Grabbed tonights brew earlier this week. I just cannot pass up a bourbon barrel aged stout!

This is Abita's Bourbon Street Barrel Aged Imperial Stout.

Bourbon Street Stout is an Imperial Stout that is aged in Pappy Van Winkle Bourbon barrels. Our Imperial Stout is brewed with a combination of pale, caramel, chocolate and roasted malts. Oats are also added to give the beer a fuller and sweeter taste. The roasted malts give the beer its dark color as well as its intense flavor and aroma. After fermentation the beer is cold aged for 6 weeks. This is necessary for all of the flavors of the malt and hops to balance and produce a very smooth flavor. After the cold aging the beer is transferred into the bourbon barrels. It is then aged for another 8 weeks to absorb all of the flavors from the barrels. The result is a strong stout that brings out the roasted flavors from the malt and the warming toasted, vanilla, and bourbon flavors from the barrels.
Poured black with a moderate but very persistent brown head. Smells of oak, chocolate, and alcohol. Smells good! Tastes like a good bourbon barrel stout! Flavors of light bourbon, roasted malts, vanilla, and an alcohol punch. Has a surprisingly thin body. This is a bit surprising because the bourbon flavors are a bit lighter and the alcohol is much more pronounced than many bourbon barrel aged stouts I've had. Perhaps it could have barrel aged a little longer to add more bourbon flavor and mellow the alcohol a little? Still, a pretty darn good bourbon barrel stout that won't break the bank (I paid $11 for a bomber).