How an Attack on America Would Probably Begin: Possible Courses Of Action By Foreign Military Powers

Jeremiah Johnson
April 5th, 2016
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Read by 25,934 people

We’re going to take a look at a potential attack scenario against the United States. We’re going to analyze it strictly from a military-economic perspective and weigh possible courses of action by a foreign power or powers in an attack.

Firstly, it is my belief that there will be foreign powers involved, yet one will initiate the entire thing: North Korea. Let’s start up the scenario.

1. North Korea launches an EMP attack, via ICBM or satellite.

This will be the “kickoff,” and enable the game to begin. As of right now, the Chinese and Russians are already positioning themselves. The Chinese are moving naval assets into the South China Sea and also into the Pacific. The Russians are prepping their naval assets in the Med, the Atlantic, the Pacific, and in the Arctic region.

The EMP attack will effectively shut down the entire U.S. economy and infrastructure. Many non-hardened elements of the United States armed forces will suffer loss, and the response time for a conventional incursion will be drastically reduced.

2. Command and Control Areas of the Government, the Military, and the Economy will be nuked.

The most probable cities that will be taken out will be as follows:

(East Coast)
– Washington, D.C., New York, NY, Baltimore, MD, Norfolk, VA, Philadelphia, PA, Dover, DE, and Sarasota, FL. This will effectively cripple 90% of all command and control by government and the economic hubs of the country. The latter city is home to Special Operations Command, SouthCom. Additional targets will be Ft. Meade, MD (home to the NSA), Ft. Bragg, NC (home to the 82nd Airborne Division, and Special Operations Command), Camp Lejeune, NC and Virginia Beach (home to Seal Team 2).

(West Coast)
– Seattle, WA, Portland, OR, San Francisco, CA, San Diego, CA. Strikes will also be conducted on Ft. Lewis, WA because of the Ranger and Special Forces unit & group there. The weapons will be airburst of fairly low-yield in the attempt to not irradiate with the prevailing westerly winds.

– Denver, CO, and Ft. Carson, CO [the latter emphasized for Cheyenne Mountain, recently reactivated, as well as 10th Special Forces Group (Abn) and 4th Infantry Division].

This may seem to be “light,” in terms of targets, and there is a reason for this: they want to take the land and resources, not irradiate them into uselessness.

3. The invasion begins with Special Forces, followed by airborne units and then conventional forces.

The Special Forces units of the invading nations will have already been inserted weeks earlier by drops, by sea, or allowed to reach their destinations in a clandestine fashion disguised as civilians and traveling from different locations, separately. Those special units that will be utilized on the initial invasion (for strike missions against targets of varying degrees of importance, such as generators and hydroelectric plants) will be held at the line of departure on a leash until the attack begins.

When the EMP renders a “lights out scenario” it will probably occur at night
, and immediately afterward will come drops of airborne troops and Special Forces assets. These will be shock troops to secure areas assigned until the main bodies come ashore.

4. Areas of Responsibility:

The Chinese will take the entire West Coast, the Russians will take Alaska and drive southward, securing the coastline for their naval assets and taking control of the pipeline (which neither side will bomb or irradiate). The Russians will either halt at the southeastern corner of Alaska, or they will drive downward through Canada until they can perch themselves just across the border on the state lines of Washington, Idaho, and Montana. The Russians will also mount an invasion on the East Coast, bypassing “hot spots” of irradiated cities previously mentioned in the initial nuclear strikes.

Later the two nations will coordinate for their drives into the interior. Meanwhile the armies of Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua, and Cuba will make their way into the unguarded underbelly of the United States into Texas and the Border States via Mexico. Their objective will be to seize the cities of the Gulf of Mexico. Airborne and

Special Forces units of their respective countries, along with the Chinese and Russians, will aid them: all of these will be inserted into the interior.

Their targets to seize and occupy will include Indianapolis, IN (the central railway “hub” of the entire U.S.), and New Orleans, LA (the critical port city where the

Mississippi river empties into the Gulf of Mexico; critical for shipping and transport).

5. The Russians will amass submarine assets in the Atlantic with secondary nuclear targets if needed.

At this point, it is worth mentioning that all U.S. naval assets abroad, such as carrier groups, will be nuked. The attackers have the advantage of no nuclear reprisals being the policy of the Obama administration when the EMP is initially delivered. There are several reasons for the limited nature of the nuclear strikes.

Firstly, the West Coast would be subdued without damaging the Imperial Valley, the breadbasket of the U.S. that produces almost 1/5 of the fresh, domestic produce in
America. In addition, these nations do not want to irradiate the Midwest due to the corn and wheat, as well as the cattle industry and other segments of domestic food production.

With the EMP, there will be a 24 – 48 hour window of almost stultifying confusion that will lead to semi-paralysis
. There are many cities (especially the ports) that will be kept intact due to the desire of these nations to take our resources and ship them by rail to the ports and then back to their home countries, minus a percentage to upkeep the foreign troops. This follows Sun Tzu’s principle of resupplying your troops with the enemy’s supplies and provisions.

In the next article, we will cover what areas of the U.S. hold what particular interests for invaders, and outline what the U.S. responses and courses of action will be, from both a military (active duty and national guard) and civilian perspective.

What Will Americans Do If Our Country Is Invaded By Foreign Armies?

Jeremiah Johnson
April 12th, 2016

This article is a continuation of How an Attack on America Would Probably Begin: Possible Courses Of Action By Foreign Military Powers

In the last article we introduced the concept of an invasion by a foreign coalition on American soil. Sure, we have all seen “Red Dawn” and other films that characterize an invasion by a foreign power or powers, and it is understandable that it is Hollywood. That being said, what will happen in the United States if an invasion does occur, from the perspective of its citizenry? Will there be a resistance, and if so, where?

We covered some potential actions of aggressor nations. Hopefully everyone agrees on the fact that if we are invaded, the resources (in the form of food/crops, minerals, oil, and livestock) will be sought after. Let’s turn our concentration of focus to geography, the second most important feature after human demographics. Fortunately the United States is large and occupation will be extremely difficult.
The problem is twofold for an aggressor: how to kill off 90% of the population and enslave the rest without irradiating the whole shebang and obtaining only a Pyrrhic victory. Firstly, let’s take a look at this photo that breaks down firearms ownership state by state:

The way to make this photograph understood more readily is to take it further within your home state and multiply that percentage by the actual population of the state. This will give you a “raw” number to estimate. You can probably add about 10-15% to those numbers, as there will be plenty of weapons not recorded within the system. Keep in mind: some states, such as Montana, are huge in area with a big percentage number, but the entire population of the state is just over a million people. Twenty percent of California means a lot more guns than 60% in Montana.

Next, find those big cities in your home state that will probably be taken out, such as Washington, D.C., or New York City. There are a number of different sites that allow you to enter in a city and the size of a weapon used against it to estimate the ring of destruction and the fallout patterns. You can use these tools to come up with an idea of what will remain in your state after the initial strikes have been completed.

Geography has a huge say in the equation. As I have mentioned in previous articles, the area of Northwestern Montana where I live is extremely remote; however, it holds a high level of strategic importance. The East-West rails here for rail freight is a key crossing area of the Continental Divide. Also, the Flathead Valley can be turned into a huge staging point for air operations with only minimal modification to existing airfields.

The mountainous regions of the United States will be areas that resistance elements will form up, hopefully with the aid of/aiding our own military. The Appalachian Mountains, the Blue Ridge Mountains, the Catskills, the Rockies of Colorado and Montana will be areas where citizens will gather, hide, and stage bases of operations to conduct reconnaissance and fight. There are many urban locations of strategic importance (such as Indianapolis and New Orleans) that an invader can’t really afford to bomb that would also become centers of resistance.

A factor that also comes heavily into play is the time of the year that all of this is initiated. Food larders and supplies are highest just before the wintertime, and the “tail” end month of winter with the first two months of spring are “shortage” months. Traditionally there are hiatuses with campaigns to allow for the harvest in the fall and the planting in the spring. Another factor is energy: as the winter draws to an end, fuel supplies such as oil and coal will not be in such high demand, and supplies will be on the rise.

The largest question has to do with the human factors: a desire to defend, the resolve to stick it out for a long period of occupation, and the shortages of men, materials, and supplies that may weaken the resolve of the citizenry. There will probably be a great outpouring of people from the urban and suburban areas into the remote and rural areas. The vast, open areas of the Midwest will be very difficult for us to hold onto, but fighting will most likely be conventional, as both sides will not want to destroy the nation’s breadbasket and a large portion of domestic oil production.

What may also be a factor to consider is the percentage of the alien population here illegally that will turn against the citizenry. An angry “fifth column” that is equated more to a sea or flood of humanity can do a great deal of damage. Surely their sympathies would lie with their countries of origin, if they were here illegally. Once again, this will pose a major problem in the border states of Texas and the Southwest.

We have no way of monitoring what is currently coming across our borders, let alone what has crossed over in the past five decades or so. As many readers have mentioned, a tremendous amount of materials (firearms, suitcase nukes, and so forth) have undoubtedly found their way across the borders (Southern and Northern) to be cached and used in a future operation or invasion.

The swamps, mountains, and forests will be paramount to any resistance that is undertaken. During the Revolutionary War, there was that “3%” estimate of actual resistance. Things will be a little different this time, as there are technological hurdles to overcome, such as drones, cameras, satellites, and other “niceties” in a society where almost everyone has their own little tracking “chip” in the form of a cellular telephone right in their pocket. During the initial ouster of Viktor Yanukyovich in Ukraine the government was utilizing the cell phones to find out who was gathered and protesting their actions.

A fight would definitely be a long-term contest with the potential for years before either side secured a victory. We will also discuss and explore what our own government would do in the event of an invasion: whether they would fight it or further enable it, the latter being the more probable of the two choices. Your views and opinions on such possibilities are both welcomed and valued.