May 17, 2013, 7:21am EDT
IRS official said Ohio Tea Party groups had 'nothing to be suspicious of'


Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Urbana, says Lois Lerner, IRS director of exempt organizations, responded to inquiries last year, claiming there was "nothing to be suspicious of" in the IRS' review of certain groups.

Evan Weese
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At the prompting of several Ohio conservative groups, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Urbana, requested an audit of the Internal Revenue Service, which was suspected of delaying certain applications for tax-exempt status, the Toledo Blade reports.
Jordan sent a letter on March 27, 2012, seeking response to the complaints and requested an IRS audit in June 2012. Jordan, who chairs the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, said Lois Lerner, the IRS director of exempt organizations, "assured us there was nothing to be suspicious of," according to the Blade.
Of course, the IRS' admission this week that it targeted Tea Party-related groups led to the resignation of acting IRS Commissioner Steven Miller.