Well... Gridlock is what I expect.

We've lived through it before, and we lived through a Clinton Administration where both houses were controlled at first by the Democrats.

While everyone wishes to look at this through doom and gloom eyes, even me to an extent, I'm prepared to fight the good fight. I won't let them take my guns, I'll buy more, and I'll stock up on Ammo.

I'm not going to stop writing letters, even if they want me too. I write everyone. A lot.

I'm not going to shut up pointing out mistakes.

We all will be watching the mistakes made. Everyone needs to write down what inflation is now, what the deficit is, what the gas prices are, milk, bread, and meat prices and what your taxes are right now.

Keep track of it.

Then you too can be an informed voter next time around (not YOU Sean, those who voted democrap)