France and Russia form a military alliance to fight Islamic Terror as Obama stands with the Muslims...

Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
After Paris, Obama Sends ISIS Reinforcements by Freeing 5 Al Qaeda Terrorists from Guantanamo Bay

How thoughtful of Barack.

ISIS has lost a few of its people in that Paris massacre.

So Obama just sent off some Al Qaeda reinforcements from Guantanamo Bay.
Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
Obama on fighting Islamic State: “I’m not interested in…America winning”

November 16, 2015 8:14 pm By Robert Spencer 3 Comments

Obama said: “What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership or America winning or whatever other slogans they come up with that has no relationship to what is actually gonna work to protect the American people and to protect people in the region.”

Long-range bombers to fly anti-ISIS missions from Russia, Putin orders Navy to work with France

Published time: 17 Nov, 2015 14:23
Edited time: 17 Nov, 2015 16:47

Russia has deployed its fleet of strategic bombers to double the volume of airstrikes on Islamist targets in Syria, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has announced. Vladimir Putin has ordered a cruiser to coordinate operations with French naval forces in the Mediterranean.

“We are conducting a mass airstrike campaign against Islamic State targets in Syria. We have now doubled the number of sorties, which is allowing us to conduct operations throughout the length and breadth of the country,” Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said during a Security Council meeting in Moscow chaired by the Russian president.

Shoigu said that Russia’s Tu-95, Tu-22 and Tu-160 strategic bombers have been brought into the operation, while the Air Force command added that the strike group has been bolstered with 37 new planes, including Su-34 bombers and Su-27 fighter jets.

The head of the General Staff reported that the new phase of the anti-ISIS campaign will involve 25 long-range bombers flying out of airfields in Russia.

“By conducting military missions in Syria, you are protecting Russia and her citizens,” Putin told his military chiefs. “Our air campaign in Syria must not only be continued, it must be boosted, in such a way that the criminals are made aware that retribution is inevitable.”

The Russian president has issued orders for Russia’s Moskva cruiser, covering the Russian base in Latakia from the Mediterranean Sea, to work together with a French naval group led by flagship Charles De Gaulle, a 26 fighter-jet aircraft carrier, which is departing for Syria this week.

“The French naval group, led by the air carrier, will soon reach your area of operations. We need to establish direct contact with it, and treat it as an ally,” the Russian president said. “We need to develop of a joint action plan for both sea and air operations.”

The Kremlin said that the parameters for a joint mission had been agreed upon by Putin and French President Francois Hollande, following a personal phone call.

“The two leaders focused their attention on bilateral and multilateral cooperation in combating terrorism,” a Kremlin statement said. “This includes closer ties and joint operations between the military command and intelligence services of Russia and France in Syria.”

Vladimir Putin and Francois Hollande are to meet in Moscow on November 26.

Kremlin does not comment on reports of missile strikes at Islamic State from subs

November 17, 19:46 UTC+3

Russian aircraft have doubled the number of strikes against Islamic State facilities in Syria

© ITAR-TASS/Lev Fedoseyev

MOSCOW, November 17. /TASS/. The Kremlin does not comment on media reports claiming that a missile strike was delivered from a Russian submarine in the Mediterranean Sea at the Islamic State terrorist organization’s facilities in Syria, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Tuesday.

Peskov said "nothing was said about that" in a report that President Vladimir Putin listened to in the Defense Ministry earlier Tuesday.

"This question will probably be best answered by our colleagues from the Defense Ministry," he said.

Read also
Russia involves strategic missile carriers in operation against Islamic State in Syria
Expert: Involvement of long-range planes in Syria raids shows Russia’s potential
Russia involves 10 reconnaissance satellites in Syria operation — General Staff
Putin instructs Russian Navy's Moskva missile cruiser to cooperate with French Navy

Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu reported to President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday that Russian aircraft have doubled the number of strikes against Islamic State facilities in Syria, which made it possible to cover all terrorist facilities in the country.

Russia has involved strategic and long-range aircraft in strikes against the Islamic State (IS) terrorist organization in Syria. Tupolev Tu-160 and Tu-95MS strategic bombers fired 34 air-launched cruise missiles at terrorist targets in the provinces of Aleppo and Idlib.

Russia’s Chief of General Staff Valery Gerasimov told Vladimir Putin that Russia will use long-range planes in addition to bombers and fighter jets to deliver strikes on Islamic State targets in Syria.

"To fulfil your orders to intensify strikes against targets of the Islamic State and other extremist organizations, the General Staff has worked out a plan of further air operation. Along with the intensification of sorties from the Hmeymim airbase in Syria, the plan provides to involve an extra of 25 long-range planes, eight Sukhoi-34 bombers, four Sukhoi-27SM fighter jets," he said.

The Russian aviation grouping at the moment comprises more than 50 aircraft and helicopters, including the Sukhoi Su-34 and Su-24M bombers, Su-25 attack aircraft, Su-30SM fighters and Mil Mi-8 and Mi-24 helicopters.

The Russian military started an operation against militants of the Islamic State and Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist groups (outlawed in Russia) in Syria on September 30 at the request of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Russia’s Aerospace Forces grouping has delivered over 4,000 missile and bomb strikes against terrorist facilities since the start of its operation in Syria. Besides, overnight to October 7, the Caspian Flotilla ships delivered a massive strike on the IS objectives in Syria, using Kalibr NK shipborne cruise missiles.