Please post articles about such things right here. The more we get the better (not the more invasions, the more articles).

I'm thinking we can compile a list of news articles and figure out what these criminals are doing to help others fend them off.

Here's the first from my area.

Armed Home Invasion in Palmer Lake

Posted: Dec 26, 2012 1:07 PM by JD Downing
Updated: Dec 26, 2012 1:15 PM

The Palmer Lake Police Department is investigating an armed robbery which occurred on Wednesday December 26, 2012.

Approximately 3:15 AM the 911 Dispatch Center received an emergency call in reference to a burglary that just occurred on Gillia St. in Palmer Lake. The suspects left prior to police arrival, however, the ensuing investigation revealed that 3 suspects entered the home through a window. While the suspects were in the house a male resident woke up and confronted the suspects who were all armed with handguns. A struggle ensued and the resident received minor injuries.

During the incident the male resident was held against his will in a bedroom and a female resident and teenage child were locked in a bathroom.

Items taken by the suspects included household electronics and live marijuana plants. The suspects were described as three males wearing black or gray hooded or non-hooded sweatshirts, all of which were wearing dark bandanas.

Anyone with information about this incident is asked to contact the Palmer Lake Police Department at [IMG]chrome://skype_ff_extension/skin/numbers_button_skype_logo.png[/IMG](719) 481-2934 .