Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck View Post
< tinfoil> First we have a silent purging of military brass, now we have the Obama admin stripping the much harder to control state guard units of air power... < /tinfoil>

Budgets & ‘Betrayal’: National Guard Fights To Keep Apache Gunships

January 23, 2014

“To be honest, we feel betrayed.”

That’s what one National Guard gunship pilot told me when I asked him about the Army’s plan to strip the Guard of all its AH-64 Apache attack helicopters. That plan — still awaiting approval by President Obama before he includes it in his budget request for fiscal year 2015 — is just one part of a radical overhaul that includes complex downsizing and reshuffling of the Army’s entire helicopter force.
Why would the Obama Administration be disarming the States National Guard Units Scout Weapons Teams?

Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
Defense Secretary Hagel Gives Go-Ahead To Army's Planned Aviation Restructure to disarm the National Guards Scout Weapons Teams
Posted: January 10, 2014 Follow InsideDefense.com on Twitter

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has approved an Army plan to restructure its aviation forces that includes divesting all OH-58 Kiowa Warrior helicopters and taking all AH-64 Apache helicopters out of the National Guard to fill the active component's armed aerial scout mission requirement, according to a defense official.


In addition to retiring the Kiowa fleet and using Apaches to fill the armed scout mission, the Army plans to retire its entire training fleet of TH-67s and replace those with LUH-72A Lakota helicopters.

Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
American Republic replaced by “Council of Governors”?

By Judi McLeod Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Quietly—even stealthily—in the opening days of the New Year, President Barack Obama has set up a “Council of Governors”.

Like the 30-plus czars running America with neither the people’s nor the congress’s blessings, the Council of Governors is already a done deal.

“Is this a first step towards Martial Law, or a tie to the InterPol, RAND National Police Force stuff we’ve been hearing about,” asked a Texas patriot who tipped off Canada Free Press (CFP) after finding news of the new Council of Governors on Twitter. “Is this a sort of Homeland Security Politburo?

“I do know it’s another sleuth order executed without any announcement, OR EXPLANATION to the People.”

Patriots know by now that the promised Obama “transparency” is a fog.

Checking the Net on the Council of Governors, CFP found other than a few blogs only UPI.com had the story as of this morning:

“President Barack Obama Monday established a panel of state governors to collaborate with Washington on a variety of potential emergencies, the White House said.” (UPI.com, Jan. 11, 2010 at 11:54 p.m.).

“Obama signed an executive order establishing a panel to be known as the Council of Governors, which will be made up of 10 state governors, to be selected by the president to serve two-year terms.

Members will review matters involving the National Guard; homeland defense; civil support; and synchronization and integration of state and federal military activities in the United States, the White House said in a statement.