Multiple riders witnessed Spires attack Sutherland and then rob two other passengers on the train. In interviews with police, the witnesses say that Spires punched Sutherland after the two struggled over an unknown item. Sutherland fell to the train floor and Spires began to stab him with a knife.
Clearly, people were all around when this crime went down. Now I need to ask you all here - would you really stand there and watch as someone died at the hands of another man? I know it happens fast in most cases and it takes a moment for your brain to kick in. I also know that fear of dying keeps most would-be Samaritans from helping. But in this instance, the man was stabbed at least 20 times, punched, kicked, and robbed. This act took some time to perpetrate. And no one helped. Our population really is made up of a bunch of cowards. Or could we be so entranced by entertainment and electronic devices that desensitize the viewer to such acts that they are unable to respond.