So Obama is now authorizing the assassination of high value conservative targets he now calls Terrorists from the Growing List Allegedly Committing Sedition Against U.S. Government.

This is like a slow motion
Red and Blue list.

Red List
– These people are the enemies of the Government. They are the leaders of patriot groups, outspoken ministers, outspoken talk show hosts, community leaders, and even probably NET leaders. These people will be eliminated first.

Blue List – These are also enemies of the Government, but are followers of the Red List folks. These people will be rounded up after martial law is in place, and will be taken to the detention centers and ‘re-educated’. Various mind-control techniques will used on them.

They are going through the Red list now and the Blue activities will start later, or is it already in the process now?

Could they be working on public opinion now through the Cabal of news networks of Media Matters, MSNBC,
CNN, NBC, ABC and so many others to steer the country?

Could this also be the reason the Administration recently is looking to go after Fox and Rush?

During the process they gather millions of opinions off the net, phone, data and text to clarify their ongoing dossiers of who is on and at the top of the
Blue list.