Russia's Sukhoi Markets New Multi-Role Fighter At Chinese Air Show
Sukhoi, Russia's state-owned aircraft manufacturing holding, said Tuesday a prototype of its advanced multi-role fighter has been undergoing flight tests.

Sukhoi is among more than 50 Russian companies showcasing their aircraft and aerospace technologies at the sixth China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition (Airshow China 2006), which opened today in Zhuhai, in southern China.

"A prototype of the Su-35 has already conducted test flights, but I cannot give you more details," said Sergei Sergeyev, deputy general director of the holding and head of Sukhoi's China office.

He also said the company has started to promote the Su-35 fighter on the Chinese market.

The Su-35 Flanker-E is an advanced version of the Su-27 interceptor and is powered by two AL-37F engines. It is a versatile fighter that combines high maneuverability and the capacity to intercept air targets with ground and sea attack capability using both unguided and guided, including high precision, weapons.