New-Generation Modular Radar Tested In Russia
MOSCOW, December 30 (Itar-Tass) - The Russian Space Forces have started tests of a new-generation modular radar. Officials of the Russian Defence Ministry told Itar-Tass on Friday that the radar station is located near St. Petersburg and is an important component part of the system of Northwest Russia’s missile space defence.

As distinct from the previous generations of missile space defence radars, which were installed within expensive stationary structures, the new station needs no capital buildings. “This radar incorporates the latest technologies and modular principles, which have greatly expanded the station’s combat effectiveness. They have also facilitated its repair and maintenance,” the official explained.

A similar modular radar will be installed on the southern border of Russia within the next two years. It was noted at the Russian Defence Ministry that the latter would cover the same sectors of vision as the missile space defence radar stations, which are now at Sevastopol and Mukachevo (Ukraine). There will be practically no need to get any information from the Ukrainian radar stations when the new radars are put into operation. Thereby, Russia will guarantee the continuity of the radiolocation field in the north and southwest, while the national missile space defence facilities will become independent of the radar systems that are now beyond the bounds of the Russian Federation.

Officials of the Russian Defence Ministry said the new modular radars “are capable of spotting ballistic missile warheads, operation-tactical and tactical missiles, as well as other flying objects. These radars can be quickly redeployed to potentially missile dangerous areas”. They can be effectively used not only for national defence purposes, but also for establishing different international collective security systems, experts believe.