Assassinate half of Congress, urges Web-radio hatemonger
'If you re-elect people who have committed these wrongs against us … then we may have to simply kill them!'
Posted: October 29, 2006
9:59 p.m. Eastern

© 2006

Hal Turner

WASHINGTON – An anti-Semitic white supremacist who conducts an Internet radio show says if Americans return incumbents to Washington in the Nov. 7 election, he may just have to assassinate them.

Hal Turner describes himself as "outspoken, opinionated and brutally blunt." The biography on his website says he was a registered Republican until this month, when he changed his registration to unaffiliated.

If that's true, he has fallen hard and fast from the Republican ranks.

"As the November 7 Election approaches, I decided to write a few lines to my fellow Americans about the state of our nation and the ugliness that may have to occur if the people who caused these problems are re-elected: They may have to be assassinated," he writes in his Oct. 27 screed.

Just so there can be no mistaking his intentions, Turner repeats his premise several times and even offers fairly detailed plans involving five-men strike forces to carry out their wet work in wiping out half the U.S. Congress and at least three members of the Supreme Court.

In his "Last Chance America" plea, he also says: "If you re-elect the same people who have gotten us into the mess we're in, folks like me may have to assassinate them!"

Turner lists his beefs with the government:

* curtailment of political speech through campaign finance law restrictions;

* killing innocent people in Iraq;

* that members of Congress don't read the legislation they pass;

* that elected officials ignore the will of the people;

* that politicians lie to get themselves elected;

* spending is breaking the nation's financial back;

* disapproves of USA Patriot Act and Military Commissions Act of 2006;

* eminent domain ruling jeopardizing property rights.

"All these things took place right under your nose, but YOU have done NOTHING about it," says Turner. "Well, you may be willing to give up YOUR rights, but folks like me will not allow you to give away OUR rights. … So again I say, if you re-elect the people who have committed these wrongs against us and our Constitution, then we may have to simply kill them!"

WND screen shot of Hal Turner's website promoting assassination

Turner evidently believes the time is right for a violent overthrow of the federal government because the U.S. military is so overextended around the world it would not be in a position to defend officials.

"In watching the military campaigns of the past 25 years, I have come to admire 'surgical strikes,'" he writes. "When force is applied in a specific, limited way, the results can be magnificent. Such is my HYPOTHETICAL thinking for our present circumstance."

He poses the hypothetical scenario that half the members of Congress represent "problems" – a total of 267. He also sees at least three "problems" on the Supreme Court.

"Imagine if you will, teams of 5 committed citizens each, who were fed up with these 'problems,'" he writes of the assassination squads he envisions. He says it can be done with just 1,350 "committed citizens."

"Do you think that in America, a nation of 300,000,000 people, there are 1,350 committed citizens willing to put it all on the line to 'correct' these 'problems' and thus save the nation?" he asks. "I do," he answers.

Turner even has a name for his kind of political mass murder: "It could be called 'patriotic assassination,'" he writes.

He says these teams of super-patriot hitmen would gather information on the assigned targets – learning "daily schedules, public appearances, travel routes to and from work, etc. ... Once the data was collected and analyzed a time and date could be set for 'solving' these 'problems.'"

"Then, one night, perhaps in the wee hours of the morning, these HYPOTHETICAL heavily armed teams of five committed citizens each, would move," he continues. "I envision a surgically precise, lightning strike: Front doors kicked-in, entry, locating the target, solving the problem and out within 90 seconds. Within minutes, all 270 'problems' would be 'solved.'"

He explains that since most of the "problems" live in and around Washington, "the local police would be overwhelmed immediately and unable to respond to all the calls for help. This means only a limited police response and limited ability to 'apprehend' anyone. Even if there was a local security detail, taking them out at the start of such an operation wouldn’t be a problem; they would be 'collateral damage.' By the time police from neighboring towns, the county or even the state police were told what was happening, it would be too late. The feds at FBI, ATF, the military, et al would be useless because they too would all arrive long after it was over."

Turner hypothesizes that the president – who is not targeted in this scenario – would "roll over and behave quite nicely" in the aftermath of such a coup.

"Sure some of those involved in such a 'corrective action' may be arrested, tried, convicted, jailed or even killed during such an operation, but it would have been for a worthwhile endeavor; an effort that would go down in history!" says Turner. "This is not far fetched. It can be done. In my opinion, it might have to be done."

As if to cover his tracks, Turner also says he renounces and repudiates the use of force and violence to affect political change – "for now."

In closing, just remember, you may be willing to live under tyranny, but I am not. You may be willing to give up your rights, but I won't let you give up MY rights.

"I don't want to see such an attack against our government," he concludes. "I have no plans (at this time) to kill anybody. But I can – and I am willing to – if it comes down to it."

The Washington field office of the FBI did not return a phone call about the matter tonight.

Elsewhere, Turner advocates targeting vehicles full of illegal aliens with rifle fire or tire spikes forcing them to crash. He also calls for a meeting in Atlanta featuring Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League to be disrupted "by any means necessary."

"Let's confront these filthy k---- and all their supporters immediately," he writes. "I wouldn't shed a tear of (sic) that hotel was BOMBED or if someone walked into their meeting hall with fully-automatic firearms and sprayed all of them with bullets. I would laugh if someone firebombed their meeting halls with Molotov Cocktails carried concealed in a coat."