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Thread: Trayvon Martin Shooting - George Zimmerman

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    Default Re: Trayvon Martin Shooting - George Zimmerman

    New Black Panther Party allegedly busing mobs to Sanford, Florida for expected riots

    By Dean Chambers

    Reports have come in from eye witnesses in Sanford, Florida that the New Black Panther Party, an extremist group that has called for the killing of George Zimmerman if he is found not guilty, is busing in thousands to that town. Sanford is the location of the trial and near the place where the shooting of Trayvon Martin by Zimmerman occurred. There have been threats of riots if Zimmerman is not found guilty and it is believed that the New Black Panther Party and other extremist groups will attempt to take advantage of racial tensions after a non guilty verdict by organizing riots.

    Local police should be prepared for riots and Governor Rick Scott should be prepared to call in the National Guard at a moment's notice if needed. Local authorities should be ready to act and not allow this to create a situation like the South Central Los Angeles riots of 1992 after the verdict in the trial of the police officers that had beaten Rodney King.

    It must also be remembered that these events are not “spontaneous” as the left wing media likes to portray them. They are deliberately organized. The riots in Los Angeles in 1992 were organized by several extremist left wing community organizer type groups including the local chapter of the Revolutionary Communist Party.

    It should surprise no one that leftist groups are prepared to ignite rioting after the upcoming verdict in the George Zimmerman trial. Peaceful demonstrations should be allowed, but any degree of violence should immediately be stopped by local authorities.

    This story will be updated if and when new information comes in. We strongly advise anyone to avoid being involved in any efforts to incite riots and stay out of the area if possible. We also condemn any efforts to organize or incite riots.

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    Default Re: Trayvon Martin Shooting - George Zimmerman

    The "Wimp Factor"? LOL


    Defense witness: George Zimmerman was in worse shape than Trayvon Martin
    Published July 10, 2013

    George Zimmerman’s defense team continued Wednesday to play up the wimp factor, calling yet another witness to reinforce their claim that the pudgy neighborhood watch volunteer was "by no stretch of the imagination" a match for Trayvon Martin in their fight before Zimmerman shot and killed the teen in a gated Florida community last year.

    Dennis Root, a former law enforcement officer who testified as an expert on defensive use of force, said Martin was in superior physical condition, and that Zimmerman was not a competent fighter.

    "Mr. Martin was a physically active and capable person," said Root, who probed both Martin's and Zimmerman's physical conditioning and fighting prowess on behalf of the defense team. "Mr. Zimmerman is an individual who is by no stretch of the imagination an athlete, and ... he would find himself lacking when compared to Mr. Martin."

    Root’s testimony jibed with prior defense witnesses who have testified that the neighborhood watch volunteer was overweight, in poor shape and not good with his fists. Root said screams heard on a 911 call, which the defense claims are Zimmerman, show "a high level of stress, a high level of fear."

    "...[Zimmerman] would find himself lacking when compared to Mr. Martin."

    - Defense witness Dennis Root

    In previous testimony on Monday, Adam Pollock, owner of a kickboxing gym where Zimmerman trained prior to the incident, said Zimmerman was "grossly obese," and not athletic at all.

    "He came to the gym to lose weight and get in shape," Pollock said.

    When defense attorney Mark O'Mara asked him to rate Zimmerman's athletic ability on a scale of one to 10 when he began training, Pollock replied, "Point-five."

    Meanwhile, chances dimmed Wednesday that Zimmerman would take the stand in his own defense.

    Though Zimmerman, 29, has not testified, jurors have seen repeated video recordings of him telling his side of the story to police investigators. While O'Mara did not say if his client would testify on his own behalf, courtroom observers considered it unlikely.

    "You have the right to testify if you want to," Judge Debra Nelson told Zimmerman on Wednesday. "It's a decision that you alone can make."

    Zimmerman is charged with second-degree murder in the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin from Miami. Zimmerman claims he shot the teen in self defense. If convicted, Zimmerman could face life in prison.

    Earlier Wednesday, Judge Nelson denied two requests by the defense, ruling that a computer animation that depicts the February 2012 confrontation as well as text messages that purportedly deal with fighting sent from Martin's phone will not be admissible as evidence.

    The animation's creator, Daniel Schumaker, testified in court on Tuesday. Schumaker uses advanced technology like drones and motion-capture suits to create the computer animations. For the animation of the struggle between Martin and Zimmerman, Schumaker used information from the coroner reports, police reports and crime scene photos to recreate the scene, and used audio from the 911 calls to determine the timing of events.

    "This is a murder trial. This isn't 'Casablanca.' This isn't 'Iron Man,'" prosecutor Richard Mantei said.

    The judge seemed concerned about the animation's accuracy during arguments. While the animation can't be introduced as evidence that can be reviewed by jurors during their deliberations, defense attorneys may be able to use it during closing arguments, she ruled.

    "To have an animation go back into jury room that they can play over and over again gives a certain weight to something that this court isn't exactly certain comports with the evidence presented at trial," Nelson said Wednesday night.

    The judge also agreed with prosecutors' concerns about introducing the 17-year-old's text messages. But defense attorney Don West had argued the texts were relevant since they showed Martin's interest in fighting and physical capabilities.

    Defense attorneys may also call a toxicology expert to testify Wednesday after winning a motion to introduce lab results showing THC in Martin’s system at the time he was killed. Defense attorney Don West noted that in Zimmerman’s statement to the non-emergency 911 dispatcher that it appeared the person he was observing in the Sanford, Fla., community was "on drugs."

    If the defense rests its case Wednesday afternoon, the prosecution will have a chance to rebuttal witnesses, followed by closing arguments as early as Friday.

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    Clothing line Illuminati calls for murder of George Zimmerman on Twitter

    George Zimmerman

    Joe Burbank/Orlando Sentinel/Getty Images

    "The Only Justice for Trayvon Martin is to take the Life of George Zimmerman, (sic)" Illuminati tweeted.

    The tweet angered a number of Twitter users, some of whom demanded Twitter ban the account.

    "@twitter, please BAN @ThelIluminati ~ they are OPENLY CALLING FOR MURDER. If you don't, we will take legal action," one person tweeted.

    As of this writing, the short message was retweeted over 770 times.

    Twitchy said that many agreed with the tweet's sentiments, but others held a different view.

    "It is a crime to call for the murder of an individual, right? @TheIlluminati is essentially inciting violence against #Zimmerman," one person tweeted.

    The Illuminati account has well over a million followers, and appears to be the official account for a clothing brand that deals in conspiracy theories and offers t-shirts with slogans like "F**k the Police" and "United Snakes of America."

    No mention of the tweet was seen at Illuminati's website or Facebook page, but the message caused quite a stir on Twitter.

    This is not the first time Twitter users have called for Zimmerman to be murdered.

    Recently, a number of people threatened to kill Zimmerman if he was acquitted, and others said they would murder random white people.

    Celebrities like Roseanne Barr and Spike Lee have stirred the pot, as have civil rights figures like Jesse Jackson and MSNBC host Al Sharpton.

    On Monday, Mark O'Mara, Zimmerman's attorney, told CNN's Piers Morgan that his client would never be safe if he is acquitted, due to the fact that many would never accept the evidence presented in the case.
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    Default Re: Trayvon Martin Shooting - George Zimmerman

    Saturday, 06 July 2013 15:00 If Zimmerman Walks, Media-inspired Riots Anticipated

    Written by Alex Newma


    The city of Sanford, Florida, already has a secret law-enforcement plan to deal with potential riots and unrest in the wake of a possible acquittal of George Zimmerman.

    Miami has efforts to keep the peace underway as well.

    Across America, pundits and analysts have been warning that a “not guilty” verdict in the controversial case could set off an explosive wave of deadly violence rivaling the mass riots that ensued following the 1992 Rodney King trial. If mayhem does strike, analysts say the establishment media, President Obama, and assorted race-profiteers would bear much of the blame.

    Well before the verdict is announced, agitators and provocateurs are already using social-media services to broadcast their intentions to unleash chaos and death. One Facebook page being investigated by authorities, for example, was entitled “RIOT for Trayvon.” In its description, the page read: “They don’t think we will tear this mutha ----- [expletive deleted] up! LIKE IF YOU READY TO RIDE! LETS FLEX OUR MUSCLE! WHAT, YOU SCARED?” Other pages brazenly call for murder.

    On Twitter, meanwhile, violent messages from self-styled Trayvon Martin supporters have also been calling for violence, mayhem, and killing if the jury refuses to convict Zimmerman of second-degree murder — a prospect that appears increasingly likely as the prosecution’s case implodes. Twichy, a site that compiles tweets related to major news stories, collected a sample of some of the messages, more than a few of which include racist remarks aimed at Zimmerman, whites, and Hispanics.

    “If #Zimmerman get off ima shoot the first #hispanic/white i see,” reads one such message. "Trayvon Martin need justice! Gimme me tha pistol ill kill Zimmerman myself!" says another. "If Zimmerman win, I'm gonna go kill a white a kid by mistake," reads a third. “If #zimmerman get off ima kill him myself since no one wanna take care of his Mexican burrito eatin a** [expletive deleted],” another user tweeted. Countless similar death threats continue to be made.

    In Sanford, where Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin last year in what he maintains was self-defense, city officials have been preparing for months. Top local officials interviewed by CNN recently offered some insight into the preparations, showing teams of police officers fanning out across the city to knock on doors and talk to residents prior to the verdict being announced. Local pastors are also being recruited by authorities to help keep the peace.

    “Our worst fear is that we will have people from outside of the community coming in and stirring up ... violence in the community,” said Sanford Police Chief Cecil Smith, refusing to offer more details about law-enforcement plans. City Manager Norton Bonaparte said Rodney King-type riots were “certainly a possibility.” Mayor Jeff Triplett had similar concerns, telling CNN that a single person could provoke a firestorm and that Sanford was a “tinderbox” last year.

    In Miami, where a 1980 riot following a jury verdict resulted in 18 deaths and $100 million in property damages, authorities are already working feverishly to keep order, too. Last year, before Zimmerman was charged with a crime, dozens of young people looted a business, supposedly as some sort of “Justice for Trayvon” protest. Martin lived in Miami but was in Sanford after being suspended from school.

    Anticipating potential violence surrounding the Zimmerman trial, the so-called “Miami-Dade Community Relations Board” is now reaching out to influential figures throughout the area — pastors, sports figures, and others — in a bid to defuse tensions. Among other strategies, officials are working on a social-media campaign using the Twitter hash tag “#keepcalmfortrayvon.”

    "We want people to respond in a positive way,” board member Dr. Walter Richardson told CBS Miami about the efforts to prevent widespread disorder after the verdict is announced. “If they have frustrations they want to vent, we want them to do that in an orderly and organized way. So the message is: Peace for Trayvon.... We want peace for Trayvon."

    Meanwhile, some analysts are predicting massive riots outside of Florida as well. Licensed private detective and former Chicago police officer Paul Huebl, for example, writing in Crime File News, pointed to the danger signs — violent Twitter posts, outrageous media “reporting,” Obama’s half-baked comments about the case, and more — to argue that major unrest was all but inevitable at this point.

    “With today’s social media I fully expect organized race rioting to begin in every major city to dwarf the Rodney King and the Martin Luther King riots of past decades,” he wrote in the widely cited piece. “If you live in a large city be prepared to evacuate or put up a fight to win. You will need firearms, fire-suppression equipment along with lots of food and water. Police resources will be slow and outgunned everywhere.”

    Huebl, whose comments went “viral” after being picked up in the alternative media, warned that the looming verdict could spark bigger problems than riots. “America is about to see some combat-related population control like we’ve not seen since the Civil War. Martial Law can’t be far behind complete with major efforts at gun grabbing,” he continued. “This may be a turning point in America. Freedom will either be retaken or lost for our lifetimes and our children's.”

    Whether or not Huebl's predictions are overblown, as The New American reported last year, white and black racists have been preparing for a “race war” over the killing of Martin since as early as April 2012. The virulently racist “New Black Panther Party” (NBPP) and “National Socialist Movement” (NSM) — both believed to be heavily infiltrated by federal agencies — openly claimed all-out “race war” was coming as the press, Obama, and race profiteers seized on the Zimmerman-Martin case over manufactured "racial overtones," conveniently ignoring the thousands of other blacks killed in the United States each year, mostly by other blacks.

    Of course, the increasingly discredited establishment media bears most of the responsibility, according to analysts. With its attempts to make the trial about race — even to the point of outright, blatant deception, as in the case of NBC editing Zimmerman’s 911 call — the national press continues to use years-old photos of Martin as an innocent-looking child rather than more recent pictures. Countless analysts and pundits say the media’s pathetic and dishonest coverage of the case is helping to foment potential chaos. That might even be the plan.

    “The media is totally invested in George Zimmerman being convicted as a racist ‘white Hispanic,’” noted conservative talk-radio titan Rush Limbaugh, referring to a recent ABC broadcast that appeared desperate for rioting. “They are totally invested, and it looks like the prosecution's case is just imploding — and, as such, there's panic now. So much so, ladies and gentlemen, so much so, that there is now talk and agitating for race riots.... They're agitating for riots already.”

    Race profiteers such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, whose lucrative careers depend on continually fomenting racial division and hatred, have also played a key role in the escalating tensions. Even President Obama, who outrageously injected himself into the case by saying, “If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon,” has also been blasted by analysts and commentators for stoking racial unrest.

    If and when chaos erupts following the verdict — a distinct possibility even if Zimmerman were to be convicted, some analysts say — it would hardly be the first time in U.S. history that a coalition of race-mongers and the establishment media helped fan the flames. Perhaps the most spectacular example, the 1992 Los Angeles riots, bears remarkable similarities in terms of the deceptive reporting, the paid race agitators, and the explosive cocktail resulting mostly from the ignorance and behind-the-scenes organization. A verdict in the Zimmerman trial is expected in the coming days or weeks.
    Photo of California Highway Patrol officer standing guarding during 1992 Los Angeles riots: AP Images
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    Default Re: Trayvon Martin Shooting - George Zimmerman

    Obama diffuse the situation: He won't, because race riots are good for the Democratic Party. They fire up the base

    Zimmerman’s Fate and Looming Race Riots

    By Arnold Ahlert (Bio and Archives) Wednesday, July 3, 2013
    The murder case against George Zimmerman is rapidly unraveling, due in large part to the compelling testimony of key witnesses. Ordinarily, there is nothing unusual about compelling testimony changing the course of a trial, but in this case it is witnesses presented by the prosecution that are bolstering the case for the defendant. Thus, with each passing day it is becoming more apparent that the real reason for bringing this case to trial was to assuage the media-driven concerns of the racial grievance industry, led by chief arsonists Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson. Shamefully aiding and abetting them is the racially polarized Justice Department led by Attorney General Eric Holder.

    We begin with the witnesses. Billed as the state’s “star witness,” 19-year-old Rachel Jeantel, the last person to talk to Trayvon Martin before his death, proved to be a major embarrassment. If there is a racial element to this case, other than the prosecution’s unsubstantiated accusation that Zimmerman “profiled” Martin, Jeantel introduced it during her testimony. She revealed that Trayvon Martin had referred to Zimmerman as a “creepy-# cracker,” even as she subsequently denied it was a racial term. Another compelling part of her testimony was in regard to a letter she had supposedly written to Martin’s mother describing the chain of events that led to Trayvon’s death. During questioning by defense attorney Don West, Jeantel was forced to admit that, despite signing it, she was incapable of reading the cursive script in which it was written.

    West further grilled Jeantel about her inconsistent statements to police, and the discrepancies in her testimony. Jeantel blamed them on questions posed by law enforcement officials, and the lengths of the interviews. As to the omission of details, she claimed she was trying to spare the Martin family from enduring additional grief. In the end, Jeantel admitted she didn’t know who threw the first punch, and that she lied under oath. The former admission makes it virtually impossible for the prosecution to prove that Zimmerman didn’t fire in self-defense. The latter admission challenges Jeantel’s entire credibility.

    Yet it was testimony from John Good, who witnessed the fight between Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman, that provided the most damaging, and perhaps fatal blow to the state’s case. Good testified that he saw Trayvon Martin on top of George

    Zimmerman, raining punches down on him Mixed Martial Arts style. Good further testified that the scream he heard must have come from Zimmerman, because he was on the bottom, and Martin was facing away from Good.

    On Monday, detective Doris Singleton, who questioned Zimmerman the night of the shooting, became the latest prosecution witness to undermine the state’s case. She testified that Zimmerman asked her about the crucifix she wore on her neck, and buried his head in his hands after learning that Martin had died. During the exchange Singleton testified that Zimmerman said it was “always wrong to kill.” “I said to him, ‘If what you’re telling me is true then I don’t think that’s what God meant, you couldn’t save your own life,’” she said. Singleton further testified that Zimmerman was shocked when he learned that Martin was dead.

    Audiotape of Singleton’s interview with Zimmerman was played in court. He explained he had joined the neighborhood watch after his home had been broken into. As to the fatal encounter with Martin, Zimmerman said Martin “jumped out” at him from the bushes and said, “What the f‚Äî is your problem, homey?” Zimmerman claimed he didn’t have a problem, and said Martin responded by saying, “Now you have a problem,” and punched him in the nose. When Zimmerman fell, Martin allegedly got on top of him, throwing punches. “He put his hands on my nose and said, ‘You’re going to die tonight,’” said Zimmerman on the tape. Zimmerman then stated that Martin saw his (Zimmerman’s) gun and started to reach for it, which is when Zimmerman drew it and shot the teenager.

    Hirotaka Nakasone, an FBI audio voice analyst, further discredited the state’s case, saying he was unable to determine which to the two men was captured screaming on audio.
    The state’s best witness was former lead investigator for the Sanford Police, Christopher Serino, who testified that Zimmerman’s injuries were “lacking” in terms of his story. He was further concerned that Zimmerman didn’t identify himself to Martin. Yet under cross-examination by defense attorney Mark O’Mara regarding Serino’s suggestion to Zimmerman that there might be a videotape of the incident, Serino admitted Zimmerman was buoyed by the possibility. “I believe his words were, ‘thank god. I was hoping somebody would have videotaped it,” said Serino. O’Mara then asked Serino what that response indicated to him. “Either he was telling the truth or he was a complete pathological liar,” the detective responded. The defense then asked Serino if pathological liar was removed from the equation, did he believe Zimmerman was being truthful. “Yes,” he testified.

    Additional witnesses presented by the prosecution have, to date, corroborated Zimmerman’s version of the events in question, save one: Selma Mora testified last Thursday that Zimmerman was on top of Martin in the moments before a gunshot ended the fight, telling the court that a man wearing “patterns between black and red” was on top, meaning Zimmerman. “One of them was on the ground, and the other one was on top in position like a rider,” the Spanish-speaking Mora testified through a translator. Yet unlike Good, Mora did not see the fight prior to the gunshot.

    Again, these are witnesses for the prosecution, whose job is to prove that Zimmerman is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Yet it is more complicated than that. Because the state filed second degree murder charges against Zimmerman (as opposed to manslaughter, where they might have argued he acted without just cause), Florida law requires them to prove Zimmerman “acted according to a ‘depraved mind’ without regard for human life.”

    So why did the state pursue that charge? Because Trayvon Martin became a cause celebre for race-hatred promoters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, who called for marches and boycotts against the city of Sanford. Their efforts were aided and abetted by corrupt media, which bent over backwards to insert race into the equation. Those efforts included the New York Times referring to Zimmerman as a “white Hispanic,” NBC purposefully editing an audiotape of his 911 call to make Zimmerman appear racist, CNN claiming Zimmerman used the word “coon” when he actually said “cold,” and innumerable news outlets publishing a picture of Martin at age 13, despite the fact that he was 17 and over six feet tall at the time of the incident.

    If a report by “sundance” at is accurate, the media’s effort to paint Zimmerman as racist was part of a well-coordinated publicity campaign undertaken by Martin family attorneys Benjamin Crump and Natalie Jackson, in conjunction with publicist Ryan Julison, who was instrumental in providing publicity for the Pigford Farmer’s lawsuit and settlement. “Within the prior networking connections to this lawsuit, and within the media consulting/advocacy, is where the outline of the Congressional Black Caucus and substantive race-dependent civil rights leaders such as Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and the NAACP’s Ben Jealous are connected to Ryan Julison through Benjamin Crump and Natalie Jackson and the Pigford II Lawyer, Greg Francis,” he writes, further noting that their efforts were all about creating a “systematic campaign of optical control.”
    Andrew McCarthy reveals the consequences of such a campaign with respect to the DOJ, citing the initiation of a “federal civil rights prosecution that induced state officials in Florida to reconsider the initial decision not to charge Zimmerman.” “It’s easy for a corrupt process to produce criminal charges,” writes McCarthy.
    “It is quite something else to prove them. To try to fill the gaping intent hole in its case, the Zimmerman prosecution has transferred the hobgoblin of racism from the headlines into the courtroom. Indeed, it did not even wait for the trial to do that; the prosecutor injected racism directly into the charging documents.”
    The Florida prosecutor did that by inserting the term “profiling” into the document which, McCarthy notes, was an effort “to imply, in the absence of any evidence, that Zimmerman is a bigot who assumed Martin was up to no good just because he was black.”

    Yet it is PJMedia’s J. Christian Adams, a former attorney at the Justice Department, who reveals a disturbing reality regarding why the DOJ forced Florida’s hand. “Right now, hanging on the door of a federal employee’s office in the Department of Justice (DOJ) Voting Section is a sign expressing racial solidarity with Trayvon Martin,” Adams writes. He further notes that even as the DOJ abetted the mob demanding racial justice in Florida, it did absolutely nothing about New Black Panther leader Mikhail Muhammad, who put a $10,000 bounty on Zimmerman’s head and called for the mobilization of 10,000 black men to capture him.

    In terms of making the case a national sensation, all of these efforts have been enormously successful, even as they remain mind-numbingly irresponsible—as well as substantially dangerous. If numerous comments posted on Twitter are any indication, the failure to convict Zimmerman of murder will precipitate large-scale rioting around the nation. In that regard, former Chicago police officer Paul Huebl adds fuel to an already burning fire. “With today’s social media I fully expect organized race rioting to begin in every major city to dwarf the Rodney King and the Martin Luther King riots of past decades,” he writes.
    “If you live in a large city be prepared to evacuate or put up a fight to win. You will need firearms, fire suppression equipment along with lots of food and water. Police resources will be slow and outgunned everywhere.”
    Philadelphia Tribune columnist Charles D. Ellison takes it one step further, insisting that the “pervasive cynicism currently surrounding the trial could be validated by an acquittal—and there is the risk of a flashpoint as intense as the aftermath of that fateful Los Angeles police brutality verdict in 1992.”

    The message here is clear: either Zimmerman is found guilty, irrespective of the evidence, or the country will burn.

    Barring a bombshell turn of events, the state will have a difficult, if not impossible, task proving that Zimmerman acted according to a depraved mind without regard for human life. The six female jurors and four alternates hearing the case have been sequestered and will remain so for the duration of the trial. Thus, it remains impossible to know if they are aware of the extra-judicial firestorm this case is engendering, and whether that firestorm will have any effect on their verdict.

    Obviously, there is one man who could go a long way toward defusing this entire scenario should he choose to do so. President Barack Obama could rise above the fray and explain to every American that our system of justice means nothing if the threat of violence can corrupt the verdict of a murder trial. The President could make it clear that violent outbursts of any kind are absolutely unacceptable and attempt to defuse an already tense environment. He won’t, however, because race riots are good for the Democratic Party. They fire up the base. It’s what the whole show was for.
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    Zimmerman defense nears an end with one big question

    By Michael Pearson, CNN
    updated 12:53 PM EDT, Wed July 10, 2013

    -- The effort to defend George Zimmerman against murder charges in the 2012 shooting death of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin neared its end Wednesda,y with no clear indication whether the onetime neighborhood watch volunteer himself would testify.

    Judge Debra Nelson reminded Zimmerman Wednesday that he had the right to testify, but neither Zimmerman nor his attorneys indicated whether he would. Zimmerman's defense team told Nelson Tuesday that they expect to wrap up their case sometime Wednesday. A prosecution rebuttal could follow.

    Zimmerman, 29, is accused of second-degree murder in the February 26, 2012 death of Martin, a 17-year-old from Miami who was staying with his father in Zimmerman's Sanford, Florida, neighborhood.

    The incident provoked a national debate over the role of guns and race in the nation.

    Martin supporters rallied nationwide, arguing Zimmerman took advantage of what they considered loose Florida gun laws to racially profile and shoot down an unarmed African-American teenager without provocation.

    Zimmerman, who is Hispanic, has acknowledged shooting Martin, but has said he did so in self-defense after Martin attacked him.

    On Wednesday -- a day after a court session that stretched past 10 p.m. -- Nelson dealt two blows to Zimmerman's defense, ruling they could not introduce pictures and text messages from Martin's phone or present during testimony a three-dimensional computer re-enactment of how the defense believes the altercation played out.

    The photos and text messages recovered from Martin's phone include apparent references to efforts to buy a gun, as well as discussion of a fight, and won't be seen by jurors.
    However, it appears that the animation could still be used during closing arguments.

    The defense said Tuesday that the animation would help the jury understand how the confrontation between Martin and Zimmerman unfolded. The prosecution argued the animated re-enactment makes assumptions, and it's not based on evidence in the case.

    In the first testimony of the day, a private investigator who specializes in "use of force" issues testified that he did not believe Zimmerman's shooting of Martin showed any particular malice or ill will toward the teenager.

    Dennis Root testified the apparent fight between Zimmerman and Martin went on for a long time -- some 40 seconds -- and was clearly marked by a high level of fear and anxiety.

    "I have personally sat there and timed it myself, where it is about 40 seconds of time. That's a very long time to be involved in any type of physical altercation," said Root.

    "We have a golden rule," he told defense attorney Mark O'Mara. "If you have not successfully completed the fight, if you have not won the fight in 30 seconds, change tactics, because the tactics you are using are not working."
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    If you haven't won a fight in about 8 seconds, it's time to change tactics. Thirty is too long.
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    Default Re: Trayvon Martin Shooting - George Zimmerman

    And the reason we haven't heard from Obama on THIS part of it????

    Revealed: How taxpayers paid for Justice Department unit to 'support protests after killing of Trayvon Martin'

    By David Martosko In Washington
    PUBLISHED: 12:07 EST, 10 July 2013 | UPDATED: 12:27 EST, 10 July 2013


    Documents published online Wednesday by a conservative watchdog group show that the Community Relations Service, an arm of the U.S. Justice Department, spent taxpayer dollars to help organize and implement plans for the initial string of rallies in Sanford, Florida following the 2012 shooting death of Trayvon Martin.
    The protests were openly hostile to George Zimmerman, the volunteer neighborhood watch organizer who killed Martin, 17, after a struggle. Zimmerman is currently on trial in a Florida courtroom, charged with second-degree murder.

    Rev. Al Sharpton (C) spoke at a 'Justice for Trayvon' rally along with Tracy Martin (R) and Sybrina Fulton (2nd L), parents of slain teenager Trayvon Martin, on March 22, 2012. It appears the U.S. Justice Department provided support for similar rallies

    The DOJ's Community Relations Service first entered the Trayvon Martin controversy March 25-27, 2012 when, according to the documents, its personnel were 'deployed to Sanford, FL, to work marches, demonstrations, and rallies related to the shooting and death of an African-American teen by a neighborhood watch captain.'
    Days later, from March 30 through April 1, the agency reported that it 'provide[d] support for protest deployment in Florida.'


    Judicial Watchobtained the Justice Department documents in April 2012 and March 2013 through a Freedom of Information Act request, but released them Wednesday. A Judicial Watch official told MailOnline that a shortage of personnel to analyze thousands of pages of documents obtained under FOIA - not a desire for trial-related publicity - was responsible for the delay.

    The DOJ describes its Community Relations Service as 'the Department's "peacemaker" for community conflicts and tensions arising from differences of race, color, and national origin.'

    George Zimmerman, shown in an evidence photo with injuries he sustained during the confrontation that ended Trayvon Martin's life, is charged with second-degree murder

    Thousands of posters were printed demanding Zimmerman's arrest for killing Martin. These signs were funded by the Service Employees International Union local 1199, a health care workers union

    Its mandate includes 'assist[ing] State and local units of government, private and public organizations, and community groups with preventing and resolving racial and ethnic tensions, incidents, and civil disorders, and in restoring racial stability and harmony.'
    Some of the Trayvon Martin protests, however, stoked racial animosity, with Black Panther Party members and the Rev. Al Sharpton suggesting that Zimmerman, a Latino man, was an example of white-on-black violence.
    'These documents detail the extraordinary intervention by the Justice Department in the pressure campaign leading to the prosecution of George Zimmerman,' said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

    'My guess is that most Americans would rightly object to taxpayers paying government employees to help organize racially-charged demonstrations.'
    The Justice Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Judicial Watch's document indicate that the DOJ spent at least $5,320 in hard costs to support the rallies, an amount that does not include the salaries of personnel tasked to intervene.

    Trayvon Martin supporters marched before a town hall meeting about the shooting on March 26, 2012. Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Jesse Jackson and NAACP president Benjamin Jealous all spoke at the event

    The agency's Florida activities did include providing 'technical assistance' to law enforcement and city managers in Sanford. But its apparent work to assist demonstrators indicates that it functioned less as a government entity and more as a partner to the protest organizers.

    Judicial Watch also obtained an audio recording of an April 19, 2012 community meeting held at the Second Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church.
    'The meeting, which opens with a gospel hymn and organ music, is reported to have led to the official ouster of Sanford’s Police Chief Bill Lee,' the group said in a press release.

    'A week earlier, a group calling themselves the “Dream Defenders” had barricaded the entrance to the police department demanding he be fired for failing to file murder charges against Zimmerman. The church meeting produced a nine-point plan, the main demand being the firing of Chief Lee.'
    The Orlando Sentinel reported earlier in the same week that the DOJ's Community Relations Service 'helped set up a meeting between the local NAACP and elected officials that led to the temporary resignation of police Chief Bill Lee.'
    'They were there for us,' Allen Chapel AME Church pastor Rev. Valarie Houston said at the time.

    The Sentinel also reported that Community Relations Service employees arranged a 40-mile police escort for students calling for the police chief's ouster who were traveling from Daytona Beach to Sanford.

    Many of the protests after Martin's shooting were racially charged events, and some reportedly included the participation of New Black Panther Party members

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    Default Re: Trayvon Martin Shooting - George Zimmerman

    City prepared for Rodney King-like riots after Zimmerman verdict

    July 3, 2013 by Janeen Capizola 20 Comments

    Photo of the LA Riots in 1992

    Photo Credit: Vintage Everyday

    The city of Sanford, Fla. is bracing for reaction to the verdict in the George Zimmerman trial, including preparing for riots the likes of which haven’t been seen since the Rodney King verdict was announced in 1992.

    The city has spent months preparing for what may develop after the jury verdict is announced, and pastors and members of the clergy are even lending a hand to keep tensions from escalating out of control.

    According to a report from CNN’s David Mattingly, local pastors have been sitting in the courtroom observing the trial, and the Sanford Police Department has sent officers door to door in an attempt to stay in “front of a possible disaster.”

    From Sanford Mayor Jeff Triplett to the Chief of Police Cecil Smith, the city is very concerned about people coming in from out of town and “stirring up violence,” the CNN report said.

    Triplett said the city was a “tinderbox” with all the demonstrations after Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin in February 2012, and his fear is that it may happen again if Zimmerman is ultimately acquitted.

    A “Rodney King-type of riot” is a “scenario that’s certainly a possibility,” Sanford City Manager Norton Bonaparte told Mattingly.

    However, neither Bonaparte nor Smith would discuss with CNN what specific security measures, like SWAT or other “personnel,” were in place.

    “Months of preparation, intense community relations and a secret law enforcement plan” are in place not just for a Zimmerman acquittal, but in case celebrations over a possible guilty verdict turn violent, Mattingly reported.

    No doubt, the city has been watching the escalating tension the trial has caused on social media.

    There have been serious, violent and graphic calls on Twitter and Facebook for riots, looting and violence in cities across the country if Zimmerman is acquitted.

    The trial is expected to last a few more weeks.

    Watch the report from CNN here:

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    Default Re: Trayvon Martin Shooting - George Zimmerman

    Could you imagine if Twitter were alive with chatter if it had been the other way around?

    Can you even IMAGINE some white people saying the same things about a black man who shot an "unarmed" 17 year old white boy who was beating the shit out of the older. armed, black man??


    It's called "Civilization".
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Trayvon Martin Shooting - George Zimmerman

    Newly Released Documents Detail the Department of Justice’s Role in Organizing Trayvon Martin Protests

    DOJ deployed obscure section to play role in Florida protests

    Also read: Justice for Trayvon, Race-Hustler Style, by J. Christian Adams

    by Bryan Preston

    July 10, 2013 - 9:29 am

    Judicial Watch announced today that it has obtained documents proving that the Department of Justice played a major behind-the-scenes role in organizing protests against George Zimmerman. Zimmerman is on trial for second-degree murder in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin in February 2012.

    Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the DOJ on April 24, 2012. According to the documents JW received, a little-known DOJ unit called the Community Relations Service deployed to Sanford, FL, to organize and manage rallies against Zimmerman.

    Among JW’s findings:

    • March 25 – 27, 2012, CRS spent $674.14 upon being “deployed to Sanford, FL to work marches, demonstrations, and rallies related to the shooting and death of an African-American teen by a neighborhood watch captain.”
    • March 25 – 28, 2012, CRS spent $1,142.84 “in Sanford, FL to work marches, demonstrations, and rallies related to the shooting and death of an African-American teen by a neighborhood watch captain.”
    • March 30 – April 1, 2012, CRS spent $892.55 in Sanford, FL “to provide support for protest deployment in Florida.”
    • March 30 – April 1, 2012, CRS spent an additional $751.60 in Sanford, FL “to provide technical assistance to the City of Sanford, event organizers, and law enforcement agencies for the march and rally on March 31.”
    • April 3 – 12, 2012, CRS spent $1,307.40 in Sanford, FL “to provide technical assistance, conciliation, and onsite mediation during demonstrations planned in Sanford.”
    • April 11-12, 2012, CRS spent $552.35 in Sanford, FL “to provide technical assistance for the preparation of possible marches and rallies related to the fatal shooting of a 17 year old African American male.” – expenses for employees to travel, eat, sleep?

    JW says the documents it obtained reveal that CRS is not engaging in its stated mission of conducting “impartial mediation practices and conflict resolution,” but instead engaged on the side of the anti-Zimmerman protesters.

    On April 15, 2012, during the height of the protests, the Orlando Sentinelreported, “They [the CRS] helped set up a meeting between the local NAACP and elected officials that led to the temporary resignation of police Chief Bill Lee according to Turner Clayton, Seminole County chapter president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.” The paper quoted the Rev. Valarie Houston, pastor of Allen Chapel AME Church, a focal point for protestors, as saying “They were there for us,” after a March 20 meeting with CRS agents.

    Separately, in response to a Florida Sunshine Law request to the City of Sanford, Judicial Watch also obtained an audio recording of a “community meeting” held at Second Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church in Sanford on April 19, 2012. The meeting, which led to the ouster of Sanford’s Police

    Chief Bill Lee, was scheduled after a group of college students calling themselves the “Dream Defenders” barricaded the entrance to the police department demanding Lee be fired. According to the Orlando Sentinel, DOJ employees with the CRS had arranged a 40-mile police escort for the students from Daytona Beach to Sanford.

    “These documents detail the extraordinary intervention by the Justice Department in the pressure campaign leading to the prosecution of George Zimmerman,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “My guess is that most Americans would rightly object to taxpayers paying government employees to help organize racially-charged demonstrations.”

    Organizing such protests falls well within both President Barack Obama’s and Attorney General Eric Holder’s wheelhouses. Obama was a “community organizer” in his career prior to elective politics, a position that uses protests and street theater, along with threats, to obtain concessions from businesses and other political opponents. Holder has accused America of being a “nation of cowards” for not discussing racial issues enough. He also described black Americans as “my people” during a congressional hearing.

    As the Zimmerman trial winds down, the threat of race riots should he be acquitted has risen.

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    Default Re: Trayvon Martin Shooting - George Zimmerman

    Docs: DOJ Provided Support for Trayvon Rallies

    by Ben Shapiro 10 Jul 2013, 10:28 AM PDT post a comment

    On Wednesday, Judicial Watched announced that the Department of Justice had turned over documents in response to a Freedom of Information Act request showing that the Community Relations Service (CRS), a small division of the DOJ, was sent to Sanford, Florida after the Trayvon Martin shooting to help manage rallies and protests.

    In April 2013, Breitbart News' Lee Stranahan first reportedthe role of the CRS in Sanford.

    The new documents show that from March 25 through April 12, 2012, the CRS spent thousands of dollars helping organize and “work” marches and demonstrations regarding Trayvon Martin. Tasks included:

    • Working “marches, demonstrations, and rallies related to the shooting and death of an African-American teen by a neighborhood watch captain”;
    • Providing “support for protest deployment in Florida”;
    • Providing “technical assistance to the City of Sanford, event organizers, and law enforcement agencies for the march and rally on March 31”;
    • Providing “technical assistance, conciliation, and onsite mediation during demonstrations planned in Sanford.”

    In April, the CRS reportedly “set up a meeting between the local NAACP and elected officials that led to the temporary resignation of police chief Bill Lee according to Turner Clayton, Seminole County chapter president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.”

    Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton commented, “These documents detail the extraordinary intervention by the Justice Department in the pressure campaign leading to the prosecution of George Zimmerman. My guess is that most Americans would rightly object to taxpayers paying government employees to help organize racially-charged demonstrations.”

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    Default Re: Trayvon Martin Shooting - George Zimmerman

    DOJ sends secret “peacekeepers” where Trayvon Martin was killed

    Last Updated: July 10, 2013

    Judicial Watch, Inc. (Judicial Watch) on April 24, 2012 launched an investigation into the Trayvon Martin case based on reports that the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) had sent a secret team of “peacekeepers” to Sanflord, Florida, where Martin was shot on February 26, 2012 after wandering in a gated community after dark. George Zimmerman, a resident of the community and its neighborhood watch captain, is currently on trial for Martin’s death though he maintains he acted in self-defense.

    Records obtained by Judicial Watch in response to local, state and federal public records requests show that the so-called peacekeepers are part of a large and growing division within DOJ called the Community Relations Service (CRS). Though CRS purports to spot and quell racial tensions nationwide before they arise, the documents obtained by Judicial Watch show the group actively worked to foment unrest, spending thousands of taxpayer dollars on travel and hotel rooms to train protestors throughout Florida. The peacekeepers also met with officials of the Republican National Convention, scheduled for several months later in Tampa, to warn them to expect protests in connection with Martin’s death.

    • CRS employee spent $1,142.84 to travel to Sanford, Florida from March 25-28, 2012 “to work marches, demonstrations, and rallies”;
    • CRS employee spent $751.60 to travel to Sanford, Florida from March 30-April 1, 2012 “to provide technical assistance to the City of Sanford, event organizers, and law enforcement agencies for the march and rally on March 31”;
    • CRS employee spent $1,307.40 to travel to Sanford, Florida from April 3-12, 2012 “to provide technical assistance, conciliation, and onsite mediation during demonstrations planned in Sanford”;
    • CRS employee spent $672.24 to travel to Tampa, Florida from April 18-20, 2012 “to meet with RNC official related to possible protests and demonstrations during the RNC”

    In response to a Florida Sunshine Law request to the City of Sanford, Judicial Watch also obtained an audio recording of a “community meeting” held at Second Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church in Sanford on April 19, 2012. The meeting, which opens with a gospel hymn and organ music, is reported to have led to the official ouster of Sanford’s Police Chief Bill Lee. A week earlier, a group calling themselves the “Dream Defenders” had barricaded the entrance to the police department demanding he be fired for failing to file murder charges against Zimmerman. The church meeting produced a nine-point plan, the main demand being the firing of Chief Lee.


    UN Calls for Trayvon Martin Investigation

    April 6, 2013

    BRIDGETOWN (AFP) - UN rights chief Navi Pillay on Thursday called for an "immediate investigation" into the circumstances surrounding the February death of an unarmed black US teen, shot by a neighborhood watchman.

    Pillay made the comments about the controversial Trayvon Martin case at a press conference in Barbados, as she wrapped up a three-day visit to the Caribbean island nation.

    "As High Commissioner for Human Rights, I call for an immediate investigation," Pillay told reporters.

    "Justice must be done for the victim. It's not just this individual case. It calls into question the delivery of justice in all situations like this."

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    Default Re: Trayvon Martin Shooting - George Zimmerman

    CRS = Can't Remember Shit
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Trayvon Martin Shooting - George Zimmerman

    What? It's proven that Holder's Justice Department is complicit in organizing protests for Martin? How much more information do we need to recognize a criminal, subversive administration than what is already available? It needs to end.

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    Default Re: Trayvon Martin Shooting - George Zimmerman

    They're fostering a crisis...that will not go to waste.

    Spies & Muscle: Holder, Secretive DOJ Group Helped Oust Sanford Sheriff

    by Lee Stranahan 18 Apr 2012 post a comment

    The Obama administration may have had direct involvement in shaping the Trayvon Martin shooting narrative, including direct involvement in forcing Sanford, FL sheriff Bill Lee to temporarily step down.

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    Default Re: Trayvon Martin Shooting - George Zimmerman

    Zimmerman Speaks: Judge Overrules Defense Objections, Grills Defendant If He Wants To Testify

    Published on Jul 10, 2013

    July 10, 2013 - Judge Debra Nelson directly asked defendant George Zimmerman if he had made a decision as to whether to testify in his trial, overruling the continual objections of his defense attorneys in a heated exchange Wednesday afternoon. "Have you made a decision as to whether or not you want to testify in this case?" Judge Nelson asked Zimmerman after reminding him of his rights both to remain silent and speak on his behalf.

    After two objections from defense attorney Don West, Nelson said rather testily, "Overruled. The Court is entitled to inquire if Mr. Zimmerman's determination as to whether or not he wants to testify."

    "I assume it would depend on how long the recesses are, your Honor," Zimmerman said, in one of the only moments he has spoken at his own trial. "At the end of the day..."

    "If your attorneys have finished with two witnesses before the end of the day, do you think you would know then whether or not you want to testify?" Nelson said.

    "Speaking on Mr. Zimmerman's behalf—" West tried.

    "I am asking your clients questions," Nelson said, and when West again tried to object, Nelson sounded exasperated. "Your objection is overruled." She finished by telling Zimmerman, "I will give you more time to discuss this with your attorneys."

    Judge Nelson has been showing decreasing patience with the arguments of the defense attorneys since leaving the courtroom last night while the defense was still speaking. This morning, she handed down two rulings against the defense, one refusing to allow Trayvon Martin's text messages as evidence, another prohibiting the airing of animation showing Zimmerman's version of the struggle resulting in Martin's death.

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    Default Re: Trayvon Martin Shooting - George Zimmerman

    He could have simply said "My council will speak for me"

    and she could have stewed in her own fat suit till the end of time if she doesn't like it.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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