To all on this forum and beyond, to prepare for tomorrow;

Happy Easter!

Christ is Risen!

Christ has truly Risen!

Christ is Victorious!

Death doesn't have the last word, and paradoxically has, and will be, defeated.

This world and it's materialism abides in death and knows only change and disorder, but mankind has a future, a date with destiny, and can freely determine that destiny for all time.

Let us relate this to the theme of the 'trans-asian axis'. Freedom beats in the heart of all men whether they choose to listen to that voice of freedom or not, and force and fraud and slavery cannot and will not break that spirit as long as a single human being is out there living free they are a threat to the despots. This is whether they are a single 'Old Believer' Hermit living in the vast isolation of the Siberian Taiga, or a Rancher grazing his Cattle on land in the United States, a Bushman hunter subsisting in the Kalahari desert, or a Ukrainian Nationalist group pulling down the Statue of Vladimir Lenin in Kiev.

Christ ransomed us all from slavery by His death at the hands of Despotic and arbitrary power, and by His Rising from the dead He calls all men to Freedom. The fear of death holds many still in bondage to the Tyrants of the World, but if we hold to belief in Freedom, real Freedom, we will have in our hands the ultimate weapon greater than any Atomic Bomb.