It's all been a trap.

And America fell for it.

Hook, line and sinker.

We're doomed unless we fight back.

Barack Alinsky’s New Book: Rules For Liberals

Milton Friedman said “If the government was in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there would be a shortage of sand”. Vladimir Lenin said “Socialized medicine is the keystone to the arch of the socialist state”. In 1927, an American socialist, Norman Thomas, six times candidate for president on the Socialist Party ticket, said “The American people would never vote for socialism. But he said under the name of liberalism, the American people would adopt every fragment of the socialist program”.

These quotes are now in action. Obamacare is here like it or not. The Liberals have won that battle (for now) as it is already crumbling. However, Liberals/Socialists and Obama are set to win the next battle as well. An even more outrageous attack on our Constitution. The Debt Ceiling. If you have listened to Obama, and his drones Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, etc., their talking points all lead to one disturbing point. They say over and over “We must not “default” on our paying our bills. The Lemmings that make up Obama’s liberal base buys into this, and sadly so do many Republicans. When you hear them use the word default, realize this is propaganda. Truth is, they are lies. If the Debt Ceiling is not raised, there is no default on our credit, or paying. The Constitution says so. Therefore you are being lied to, and if you don’t know the Constitution you just might buy into the ruse.

Understand the Constitution. Article one, section 8, clause 2 (read it here). This states the Congress (and only Congress) has the authority to pay the debts and are bound by law to do so. No matter if the debt ceiling is raised or not, it must be paid. It does not state the President has this authority. If the debt ceiling is not raised, and here it is folks… Obama may attempt to grab this power illegal to raise the debt limit without Congress. If he does this he will get away with it although he will be taken to court (The Supreme Court), but the time it will take to have it heard it will already be too late. By Obama grabbing this power to raise the debt limit on his own without Congress, he can therefore spend as much money as he wishes. This is also why in the past 4 years Harry Reid illegally has never passed a budget that by law says he must each year. Liberals can not spend enough, and have no reigns to be fiscally responsible. The Republican have presented several offers to fund the government and raise the debt ceiling all to Harry Reids shunning the offers. This is also on purpose. By not accepting any Republican offer, Obama, in their minds, is free to put the power grab in place. By purposely going into this “Default” by not raising the debt ceiling, President Obama is breaking the Constitution, the highest law in the land. This is an impeachable offense. Again, he will get away with it as there would not be enough support among Democrats to vote for an impeachment. Therefore, the Constitution is fundamentally changed. America is being fundamentally changed, and you might just say, it is the only promise this President has kept. As it was he who stated in Grant park Chicago that he will fundamentally change America. He has, and will continue to do so.

I am not saying this will happen. I am saying by his speeches and interviews he is thinking about it. If he does not do it, it is only because it is being discussed on Conservative talk radio, and he will fear it exploding in his face if it goes to major TV media and print. If a deal is struck, I believe it is because he gave Harry Reid permission to agree on a deal to avoid backlash of doing something so drastic.

Republicans are caving on this issue once again. Republicans are not getting this. They are not talking about this to the media or anywhere. Instead Republicans are fighting among themselves. Moderate Republicans have taken over the Republican party. They despise Ted Cruz for being a Constitutionalist Conservative. They spew toward him the same propaganda rhetoric as they did with Sarah Palin, Jim Demint, and the Tea Party. They reject Reaganism. This helps the Democrats even more. With the Republican party near a breaking point, Democrats will win much more elections than if the Republican Party was united. Take NJ for instance. The DNC has pumped a huge vast amount of money to the Cory Booker campaign. However Steve Lonegan, a true Conservative like Reagan, the RNC has given him nothing… NOTHING! Result? today is the election in NJ. I am about to vote for Mr. Lonegan, but he is double digits behind. With Cory Booker’s many flaws, some despicable, he will probably win. The Republican Party can not run from Reaganism fast enough. Instead, they say they need to be more modern. Truth is they are becoming Liberals.

Obamacare was just one of many phases to Socialism. The debt Ceiling takeover is another (if it happens). There have been many, and after this? There will be much more to come. Can this President be stopped? I say no. With half the country on his side, the Senate on his side, the media on his side, it may just be a losing battle. President Obama is a Socialist. There is no longer any doubt. Not by opinion I say this, but by his actions. They are socialistic. To say otherwise is just a metaphor of a liberals head in the sand like an Ostrich. Even Al Sharpton said when the President was first elected “Let’s not forget, the American people voted for Socialism” (when referring to Obama being elected). Liberals will be hurt by Obamacare, yet they will blame Republicans, blame the insurance companies, even though we have been warning them this would happen for years now. They are all falling for Obama’s Rules For Radicals strategy, and he is winning. Why is it Liberals are blind to all the negatives that is Obamacare or Obama himself? Why do liberals put up with Democrats always saying they are for the little guy, the middle class? Campaigning to make their lives better. Then when elected they harm the very same people who voted for them? Do they buck their support? No! They just keep on defending them, demonizing conservatives to the point where it is all their fault. Never learning from history. Acting more like a bunch of Lemmings jumping off a cliff following ever word the President says as truth instead of propaganda.

Liberals want the government to take care of them. Oh, they will say that is not true, and they themselves will believe they do not want that. They do not realize that with every new entitlement or “Freebie”, their taxes go up to pay for it. It doesn’t matter the topic (Welfare, EPA regulations that makes the individuals energy costs go up, The stimulus plan, Redistribution of wealth in many ways caused by this administration, Democrats wanting to raise the minimum wage, etc.). All of these and much, much more all sound great to the Liberal. Who doesn’t want clean air? Who doesn’t want low level starting jobs to have a higher pay? Who doesn’t want the poor to be given money? Yet, with each Liberal individual agenda it brings pain to the wallet to those who wanted it “Be careful what you wish for, it may come true”.

Yet is is all a facade to the bigger picture of how they think. It is how they are made to think. Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky states to seduce the masses with social benefits to all, with the end game being socialism. Carl Marx wrote this too in the Communist Manifesto. I sometimes wonder if Conservatives are the only ones reading these books to spread the word what Socialism is really about and how to see it. Then I realize that Michelle Obama quoted Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals in one of her speeches. They know it too, and they are using it. I also ponder (Many times) if a middle class liberal read these books would they see themselves in it? No. They are blind as I said to the obvious. They have no idea they are the problem, and Conservatism is the solution. The Socialistic viewpoints and Liberals are exactly the same, but they will never acknowledge that. Why? Because they have been manipulated to how they think. And told what to believe.

All of what President Obama does is a game plan right out of Saul Alinsky’s book Rules For Radicals. I say it is his political Bible. I invite any liberal to read this book and tell me you do not see President Obama’s policies in it and what he is doing, and has done. You can read it here, and I hope you do: Saul Alinsky Rules For Radicals, Again, his actions, policies are directly from this book.

This is the darkest period of America’s modern hist Nikita Khrushchev have been right? That America will fall from within? With more Liberals voting then Republicans, and if amnesty occurs with an instant 22 million new Democrats, and let us not forget massive voter fraud that Democrats say does not exist, we have our work cut out for us. The light at the end of the tunnel is too far away to be seen, but we must keep faith that one day someone like Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin, Rand Paul, Mike Lee can prove once again as Reagan did, we can be that shinning city on the hill. God Bless America (if he isn’t too disgusted with this country by now).