Look, this has simply GOT to get some attention...as unsavory as it is.
http://larrysinclair0926.com/2522.ht...df55925bd112b0 ^

This whole issue is NOT going away...

I personally BELIEVE these allegations..I have researched high and low and they have not been dispelled, only obsficated through systematic counter attacks and threats...including false reporting that Sinclair "failed " a polygraph to which he willingly submitted. Dig deeper you find actually the opposite is true--he passed with flying colors.

But well-orchestrated Chicago style detractors know the web is a murky place and most will not dig beyond strategically and ubiquitously placed misinformation.

Sinclair, yes, is a lowlife..but it makes no difference, he has phone numbers and multiple details to support his story. The Chicago PD is weaving and bobbing. In the meantime, it seems everyone is being lulled into fatigue and apathy about this because the mainstream media simply WILL NOT touch it...it is DYNAMITE...they are cowed by fears of being seen as "racist", homophobic or whatever--when in truth this has NOTHING to with any of that ---it is the fact that Obama is a pathological liar, narcissicist and by the evidence, an illegal drug user and purchaser.

Better we risk some slings and arrows about being called "names" than allow our country to fall under the sway of Barak Obama and his unsavory character. Please read below for a summary reminder of this sordid mess:

----------------------------------------------------- http://larrysinclair0926.com/2522.ht...df55925bd112b0

>>For those of you not familiar with this story let me give you a brief recap while the past articles are being prepared fr upload.

In November 1999 I met Barack Obama, engaged in two separate sexual encounters with him and engaged in cocaine use with him (cocaine that Senator Obama sold to me). Barack Obama smoked crack cocaine while engaging in sexual encounters with me in the back of a limo and in a Gurnee, IL hotel room.

After asking the campaign of Obama last fall (Sept and later)to publicly acknowledge his drug use as recently as 1999, I was contacted by a gentleman identified as Mr. Young. Mr. Young asked about the sexual encounters, which caused a red flag to go up for me because I had never mentioned anything to the Obama campaign regarding the sexual encounters.

Several months later and several communications later Mr. Young made it clear he was fishing for info on who I had been in contact with regarding Obama and my encounters. Young made it clear that he was intimately and sexually involved with Obama personally.

In Jan 2008 I went public on Youtube after being ignored by the Obama Campaign, in regards to my request that Obama correct his statements concerning his drug use.

Since then I realized that Mr. Young, was indeed Donald Young, the Choir Director of Obama's church TUCC in Chicago, who was murdered on Dec 23, 2007.

Barack Obama personally has refused to respond to these allegations. In fact Obama and his Campaign has refused to even claim they are lies or smears on his official "fight the smears" website, where by the way he seems to deny everything but this.

My web sites have been shut down based on false statements made in TOS complaints by the Pro-Obama internet warriors, I have been harassed, threatened with death and just this past weekend a group who has been dedicated to protecting Barack Obama from himself even posted the suggestion that the put a "contract" on my life.

Barack Obama is guilty of many things in all that has taken place on his behalf. Obama knowing uses bloggers and web sites to attack anyone who opposes him. All of the actions taken by the individuals are illegal, from threats over the internet to copyright violations, but the web hosts, hosting them ignore the complaints, the FBI and US Attorney for D.C. refuse to enforce the laws against anyone who is engaging in these practices on behalf of Barack Obama.

Despite non-stop attempts to discredit me and what I have said, these people cannot. What they can and continue to do is, send emails to themselves through anonymous mailers using my and others email addresses to claim I or a commenter has threatened them, they call peoples houses, post their names, phone numbers, email addresses, addresses, and employers info on their site and cache it on Google before removing it for their web sites to harass, intimidate and threaten.

People, this is not just happening to me, it is happening to everyone and anyone who opposes Barack Obama or makes truthful statements regarding Barack Obama's own actions that he nor the Mainstream Media want you, the American Voter to have any knowledge of.

It is time that the Citizens of The United States of America stand up and hold Barack Obama, David Axelrod, Sam Graham Felson, the FBI, the US Attorney's Office, the DNC and the Obama Internet warriors accountable and responsible for their actions.

It is time for every single person who has been threatened at a primary or caucus, on the internet, by phone or in person to join together and bring a class action suit against Barack Obama, Obama for America, the DNC, GoDaddy.com, Daily Kos, DemocraticUnderground.com, Diggs.com, Huffington-Post.com, My Barack Obama.com, the US Attorney's Office, et al.. for threats, intimidation, harassment, threats of physical injury and property damage.

Yes I know it sounds extreme. But it is clear by the actions and tactics encouraged and sanctioned by the Obama Campaign, his supporters & surrogates, that extreme measure are necessary if we have any hope of preserving our rights under the Constitution.

The Chicago Police Department by law owes it to the family of Donald Young to investigate the possibility of Obama being involved in Young's murder.<<

Posted by Larry Sinclair, 12:38 PM, Permalink

Larry Sinclair/Barack Obama Drugs, Sex & Murder Blog

Contact: Larry Sinclair Email: use the contact page

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