Just a few more notes here. These are all from Time Magazine in the 1970s:

Science: Another Ice Age?

Monday, Nov. 13, 1972

The arrival of another ice age has long been a chilling theme of science fiction. If the earth's recent history is any clue, says Marine Geologist Cesare Emiliani of the University of Miami, a new ice age could become a reality.
Writing in Science, Emiliani reports that the earth has undergone at least eight periods of extreme cold and seven of torrid heat in the past 400,000 years. His conclusion is based on cores of ocean sediment from the Caribbean. Composed of the remains of tiny sea animals, the layered sediment provides a record of climatic changes. When the oceans warm up,...


Another Ice Age?

Monday, June 24, 1974

In Africa, drought continues for the sixth consecutive year, adding terribly to the toll of famine victims. During 1972 record rains in parts of the U.S., Pakistan and Japan caused some of the worst flooding in centuries. In Canada's wheat belt, a particularly chilly and rainy spring has delayed planting and may well bring a disappointingly small harvest. Rainy Britain, on the other hand, has suffered from uncharacteristic dry spells the past few springs. A series of unusually cold winters has gripped the American Far West, while New England and northern Europe have...



Monday, Jan. 31, 1977

After carefully studying woolly bear caterpillars, the thickness of fur on squirrels' tails and other natural signs, "Abe Weatherwise" late last year predicted in The Old Farmers'Almanac that the current winter would be a cold one. Jerome Namias, a meteorologist at California's Scripps Institution of Oceanography, had made a similar forecast. But even Namias is surprised at the subfreezing temperatures that have prevailed over most of the eastern half of the U.S. Says he: "I was a little too conservative. Our forecast was for the coldest winter in perhaps 20 years, but it...
In 1978:


Science: Warming Earth?

Monday, Sept. 18, 1978

CO2 may change world climate
Nature could hardly have created anything that seems more innocuous. An invisible and odorless gas, carbon dioxide is a simple molecular linkup of just a single atom of carbon and two atoms of oxygen (CO2). It constitutes a mere fraction of the atmosphere (.03% vs. about 78% for nitrogen and 20% for oxygen) but becomes dangerous to man and other air-breathing creatures when it accumulates in concentrations higher than 10% as, say, at the bottom of deep wells or mine shafts.
Yet CO2 is vitally important to the earth's wellbeing....

Basically, I believe that was a fake Time cover (one of them, didn't look the other one up). You can get to time.com and look over their stuff. If you want the whole article you have to subscribe, something I won't do now. I used to subscribe to Time when I first joined the military - so I got magazines from 1976-1982 or so. And we got it at my home in Detroit long before that for many years.

I "fell for" the hype of "Ice Age" back then. I remember ARGUING with people that it was going to happen and had logical (I thought) reasons at the time. Now... forty years later, I'm wiser.

I don't believe any of this crap any more. I'll believe it WHEN I SEE IT HAPPEN.

Therefore ANY "taxes" on my gas consumption or anything else are WRONG and I'll fight them every step of the way.