Add an EMP to the list and we've got the perfect storm.

Quote Originally Posted by American Patriot View Post
It's called "probing defenses".

Here's what I predict. One day when things are going along just fine, when there has been any "attacks" for a few weeks and things are just hunky dorey... we will suddenly be attacked in the malls, crowded places etc.

Wall street will go offline.
Google will go offline.
Amazon will go offline.
News sites (Remember NYT was down the other day) will go offline.
The Power grid will go offline - or large portions of it will disconnect.

This is a plan they have. It will turn out later, when the smoke and dust clears that the Russians were involved, the Chinese and North Korea had a huge hand in it, Al Qadea had a major hand in it - and they will get the blame.

Seriously, there is a plan afoot to hit us hard and take us down.

We've been kicked in the nuts, they are just trying to find the right timing to do the fatal chop across the neck.