The other day when I was in Kroger I spotted a new Founders brew I hadn't had before and hadn't seen when I picked up the Sumatra Mountain from Jungle Jim's so I grabbed some.

This is their Dark Penance Imperial Black IPA

A heavy malt foundation includes Crystal malt for sweetness and just enough Midnight Wheat malt to push the color to black. The bitterness is huge, but balanced by malt sweetness and alcohol burn. The hop flavors and aromas range from citrus to floral to pine thanks to a delicious blend of hand-selected Chinook and Centennial hops.
Poured a very dark red-brown into a Shaker with a dense and substantial, light brown head. Big tropical fruit and citrus hop scent with notes of sweet caramel and roasted malts. This claims a big 100 IBU rating but although the piney bitterness is sharp on the outset it mellows quickly thanks, likely, to the roasted malts. Has a bit of sweet chocolate as well. Body is on the thicker side and sticky. Has an ABV of 8.9% but I don't get the claimed alcohol burn, maybe a little warming on the finish. A bit more bitter than I usually prefer for my beers but an excellent example of a Black IPA!