Anyone have any experience with the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2, 10.1?

I'm considering buying what will probably be my last computer toy soon.

For the boat we will be taking a laptop, easily replaceable and powerful enough to run our email, radio programs and navigation programs. All tested and basically ready to plug and play when we get the boat. I might have to make cables and stuff to connect equipment. No problem.

However, that will be our boat computer. Not gonna take it ashore.

My Kindle fire's screen is small enough to be irritating to me when trying to see web pages (this one for instance).

My wife has an iPad which sometimes frustrates her as well (crashes on and off).

I want a computer I can throw into a back pack and carry, use where wifi exists and where it doesn't (so I can pull up apps to help me find things or whatever) and still be able to do email, web sites and a blog while away from the boat. Want to be able to Skype both audio and video to family and not mess with phones.

So far in my research (such as it has been with the time limits on me) I've found that the Galaxy Tab 2, 10.1 seems to be about number 1, 2 or 3 in the list of "best tablets". The iPad 4 is the first, and some other one shows up as second and third. The Galaxy shows up generally as 3rd on most of the lists.

The price is ok, under 500.

I've not had a chance to put my hands on one yet.

Runs on Android (Ice cream sandwich I think).

Rumor has it a newer version is coming out around June time frame, but there is no firm release date as of yet.

If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, let me know.