Just opened up a new release from Rogue. It is their Rogue Farms Marionberry Braggot.

We made this braggot with our own marionberries, hops, barley, and honey. Situated across from 40 acres of Rogue hops, 119 Colonies of bees were carefully kept, fed, and smoked and the honey was uncapped, extracted, filtered and finally infused into a refreshing Marionberry Braggot.
Admittedly I was unfamiliar with what exactly "braggot" is so I looked it up. Here is the description according to BrewWiki:
Braggot is a form of mead made with both honey and barley malt. It typically uses 1/3 or more malt and may have as much as 50% malt.


Braggot is an ancient drink popular in midieval Europe, traditionally without hops. Chaucer and others wrote about the merits of Braggot, though its origins are much earlier as both mead and malt based drinks date back to ancient times.


Flavor and aroma should reflect a mix of beer and mead flavoring. Pale to dark colored. Bitterness should balance with honey character. Should have some head retention if carbonated. Mead made with a mix of honey and malt. Alternatively may be made by mixing mead with ale. Hopped varieties (optional) should have a evident hop flavor.
Sounds interesting!

Poured a ruddy brown into a Snifter glass with a slight off-white head. Smells of honey, malt, caramel, and dark fruit with some berries. The taste on this is very sweet! There's tons of malt with honey, berries, and a fairly strong alcohol note that gets more noticeable as it warms up. The body is very thick! The strong alcohol flavor is due to the 11.42% ABV. This one packs a bit of a punch! Overall, this is a rich and tasty brew I'd recommend giving a try.