Awhile back I used the letters "SF" to designate "Science Fiction" when making a post. One of the others (Malsua) asked what I meant by SF (because it wasn't very clear in my remarks).

Basically my phrasing was to denote that many things in Science Fiction become true (I don't remember the precise phrase I used now) and was unclear in the use of two letters (which Might have stood for "Special Forces" or "San Francisco" or even "Silly Fools"....)

So to make up for my lack of proper language I thought I'd start this thread to show that there are plenty of things mentioned in Science Fiction which were once only in that realm and all not either proven things, or have been done.

The next article contains a listing of 27 Science Fictions that Became Facts.

As time goes on I'll attempt to post others as well. All are welcome to contribute to the thread.