what's this, number 20 or so in scandals?

House Veterans Affairs Committee Hearing on Alleged Secret Wait Lists
This evening at 5:30pm MT/7:30pm ET, Congressman Doug Lamborn, the second ranking Republican on the House Veterans Affairs Committee, will be taking part in a hearing examining the VA’s failure to comply with subpoenas issued and designed to discover information on the VA’s destruction of documents that may be associated with the secret wait lists cited by Phoenix VA Health Care System whistleblowers.
Three VA officials were previously invited to discuss this issue before the committee May 22, but refused to show up. VA has promised to make officials available to the committee May 28, but in the event they do not appear, VA will be served with a subpoena that would compel all three witnesses to testify before the committee May 30.
WHO: House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs
WHAT: Hearing: “To Receive Witness Testimony Related to Committee Subpoena”
WHEN: 7:30pm ET, Wednesday, May 28, 2014

WHERE: 334 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC, and streaming at veterans.house.gov or live on C-SPAN 2

Witness List

Panel 1
Thomas Lynch, M.D.
Assistant Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Clinical Operations and Management
Veterans Health Administration
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

The Honorable Joan Mooney
Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Legislative Affairs
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Mr. Michael Huff
Congressional Relations Officer
Office of Congressional and Legislative Affairs
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs