Here... I just wrote this a few minutes ago and posted it.

ISIS: Coming to a City Near You

by American Patriot

Today is 16 days away from September 11th, 2014. Exactly thirteen years after September 11th, 2001. Americans are superstitious to a great degree. So are the fascist Islamic terrorists who are also into “numerology”, threats and of course the destruction of the West.

Check this out:

Over the past month or so images like the above two have been appearing in Social Media.

ISIS/ISIL/IS or whatever they want to call themselves (names to change on Thursday of every third week apparently) has declared war on Americans. No, not America, AmeriCANS.

You, me, all of us.

We’re at war with them. Even if the President is on Vacation (again) and Congress is (on vacation) ignoring the situation.

Let us repeat this, and let it sink in carefully.
WE ARE AT WAR WITH ISIS. Americans. Not the American Government. Sure, they are sending drones over Syria today. But we should be bombing the living shit out of these terrorists NOW. They have OUR equipment over there, they are murdering thousands perhaps daily. They have flat out declared war upon AMERICANS.
If you read the links below, you will see what we’re talking about:

Let us quote directly from one of the previous links:

In June, for example, Spanish officials arrested eight men attempting to recruit militants to fight for ISIS and then return to Spain.
Last fall, Britain’s MI-5 domestic security service stopped a plot to conduct an attack in London on the scale of the one conducted in Mumbai, India, in November 2008.

In that attack, some 164 people were killed by 10 Pakistanis from the Sunni Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist group, which is an instrument of the Sunni Pakistani government.

The developments pose a serious problem for the U.S., since many European countries have visa waivers with the U.S., allowing their nationals to fly to the U.S. with a minimum of background checks. The problem is compounded since security officials in Europe and the U.S. are unable to identify most of the jihadists who hold valid passports.

There would be no record of their having fought for ISIS, since they can travel through Turkey to link up with the jihadists in Syria.
The intelligence sources tell WND that officials in Europe and the U.S. are unprepared for what could be large-scale attacks in the U.S. and Europe.
They add that ISIS recruiting of European and American Muslims suggests a long-term plan in the making.
Friends. This is no plea for you to “prepare”. This is not a “scaremongering tactic” so loved by people on both sides of the political spectrum. This is not a suggestion to do violence to anyone. It’s not even a request to “be alert”.

It is a plain, simple warning. The time has come. America HAS been invaded, our own Leftist Government has allowed it to happen. You will soon be fighting for your very lives and life and memory of this country and all of those who’ve gone before us for the past 239 years since the battles of Lexington and Concord. Think not about those who’ve died before. Think not about yourselves.

Think instead of the stature that America once held in this world.

Think instead of the beautiful children of America, the grand children, YOUR children, the innocents among us who brought NONE of this on themselves.

Think instead of the man in the White House who vacillates, whines, blames others for his problems and ignores the threat of Global Islam storming the keep.

Think instead of what your children will lose, including their heads to these vile, ignorant, backwoods, backwards 3rd Century-thinking, anti-social, West-hating fascists.

And then take the necessary action required to keep America…. America.

God Bless America.