Goodbye GOP, Hello Loyalist.

Loyalist Party Platform

I. Border defense before anything else.
  • Federalized special forces superseding current border defense.
  • Funding towards a concrete reinforced steel meshed fence with a system of video cameras and motion sensors on our borders.
II. Embargo on all oil from Islamic regimes and restrictions on Islamic outsourcing.
  • All oil imports from Islamic regimes will be cut over a 4 year period. Alternative fuels will be introduced to offset decrease.
  • Most forms of outsourcing to Islamic regimes to be barred.
III. Moratorium on all immigration.
  • Exception for educational visas from friendly non-Muslim nations.
IV. Constitutional amendment baring the burning of the American flag. V. Constitutional Amendment baring anti-American teaching in mosques and schools. VI. Proof of citizenship or visa mandatory for all public services. VII. Deport all incarcerated illegal aliens. VIII. Harshly penalize all employers hiring illegal aliens. IX. Military strength to counter future jihadist threats.
Who are the Loyalists?
  • We are the only party that will not abandon the principals that America was built on. Our principal goal is to do whatever it takes to preserve the American way of life. Loyalists will never sell out to political pressure, corporate interests, or individual interests. We will never succumb to the paralyzing effects of political correctness that have corrupted the two-party system and weaken our great nation from within.
Key to this fight is to identify the biggest threat to our country, our culture, and our way of life. The threat is Islam, and its blatant destructive and anti-American culture. Fortunately, it is still in its infancy in , but this is changing quickly. It is slowly starting to infiltrate our politics and our way of life and it must be dealt with, before it engulfs our beautiful country into its darkness.
How will the loyalists preserve and protect the American way of life from Islamic anti-Americanism and subversion?
  • First and foremost, the Loyalists must secure our borders before anything else is done. Our two-party system has failed miserably in this regard. Despite the wishes of the people and the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission, our borders are as porous as ever. We have made it our solemn oath that we will do nothing else, until our borders are completely secured and guarded.
The Loyalists will never try to appease the Muslims in any shape or form. There will be only limited trading with Islamic regimes, no importation of Islamic ideals, and no home-grown Islamic anti-American indoctrination at any of our institutions. We will fight for an amendment that strictly forbids Islamic Anti-American teaching that is prevalent in nearly all Islamic schools and mosques. Such teaching is the key to Islamic brainwashing and hatred, and if this teaching is prevented, its malicious nature can be stopped in its tracks.

What is your policy on fighting Islamic terrorism?
  • The western countries that are most susceptible to Islamic terrorism are ones that have the largest home-grown Islamic element. By keeping Islamicism at bay, both through a moratorium on immigration and by halting the teaching of Islamic anti-Americanism, the threat becomes much lower. Still, we must also keep our eyes on the rest of the world. What happens in
We must also keep a strong military. As more and more countries fall to Islam, our world becomes increasingly dangerous. We must never let the Islamic Jihad become a threat to our peace. It may be only a matter of time, before Islamic regimes have long range missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads, and we must prepare for this eventuality.

Why don’t you expressly state in your platform that you will deport all illegal aliens?
  • While Loyalists believe that this is the right thing to do, it has unfortunately become unachievable, thanks to the neglect of our two-party system. The number of illegals in our country is so large that it becomes impossible to implement such a direct strategy. Instead, the Loyalists must employ an indirect strategy, one that can realistically achieve the same goal. First and foremost, all current and future illegal aliens being incarcerated in prison will be immediately deported. Also, the penalties will be so harsh for hiring illegals, that no employer would dare do so. This would include automatic prison time for first offenses. All public services will require proof of citizenship or a current visa, and many private services such as land ownership and rental will require similar proof. When the incentives for illegals are removed, we will install a voluntary deportation plan that will provide for a safe return to the country of origin of all illegals.
Are you an exclusionary or racially prejudiced party?
  • Absolutely not! Apart from what pundits say, we allow any and all races to join our party, as long as they are patriotic Americans. We are also open to all non-Islamic religions. Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, and secularists are all being victimized and targeted by Islam. We also welcome Middle-Eastern or ethnically Arab non-Muslims. These groups know too well, the horrors that Islamicism can bring. Islam is not a racial or regional matter. It is an ideology of hate, and we stand alone in our resistance against the knee-jerk racial labeling by the politicaly correct.
Aren't you just taking valuable votes away from the G.O.P.?
  • First and foremost, it is important to understand that the G.O.P. is no longer the party it claims to be. After eight years of Republican control of our executive and legislative branches, we now irrefutably know that the G.O.P. had no intentions of securing our borders, despite the wishes of the majority and the recommendations of the 9/11 commission. It might be decades before the Republicans have this kind of control again, and when they do, there is little reason to believe that they won’t sell out our country again.
Initially, all we need is a presence. A percent or two in the national elections will give us recognition as a party in direct contrast to the two-party hegemony. We cannot delude ourselves into believing that we can initially achieve more than that, especially since we are at such a disadvantage financially. While a percentage point can marginally help the Democrats in the short term, it will significantly help us all in the long term America will know that there is an alternative. A party that is unflinchingly intolerant to Islam, and while this might not have the majority appeal today, it will in the future.

Why is it such an important time in our history for Loyalism?
  • The strength of Islamic fanaticism is beyond anything our world has ever seen. Its numbers are growing at an alarming rate, crashing through borders, toppling governments, and pulling people into its darkness. The Iranian revolution has signaled the beginning of the new era of Islamic extremism, where children are brainwashed to become obsessed with destroying all non-believers at an early age. Their zealotry far exceeds Stalinism or Nazism, and they cannot be stopped by removing regimes, assassinating political figures, or escalating an arms race.
Most importantly their philosophy is as diametrically opposite to our American values as can possibly be. Islamic laws force women to be beasts, with no freedom, free will, or trace of humanity. Their backwards anti-enlightened thinking is against the progress that we as American’s have prided ourselves on. But the most frightening aspect of Islam, is that they will never stop fighting, until the rest of the world is subjugated under Islam. Until not a single living soul is free from the horror of sharia.

There is no reason to believe that the patterns in U.K. and Denmark, has a big target on it. We should never forget, that on September 11th, Muslims decided to reserve their largest, most expensive, most organized jihad, to be against . It is now a foregone conclusion, that the U.N. and the have no intentions of stopping the nuclear advancements of the fanatic Islamic countries. And recent intelligence suggests that nuclear armament is a top priority of Al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations. The unthinkable may be just years away, and if and when this nightmare occurs, it would be irresponsible for if we do not offer a political alternative. As distressing and nightmarish as a nuclear Jihad might be, we cannot ignore it and we must prepare to offer a platfor m of hope, a platform that will never sell out to ‘tolerance’, a platform that is myopic in its objective to protect our land from Islamic destruction.

How can I become a Loyalist candidate?
  • We will be announcing a loyalist convention before June, 2007, where we will formally pick the potential candidates for both local and federal preliminary elections. Please email us at: and we will send you the qualifications and possibly set up an interview.
How can I become a loyalist volunteer?
  • Email us your qualifications, and we will consider any and everyone who is Patriotic and against the anti-American Islamic movement. Email us at: .
How can I help but still remain anonymous?
  • The threat of retribution from the defiance of Islamic fanaticism is a unique problem with our party. If you wish to stay anonymous and still contribute to our party, there are a number of things you can do. You can donate to our website anonymously. We have a strict privacy policy and do not keep Paypal information, Internet IP information, or any other member activity logged. We also accept E-gold, which is a great method for anonymously sending and receiving money online. We do not accept cash sent to our physical address, as it often lost or stolen.
Another option can be to get the word out, by calling up talk radio shows, or by just spreading the word to your friends and family.

What are your specific goals? ·Short term Goals
    • Local awareness of our party. Grassroot support from patriotic Americans, second amendment supporters, Americans in support of border security, Americans opposed to Islamic anti-Americanism. Awareness on talk radio and the 'new media.'
    • Local fundraising.
    • Loyalist canidates with the utmost integrity and conviction in our beliefes.
Mid term Goals
    • 1-2% share in the 2008 presidential election.
    • Nationwide recognition of our party and what we stand for.
Long term Goals
    • Loyalist presidency.