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    Default Francis

    I'm going to post a number of seemingly unrelated articles, then tie them together to suggest a deeper narrative coming from our Communist friends like mr. Comrade Gorbachev;

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    Mikhail Gorbachev admits he is a Christian

    Image 1 of 2
    Giotto’s fresco of St Francis and St Clair

    By Malcolm Moore in Rome

    12:01AM GMT 19 Mar 2008

    Mikhail Gorbachev, the last Communist leader of the Soviet Union, has acknowledged his Christian faith for the first time, paying a surprise visit to pray at the tomb of St Francis of Assisi.

    Accompanied by his daughter Irina, Mr Gorbachev spent half an hour on his knees in silent prayer at the tomb.

    His arrival in Assisi was described as "spiritual perestroika" by La Stampa, the Italian newspaper.

    "St Francis is, for me, the alter Christus, the other Christ," said Mr Gorbachev. "His story fascinates me and has played a fundamental role in my life," he added.

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    Mr Gorbachev's surprise visit confirmed decades of rumours that, although he was forced to publicly pronounce himself an atheist, he was in fact a Christian, and casts a meeting with Pope John Paul II in 1989 in a new light.

    Mr Gorbachev, 77, was baptised into the Russian Orthodox Church and his parents were Christians.

    In addition, the parents of his wife Raisa were deeply religious and were killed during the Second World War for having religious icons in their home.
    Ronald Reagan, the former United States president, allegedly told his close aides on a number of occasions that he felt his opponent during the Cold War was a "closet believer".
    Mr Reagan held deep religious convictions himself. However, until now Mr Gorbachev has allowed himself to express only pantheistic views, saying in one interview "nature is my god".
    After his prayers, Mr Gorbachev toured the Basilica of St Francis and asked in particular to be shown an icon of St Francis portraying his "dream at Spoleto".
    St Francis, who lived in the 12th century, was a troubadour and a poet before the spiritual vision caused him to return to Assisi and contemplate a religious life.
    Even in his early days, St Francis helped the poor, once giving all of his money to a beggar. As well as spending time in the wilderness, he also nursed lepers and eventually became a priest.
    "It was through St Francis that I arrived at the Church, so it was important that I came to visit his tomb," said Mr Gorbachev.

    "I feel very emotional to be here at such an important place not only for the Catholic faith, but for all humanity."
    He also asked the monks for theological books to help him understand St Francis's life.
    Father Miroslavo Anuskevic, who accompanied the former Soviet leader, said: "He was not recognised by any of the worshippers in the church, and silently meditated at the tomb for a while. He seemed a man deeply inspired by charity, and told me that he was involved in a project to help children with cancer.
    "He talked a lot about Russia and said that even though the transition to democracy had been very important
    for the world, it was very painful for Russia. He said it was a country which has a great history, and also a great spirituality."


    » 03/26/2008
    Gorbachev Catholic? Former president denies
    by Maria Anikina
    Former Soviet president says news reports about his move to Catholicism are false. Rumours that began circulating after he paid an unexpected visit to the St Francis of Assisi Basilica are pure “fantasies.”

    Moscow (AsiaNews) – Former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev denied claims that he converted to Catholicism, calling reports to such effect in Western media fantasies.
    Rumours about a “secret” conversion had begun circulating after Mr Gorbachev and his daughter Irina visited the Basilica of St Francis in Assisi (Italy), home to the saint’s relics. Italian daily La Stampa called the event a ‘”spiritual perestroika”.
    “Over the last few days some media have been disseminating fantasies—I can't use any other word—about my secret Catholicism, citing my visit to the Sacro Convento friary, where the remains of St. Francis of Assisi lie,” Gorbachev said. Instead he insisted that he undertook the trip, not as a pilgrim, but as “tourist.”
    These “fantasies” were fuelled by some statements the former leader made following his visit. After half hour meditation in the basilica he said the story of the saint played a fundamental role in his life. “It was through St Francis that I arrived at the church,” he said.
    Gorbachev, who comes from an Orthodox family and was baptised as a child, said that the respected all religions and was conscious of the crucial role they play and continue to play in society and history.
    In the past he visited Orthodox monasteries in Russia and abroad, Catholic and Protestant churches, synagogues in Israel and mosques in Arab countries as well as Buddhist monasteries, but “nobody related me to this or that belief during all these years. To avoid misunderstandings I would like to say—I was atheist and I stay atheist".
    For the Moscow Patriarchate reactions to the former president’s statements right after his visit to the basilica are emotional.
    “In Italy, he spoke in emotional terms, rather than in terms of faith,” a Patriarchate spokesman said. “He is still on his way to Christianity.”

    Last edited by Avvakum; November 13th, 2013 at 00:22.

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