Caught In A Trap
by J. R. Nyquist

Russian generals and anti-American propagandists would like you to believe that George W. Bush was behind 9/11, or else it was “the Jews.” Anti-Semitism is alive and well today, from the “historical revisionists” who say the holocaust never happened to the obnoxious conspiracy nuts who believe that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion are authentic. Anti-American and anti-Jewish propaganda are of a piece. The one set of lies is related to the other, as the fate of the Jewish people in World War II foreshadows the fate of the American people in World War III. Extermination of the hated and reviled race is an ongoing theme. It has appeared in the past and it will reappear in the future. Those who want to destroy America are kin to Hitler and his followers. Allied with Moscow, they form a new United Front that links al Jazeera and Hugo Chavez’s Telesur channel with a global revolutionary movement. These people dream of America’s fall, without regard for the impact on humanity as a whole. The fall of America signifies the collapse of a global system. Such an event would bring an unprecedented planet-wide death toll. Even if America’s leaders have stumbled into this mess through stupidity, the wickedness of the malcontents is still wicked, and nothing will wipe the blood from those who revel in America’s downfall. The enemies of reason will blame the United States and the Jews and President George W. Bush. They will accept grotesque lies as truth while truth disappears for decades or centuries. We should not be surprised that the former chief of staff of the Russian military blames capitalism for 9/11.

Having built up Iran’s nuclear program, having emboldened the world’s leading terrorist state, the Russians bait the Americans. If America preemptively strikes Iran’s nuclear program then a crushing oil embargo will follow. The price of oil will skyrocket further. It is a clear case of “damned if you do, damned if you don’t.” The Russians are making lots of money off rising energy prices. They will make a lot more. Tensions between Iran and the United States, unrest in Nigeria and an emerging communist dictator in Venezuela threaten an oil crisis that will bring America to its knees. “Taking into account the good relations between Russia and Iran,” says an Iranian official, “we can prevail in this crisis.” And who will stop them? “We are counting on the continuation of close contacts with our Chinese colleagues [in this matter],” says the Russian foreign minister.

On February 28 Russian President Vladimir Putin wrote an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal titled “Energy Egotism Is a Road to Nowhere.” The central question about this commentary should be, “Who is the energy egotist Putin refers to?” Reverting to the classic rich versus poor dialectic of communism, Mr. Putin denied that “energy security has mainly to do with the interests of industrially developed countries.” Think of the two billion paupers who “do not enjoy modern-day energy services, while many lack access even to electricity.” According to Putin, “Their access to many benefits and advances of civilization has been virtually blocked.” That’s right, the rich nations are “blocking” the poor. And irony of delicious ironies, Russia has now assumed the presidency of the G-8. “Today,” noted Putin, “energy is an engine of social and economic progress.” (Here the word “progress” signifies the forward movement of the Revolution.)

Responding to Putin in a Wall Street Journal letter to the editors on March 9, former Estonian Prime Minister Mart Laar wrote that Mr. Putin’s article reminded him “of speeches of former Soviet leaders, when peace was praised but in reality preparations for war were made.” According to Laar, “Russia’s recent actions against Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia have made absolutely clear that Moscow has decided to use energy deliveries as a political weapon.” This has occurred because the KGB is at the helm. Through criminal networks, energy blackmail, economic subversion and political infiltration the “former” Soviet Union dominates Russia and Europe from behind the scenes. America has lost its former position and dares not call the Kremlin to account.

Writing in the Washington Times on March 8, Edward Lozansky warned that the American government is provoking Russia into “a new and probably more dangerous Cold War.” Of course, the Cold War never ended. The Russian promises of the 1990s came to naught by design, not by happenstance. Through a bloody and cynical provocation stemming from Chechnya, the head of Russia’s secret police was appointed to the presidency. His subsequent electoral victories were manufactured. This opened the way to a planned strategic reversal. Russia’s policy, even before Putin’s rise to power, consisted of several suggestive elements: 1) Building a new alliance with China, 2) granting nuclear assistance to Iran, 3) subverting German democracy, 4) manipulating the mineral wealth of South Africa, 5) slipping nuclear technology to North Korea (under the table), and 6) using energy as a political weapon. It is no accident that Iraq is on the brink of civil war, that Iran insists on developing nuclear weapons, that Venezuela and Bolivia have gone communist.

Moscow favors all of these developments.

In the midst of America’s woes, Russia is doing well. According to Lozansky, the Russian economy “has been growing at the robust rate of 6 percent to 7 percent for the last five years.” Russia’s government operates with a surplus. Russia’s stock market, Lozansky noted, is “the best in the world.” Foreign investment in Russia is rapidly rising as Russia pays off old Soviet debts. “Most importantly … the majority of Russians are feeling proud of their country…. Waking from his slumbers, President Bush sees that Russia has played a trick. In 1991 the United States was ideologically disarmed while the “former” communist bloc put together a new and more powerful formation. Washington is now caught in a trap.