U.S. grants Ahmadinejad visa for address to UN Security Council
Haaretz ^ | 19/03/2007

U.S. grants Ahmadinejad visa for address to UN Security Council
By The Associated Press

The United States has granted a visa to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, allowing him to travel to New York to address the United Nations Security Council as it considers new sanctions against Tehran over its nuclear program.

"It has been approved," State Department spokesman Sean McCormack told reporters Monday.

The move, which had been expected, comes after world powers agreed in principle to a new package of sanctions and Iran sought to speak to the council before members vote on a resolution to impose the new measures for refusing to suspend uranium enrichment.

The United States does not have diplomatic relations with Iran, which it regards as a leading state sponsor of terrorism. The U.S. has repeatedly condemned the country for allegedly trying to disguise an atomic weapons program under the guise of a civilian nuclear energy scheme. Tehran denies the charge.

As host of the United Nations, the United States is obligated to allow foreign leaders to speak before the world body barring extraordinary circumstances.

"We have host country obligations and we are going to live up those host country obligations," McCormack said.

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