, especially if they think they can manipulate God's will.
    Catfish, if that was what he said then i would be in agreement with yourself and MTStringer. But that is not what I saw that he wrote. He did not reference Judaism, nor Islam but specifically Christianity.

    It's all one big theological end time drama played out by fools who think the resurrection is meant for them.

    The only religious - he's speaking of the "end time" mind you - context that I see here is to "the resurrection" which is a purely Christian tenet of faith. There is no resurrection in Judaism, nor in Islam. He admonishes me not to "leap into darkness" with my post in my new thread which exposes Islam for what it is. He specifically referenced Jews and Muslim's and also exhibiited a gross misunderstanding of the subject matter I have created with this thread.

    To further that understanding and the context of this thread... read the following. Perhaps, and hopefully, reading yet another former Muslim reiterating what I have long been saying will get the point across.

    Dr. Wafa Sultan: Exposing the Lies of Islam
    Written by Barbara J. Stock
    Friday, March 17, 2006

    An amazing and courageous Arab woman has gotten little attention here in the United States, even though she is now an American. But Dr. Wafa Sultan got plenty of attention in the Middle East when she appeared on Al Jazeera a few weeks ago.

    Dr. Sultan did the unthinkable: She appeared on Arab television and condemned Islam. She was there to “debate” not one, but two Islamic scholars. One was an Egyptian professor of religious studies identified as Dr. Ibrahim al-Khouli and the other was an unidentified Algerian cleric. They were so furious that both men quickly labeled her a “heretic.” Viewers who see the segments now posted on the Internet will observe one man waving his arms around in frustration and the other nervously shuffling papers as though he is searching for an answers that he can’t seem to find.

    The very fact that a woman dared to speak out against Islam was insult enough for them, but when she left them speechless with her undeniable logic, their anger and hatred came through like a tidal wave. The refusal to respond to her charges spoke volumes.

    Dr. Sultan was born to devout Muslim parents and raised in Syria. She herself was a practicing Muslim until she experienced a life-changing event as she was working towards her medical degree at the University of Aleppo in Syria. Masked gunmen entered her classroom and as they shouted, “God is Great!” they riddled her professor’s body with bullets. It was that day that she began to question Islam and its claim that it is a religion of peace.

    Dr. Sultan did what Muslims are forbidden to do: She began to question the teachings of Islam, Mohammed, and the Quran. Once a Muslim begins to question Islam it can be like a dam bursting, and threats from Islam cannot hold it back. This onslaught of questions is what Islamic leaders fear. Once unleashed, this desire for answers about Islam’s teachings cannot be put aside--and they cannot be answered. The threat of death and eternal hell is Islam’s only of control over the masses.

    Within Islam, there is no greater sin than to question the teachings of Islam or Mohammed, and to do so is considered heresy and blasphemy and is punishable by death. Dr. Sultan is now a marked woman and no one is more aware of this than she. She now receives daily death threats but takes them all in stride. She is a woman at peace with her decision to speak out.

    As she put forth one accusation after another, the two Islamic scholars had no answers. Their only response was that they didn’t have to respond to her because she was blaspheming Islam.

    There is no logical response that the two Islamic religious leaders could have given when a strong and defiant Dr. Sultan tore into them with statements such as this: “The Jews have come from the tragedy and forced the world to respect them, with their knowledge, not with their terror, with their work, not with their crying and yelling. We have not seen a single Jew blow himself up in a German restaurant. We have not seen a single Jew destroy a church. We have not seen a single Jew protest by killing people.”

    Dr. Sultan finished her opening salvo with: “Only the Muslims defend their beliefs by burning down churches, killing people, and destroying embassies. This path will not yield any results. The Muslims must ask themselves what they can do for humankind, before they demand that humankind respect them.”

    The two Islamic scholars were not only bowled over by a strong woman’s words against Islam, but by the double insult of comparing Muslims to Jews.

    What must concern the leaders of Islam is that the taped interview was seen by millions of Muslims in the Arab world. That interview is now available on the Internet and according to a report in the New York Times has already been viewed over a million times. Muslims are seeing a strong and successful woman orally challenge two male Islamic leaders and their only response was that they didn’t have to respond. These arrogant men looked like children being scolded by their mother.

    Dr. Sultan went on to demand that the clerics explain a religion that encourages its young people to commit suicide and murder in the name of God. In a clear voice she declared to the two angry men: “It [the war] is a clash between two opposites, between two eras. It is a clash between a mentality that belongs to the Middle Ages and another mentality that belongs to the 21st century. It is a clash between civilization and backwardness, between the civilized and the primitive, between barbarity and rationality.”

    Who is better to put the War against Islam in its simplest terms than a woman who has witnessed its brutality and oppression first hand? This words of this amazing woman are not just important to Muslims but to Americans who still believe in the fantasy that Islam is a religion of peace.fficeffice" />>>

    Dr. Sultan was raised to be a good and obedient Muslim. Without realizing it, Muslims all over the world are mentally imprisoned by the teachings of Islam. By means of lies, threats, extreme physical punishment, and brainwashing, the hierarchy of Islam orders the followers of Islam to commit the most heinous acts of violence and terrorism in the name of God.

    When forced to explain this violent “religion” called Islam, the scholars have no answers. The experts wave their hands and bellow “blasphemy and heretic” and send their obedient followers out to the streets to burn and riot to deflect attention from their own inability to answer questions about their own beliefs. Death threats to the perceived “heretic” soon follow.

    There is no forgiveness within Islam for believers who have chosen the path of enlightenment and freedom from the chains of Islam. “Verily, those who disbelieved after their Belief and then went on increasing in their disbelief--never will their repentance be accepted.” (3:90-91) Islamic law states that according to Allah’s apostle Mohammed, there are only three accepted reasons to shed the blood a Muslim: One who has shed the blood of another Muslim without cause, one who has committed adultery, and a Muslim who becomes an apostate. (Abandons Islam) Anyone who decides no longer to abide by the tyrannical laws of Islam is put in the same category as a murderer and an adulterer.

    Dr. Sultan should be invited to speak on as many American television talk shows as possible to explain to her fellow Americans the danger of the enemy this country faces. She has put her life on the line to try and save other Muslims from the mass suicide they are engaging in, on the orders of men who know the truth but refuse to speak it. The power and prestige given to these “scholars” by Islam is far more important to them than the lives of ordinary Muslims.

    To those threatening Dr. Sultan with death, she says only this: “I have no fear. I believe in my message. It is like a million-mile journey, and I believe I have walked the first and hardest 10 miles.”

    Indeed, the hardest thing in the life of any Muslim may be realizing that Islam is a lie. Only then is freedom realized. Like a drowning man who reaches the surface and takes that first breath of air, realizing the truth about Islam is the first and most difficult step for a Muslim, but the journey of life now free is worth the struggle.

    Islam fears people like Dr. Sultan. If ten Muslims listen to her and question, the number will grow exponentially and Islam will be forced to evolve and join the modern world or Islam as we know it will perish. Free people will not mourn Islam’s passing and the world be a better place for it.>>

    About the Writer: Barbara J. Stock is a registered nurse who enjoys writing about politics and current events. She has a website at Barbara J. receives e-mail at

    Copyright © 2006 ChronWatch. All rights reserved.

    Last edited by Sean Osborne; March 17th, 2006 at 19:51.

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    Default Re: The Basics of Understanding the Islamist Threat

    Here's another article from the same website... from someone I am sure you're all familiar with.
    Franklin Graham and Pat Robertson make the same points I have. Exactly the same points.

    March 15, 2006, 5:18PM

    Franklin Graham Reaffirms Scorn for Islam

    By RICHARD N. OSTLING AP Religion Writer
    © 2006 The Associated Press

    — The Rev. Franklin Graham, who outraged Muslims in 2001 when he said that Islam "is a very evil and wicked religion," told an interviewer for Wednesday's edition of ABC News "Nightline" that he hasn't changed his mind about the faith.

    Asked by ABC correspondent John Donvan whether Muslim groups had succeeded in altering his outlook about Islam, Graham said "No."

    "Do they want to indoctrinate me? Yes. I know about Islam. I don't need an education from Islam," he said. "If people think Islam is such a wonderful religion, just go to Saudi Arabia and make it your home. Just live there. If you think Islam is such a wonderful religion, I mean, go and live under the Taliban somewhere. I mean, you're free to do that."
    Franklin Graham is the successor to his father as head of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, based in Charlotte, N.C. He was interviewed Sunday in New Orleans, where Franklin and Billy were leading an evangelistic festival.

    The younger Graham angered Muslims following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks when he told NBC News: "We're not attacking Islam but Islam has attacked us. The God of Islam is not the same God. He's not the son of God of the Christian or Judeo-Christian faith. It's a different God, and I believe it is a very evil and wicked religion."

    In a subsequent Wall Street Journal piece, Graham wrote that he doesn't think Muslim believers "are evil people because of their faith. But I decry the evil that has been done in the name of Islam, or any other faith _ including Christianity."

    That article said "the persecution or elimination of non-Muslims has been a cornerstone of Islamic conquests and rule for centuries." Graham said the Quran "provides ample evidence that Islam encourages violence in order to win converts and to reach the ultimate goal of an Islamic world."

    Some of Graham's fellow evangelicals subsequently expressed concern that his comments might endanger Christian missionaries working in Muslim countries, strain interfaith relations and make America's war on terrorism seem to be a Christian crusade against Islam.
    Billy Graham has avoided such comments about Islam and President Bush has consistently depicted mainstream Islam as a religion of peace.

    Another U.S. evangelist, the Rev. Pat Robertson, said of militant Muslims on his Monday telecast: "These people are crazed fanatics, and I want to say it now: I believe it's motivated by demonic power. It is satanic and it's time we recognize what we're dealing with."
    "The goal of Islam, ladies and gentlemen, whether you like it or not, is world domination," he said.
    IF by posting what I have above I am "leaping into darkness" in the company of people like these two references I've quoted... GERONIMO!!!!

    You have Muslim's saying this and believing Christians saying these things. How much more evidence does one require?
    Last edited by Sean Osborne; March 17th, 2006 at 20:04.

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    Default Re: The Basics of Understanding the Islamist Threat

    Without making the "leap of faith" here -- that is assuming this is all a religious distinction, I have something to say regarding the simplistic affairs of state when it comes to Islam, Christianity and Judaism. None of these religions are based on "destruction of the human race" because of differences of opinion.

    So let's cut to the chase here and understand when one or more of these assholes perpetrate a crime of cutting the throat of a hostage and hacking their heads off like I recently watched, I say we glass their damned cities, and I don't care what freakin' religion they follow.

    The barbaric acts of these people can not be allowed to continue. Killing an innocent man or woman because they are "Christian" and represent the West is tantamount to declaring war on everyone.

    I say kill the bastards, one and all, and let God, Allah or some other Supreme Being sort their asses out from the good and evil.
    Libertatem Prius!

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  12. #12
    Super Moderator Aplomb's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Basics of Understanding the Islamist Threat

    Originally posted by Rick Donaldson:
    None of these religions are based on "destruction of the human race" because of differences of opinion.
    Sean probably has the Koran verses handier than I do, but I can assure you, Rick, that Islam is the only religion with a religious book that directs the followers to dominate the world, killing the infidels, who are all of the rest of us, if they don't convert. To Islam.

    If I understand you correctly, you're basically stating that the religion doesn't matter, whoever the barbaric assholes/bastards are--glass 'em. Yet I want to reiterate the distinction because there is a specific reason that these violent actions are happening and until there is no more Qu'ran, there will always be this brutal barbarism. The problem IS "Islam". And not solely because of a horrific act of murder by some group "over there".

    Consider this review:
    In The Force of Reason, the controversial Italian journalist and novelist Oriana Fallaci illuminates one of the central enigmas of our time. How did Europe become home to an estimated 20 million Muslims in a mere three decades?
    How did Islam go from being a virtual non-factor to a religion that threatens the preeminence of Christianity on the Continent? How could the most popular name for a baby boy in Brussels possibly be Mohammed? Can it really be true that Muslims plan to build a mosque in London that will hold 40,000 people? That Dutch cities like Amsterdam and Rotterdam are close to having Muslim majorities? How was Europe, which was saved by the U.S. in world wars I and II, and whose Muslim Bosnians were rescued by the U.S. as recently as 1999, transformed into a place in which, as Fallaci puts it, “if I hate Americans I go to Heaven and if I hate Muslims I go to Hell?”

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    Default Re: The Basics of Understanding the Islamist Threat

    Oh, for the love of Allah...perhaps that is better for infidels...
    March 14, 2006 update: Taheri-azar responded to a request from a local television station for an interview with a written statement, dated March 10, in which he explained his goals in the attack (thanks to PipeLineNews for the digital version):
    March 10, 2006
    Amber Rupinta
    111 Liberty St.
    Durham, NC 27701

    In the name of Allah, the merciful the compassionate

    Dear Ms. Rupinta:

    I've included a visitor's application. I left a one page letter for the police in the bedroom of my apartment at 303 Smith Level Rd. A-34 but in brief;

    I live with the holy Koran as my constitution for right and wrong and definition of injustice.

    The Koran also spelled Quran is a scientific and mathematical miracle so there can be no doubt that it is from a supernatural source, i.e. Allah the creator and controller of all things. Those who follow the Koran, i.e. the truth, are members of one family, as the Koran states. Allah in the Koran gives permission for those who follow Allah to attack those who have waged war against them, with the expectation of eternal paradise in case of martyrdom and/or the living of one's life in obedience of all of Allah's commandments found throughout the Koran's 114 chapters.

    I've read all 114 chapters about 20 times since June of 2003 when I started reading the Koran. The U.S. government is responsible for the deaths and torture of countless followers of Allah, my brothers and sisters. My attack on Americans at UNC-CH March 3, was in retaliation for similar attacks orchestrated by the U.S. governnebt on my fellow followers of Allah in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia and other Islamic territories. I did not act out of hatred for America but out of love for Allah instead. I live only to serve Allah by obeying all of his commandments of which I am aware by reading and learning the contents of the Koran.

    I would be glad to have an on-camera interview.


    Mohammed Taheri-azar
    Comment: That sentence about "I did not act out of hatred for America but out of love for Allah" deserves special pondering.

    (Tried to kill fellow students with the biggest SUV he could rent, swerving to hit them in a gathering area on campus. For some reason, NOT considered a terrorist attack.)

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    Default Re: The Basics of Understanding the Islamist Threat

    The Koran also spelled Quran is a scientific and mathematical miracle so there can be no doubt that it is from a supernatural source

    Mohammed Taheri-azar
    You are exactly correct Mr. Taheri-azar.

    The problem is that the Qur'an is not from the "source" you think it is - and that can be proven without a shadow of doubt. You and every other muslim on the planet have been decieved deluxe - which is why we freedom lovers of the West need to kill you and your fellow islamofascists in order to preserve our way of life. We must engage in such combat unrtil you renounce Islam, cease and desist, or die, whichever occurs first.

  15. #15
    Super Moderator Malsua's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Basics of Understanding the Islamist Threat

    If I were to devise a plan to control people, cause havoc, death, and fight the followers of god, I'd bedazzle backward Bedouins, start a phony religion and wait for the fruits to bloom in a massive conflagration centuries later.

    In other words, I'd invent Islam.

  16. #16
    Senior Member catfish's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Basics of Understanding the Islamist Threat

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean Osborne
    You are exactly correct Mr. Taheri-azar.

    The problem is that the Qur'an is not from the "source" you think it is - and that can be proven without a shadow of doubt. You and every other muslim on the planet have been decieved deluxe - which is why we freedom lovers of the West need to kill you and your fellow islamofascists in order to preserve our way of life. We must engage in such combat unrtil you renounce Islam, cease and desist, or die, whichever occurs first.
    Sean, could you please elaborate on this, specifically the "source"?

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    Default Re: The Basics of Understanding the Islamist Threat

    Quote Originally Posted by catfish
    Sean, could you please elaborate on this, specifically the "source"?

    Sure, glad to do it.

    The Quran was given to Mohammed. How did he get it and who gave it to him?

    Muhammad was in a cave when a spirit came upon him. Understand firstly, Muhammad was an illiterate - could not read or write at all, period.

    So this spirit (who was later claimed by Muhammad's in-laws to be the Archangel Gabriel - the guy was a member of a quasi-Christian cult) began to seriously choke Muhammad by the neck and said to him "Read!".

    Muhammad truthfully replies... "I cannot read."

    Spirit chokes him smoke more, almost kills him, and demands again, "Read!"

    This goes on until Muhammad relents in fear for his life and says to the spirit "tell me what you want me to say". So the Quran is given to Muhammad by this spirit - and the rest is Islamic history.

    Muhammad goes back to his wife after this encounter - scared out of his wits, has no idea what just happened but suspects it was an evil spirit - known in the arab culture as a "Jinn".

    Muhammad was a prophet according to Islam. The first pillar of Islam states that Muhammad is last and final prophet of all time, there will be no other prophet's even until Judgement Day.

    Now to compare...

    Check your Bible for all reference of appearances by the Archangel Gabriel. How did he pass messages to human beings like Mary the mother of Christ and Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist? What was the first thing Gabriel said to these people?

    I'll tell you, Gabriel said "Do Not Be Afraid."

    All of the Old Testament patriarchs from Abraham, to Noah, to Moses...

    Did God talk to them directly?

    Yes, he did.

    God told them exactly what to do, or what He wanted them to do and how exactly how He wanted them to do it. No choking or threats involved at all.

    Did God come directly to Muhammad 600 years after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ?

    No, He did not.

    Did Gabriel?

    Nope, wasn't Gabriel either.

    So who was it that would tell Muhammad to kill the Jews and Christians because they are infidels?

    The "SOURCE" of the Qur'an?

    The great deciever, that's who.
    Last edited by Sean Osborne; March 21st, 2006 at 07:31.

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