Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
African Migrants Now Headed to Mexico for Obama's Open Border

September 5, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

The migrant flood in Europe happened because Merkel loudly signaled that the border was open. Migrants from as far as Afghanistan began heading there. Obama's open borders signal was also received. There are more practical geographical limitations, but those who really want to are overcoming them.
Mexican immigration authorities say 424 migrants from African countries arrived at the southern state of Chiapas over two days last week.

The National Immigration Institute said Tuesday that it has issued them 20-day transit visas that will allow the migrants to reach the U.S.-Mexico border, where they plan to request asylum.

Officials call it an unusual surge and say most of the migrants first went to Brazil or Ecuador to start their journey through Latin America.

Most of the Africans presented themselves voluntarily to immigration officials in the Chiapas town of Tapachula. They did not specify their nationalities.

Immigration support staff in Tijuana has been aiding migrants from the Congo, Somalia and Ghana to arrive at the U.S. port of entry at San Isidro.
It takes time to develop the infrastructure for migration. There's a reliable smuggling network to the border. The network for migrants from outside the hemisphere is still developing, but once it's in place, the process will explode tremendously.

And another wild card is that if Europe does manage to slam the door, a lot of the smugglers and the traffic will shift to America.

Mexico issuing transit visas to African migrants flocking to U.S.-Mexico border

Fox News Latino

MEXICO CITY (AP) – Mexican immigration authorities say 424 migrants from African countries arrived at the southern state of Chiapas over two days last week.

The National Immigration Institute said Tuesday that it has issued them 20-day transit visas that will allow the migrants to reach the U.S.-Mexico border, where they plan to request asylum.

Officials call it an unusual surge and say most of the migrants first went to Brazil or Ecuador to start their journey through Latin America.

Most of the Africans presented themselves voluntarily to immigration officials in the Chiapas town of Tapachula. They did not specify their nationalities.

Immigration support staff in Tijuana has been aiding migrants from the Congo, Somalia and Ghana to arrive at the U.S. port of entry at San Isidro.

Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post

Published on Dec 2, 2016

Mexican Border suddenly sees massive increase in Muslim men crossing.


EXCLUSIVE: Local Texas United Methodist Church In Waco Now Embracing Islam

By John Griffing - on December 6, 2016

WACO, TX – On-the-ground sources in west Texas confirm that the United Methodist Church (UMC) is potentially engaged in a massive operation designed to reprogram churches as virtual mosques in preparation for a deluge of Muslim refugees.

While President-elect Trump announces plans to defund “sanctuary cities,” churches (especially those with far-left theologies) are declaring their intent to invoke “sanctuary” for the millions already pouring across the border, including Muslim refugees. Some churches are even getting visits from “clergy” urging them to virtually roll over and accept an Islamic future.

Members of a congregation in the historic college town of Waco, TX were the recipients of a sales pitch replete with exposure to Islamic texts during Sunday services.

Fearing for his safety, a member of the congregation at the Bosqueville United Methodist Church (UMC) in Waco, TX reached out on condition of anonymity.

In a special exclusive interview just for the Geller Report, the church member explained that he became aware of the Islamic “sanctuary” plan after an interim pastor began overtly preaching Sufi Islamic parables and asking the congregation to prepare for Catholic-style “sanctuary” protections for Muslim refugees, including possible terrorists (ISIS, al Qaeda, etc.)

Rev. Bill “Mac” Patterson, the interim pastor, installed ostensibly to take a barometer of how receptive the church might be [to taking in refugees], was reportedly fond of one particular Islamic short story, “The Scorpion and the Frog.”

In the story, a scorpion asks a frog to carry him across a river. The frog hesitates at first, afraid of being stung, but the scorpion points out that stinging the frog would be suicidal. The frog agrees, and midway across the river the scorpion stings the frog — dooming them both. When the frog asks for an explanation, the scorpion replies, “It’s in my nature.”

Parables of this nature are typically used to demonstrate the necessity of caution about those who would do us harm, but, disturbingly, the reverend taught parishioners that Christians are the “frog” and Muslims are the “scorpion,” adding that the frog was supposed to let the scorpion sting, kill and destroy him, because it is “the frog’s nature,” recounted the source.

“Women in Europe are getting raped by Muslims and not reporting it,” the church-member says, clearly upset. “We need to not put up resistance, and not ‘change our nature’ and just keep getting stung over and over. It would be un-Christian to defend our families; that’s the message we were getting,” he continued.

The source claims that Rev. Patterson spent a lot of time tying the Sufi parable to his own ever-present (but Biblically questionable) theme, of “helping the oft-forgotten stranger.”

“Our job is to help the stranger” and “we are always encouraged that our mission is to focus on the ‘oft forgotten stranger,’” a phrase Patterson allegedly used periodically to talk about modern immigration concerns. Destruction of the church in the name of fulfilling a command is intellectually disingenuous, the source argues, saying, “A lot of churches in Europe have taken people in to sleep on floors and in a week’s time, are mosques,” he remarked, expressing his belief that churches are being “tenderized” to swallow Islamization.

In fact, the source is more accurate than he may realize: 10,000 churches in the UK alone were volunteered to be used as mosques to accommodate the influx of assimilation-resistant Muslims.

“We are at war with radical Islam. Europe is being overrun. To come and talk this way in this day and age … this community may be being tenderized to receive a dozen, a hundred, maybe a thousand of these people. Churches are the gatekeepers in communities. If this message is meant to soften us and tenderize us to accepting Syrian refugees we need to be aware of that, we need to have our eyes open,” he continued, urging a call to action.

After weeks of inundating the congregation with watered down, Islamized scripture, the board of trustees at the church was later asked by the reverend to approve a (surprise, surprise) federally supervised refugee scheme, which they ultimately refused, the source added. After the church trustees said, “No,” UMC sent its District Supervisor to ask the congregation directly, “How would you feel about taking in some Syrian refugees?”

“My gut instinct is that this could be the whole reason he [Rev. Patterson] came here in the first place,” the church-member said.

Talking about what the whole experience felt like, the source explained that Patterson (and later the supervisor) treated the church like sample consumers in a mirrored room, checking off responses to different products.

In keeping with the source’s assessment, Geller Report learned that the church installed state-of-the-art video surveillance systems around the same time Patterson came on board, and, unlike most proprietary video systems, what was being recorded could not be accessed by anyone at the church.

When the source began asking questions, senior church staff told him that the content is viewed off-site at an undisclosed location; even the church staff supposedly do not know where the content can be viewed. The church is very small, raising even further questions.

There are a number of possible explanations for why UMC supports housing Muslim refugees. These include woeful ignorance, tolerance that is blindly inclusive, and the typically hyper-partisan composition of its congregations.

But there’s also evidence that suggests Hillary Clinton may be behind UMC’s new Islamic flavor, reports Dr. Jerome Corsi at WND.com.

Hillary Clinton’s Foundry United Methodist Church and the United Methodist Church (national) recently formed a partnership with the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) under the auspices of UMC. ISNA is an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism financing scheme in U.S. history.

ISNA’s “interfaith partnership” is housed within UMC headquarters in Washington, D.C. FBI Director James Comey is also a member of UMC.

In keeping with the Obama administration’s whitewashing of anything smacking of radical Islam, DHS Director Jeh Johnson spoke at an ISNA event on “Muslim empowerment.” To reiterate, the government official charged with preventing acts of radical Islamic terror at home was a featured speaker at a terrorist-financing shell group.

Other explanations for UMC’s strange exercise in lunacy include the proactive lawbreaking carried out by President Obama and his administration on immigration, and Muslim refugees especially. Obama’s order to U.S. Border Patrol to stop arresting, deporting, or doing anything to stop Muslim refugees – no matter who they are or why they are coming in — is unmatched in the annals of presidential history.

His only primary job is to enforce the law, specifically, “Take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” [Constitution]

Additionally, DHS subcontractor G4S, has been caught deliberately driving Muslim illegal aliens from terrorist-sponsoring states deep into America’s heartland and giving them papers to validate their presence in the country; this same contractor hired Omar Mateen, who carried out the Orlando tragedy and later claimed affiliation with ISIS. These actions can be traced directly to the president’s lawlessness on immigration.

DHS people-smuggling and Obama’s stand-down order to Border Patrol is not merely passive non-enforcement of obscure immigration laws or a clerical error. These actions represent “giving aid and comfort” to America’s enemies. Obama’s impending departure is also no guarantee that recent activities will be without consequences. Civil unrest is still possible.

Much like an STD, the consequences of bad immigration policy can affect the host for many years after the “mistake.”

Churches may host the virus long after Trump pursues a remedy. And places of worship are legally allowed to do this. With law enforcement unable to enter without a warrant, churches could easily become strategic terror centers.

From Kool-Aid drinking gone wrong, to today’s unholy union of government, churches, and Islamic invaders, Waco is yet again ground zero for a suicidal event – but this time, every life in the country may be at stake.


Guess they didn't see this…

Liberal Church Houses Muslim Refugees, Horrified By What They Find In Pews

December 7, 2016 by Dom the Conservative

When the Church of the Holy Trinity welcomed in Muslim migrants with loving arms, they had no idea their hospitality would be repaid in the sickest ways.

A leftist Christian church decided to show their community that they must open borders by taking in Muslim refugees and letting them live in the church building. However, as soon as they opened their doors, they were forced to call the police when they discovered the sickening thing asylum seekers left for them in the church pews.

The West is trapped in a vicious circle of embracing migrants, being abused by said migrants, and blaming the victims for provoking their wrath. The same tolerance and acceptance is not only never returned, but the gracious hosts find that their hospitality is exploited until all resources are finally wrung dry.

The asylum seekers who the left claims are desperately fleeing war zones for a better life are perpetuating the same violence, misogyny, and oppression rampant in their own countries. Unfortunately, it often takes their progressive praisers falling victim to this terror to realize that not all cultures, laws, and religions are created equally.

Fria Tider reports that when the Church of the Holy Trinity in Kristianstad, Sweden embraced a group of Muslim asylum seekers, they were shocked to find that the Islamists took advantage of their generosity in the sickest ways. After housing the refugees, who are mostly men between the ages of 35 and 45, the congregants walked in to discover that the Muslims they gave food, shelter, and love were not only destroying the church property but were relentlessly urinating, defecating, and masturbating in the pews.

“He was lying in the pew and masturbating,” church administrator Bengt Alvland said of one migrant. “He did not stop despite the fact that a female police officer asked him to. There are no limits or inhibitions for these people. It makes the staff greatly concerned.”

Aside from leaving their offensive bodily fluids everywhere, the migrants scream Islamic chants and smash liquor bottles on the floor in an attempt to silence Christian worshippers from praying to God. They also climbed up the massive church organ and tried to steal silver instruments used during services. In one instance, a migrant even tried to kidnap a child from a baptism ceremony right in front of the mother and priest.

Liberal Church Houses Muslim Refugees, Horrified By What They Find In Pews

Muslim refugees have taken over the church, paying back their Christian hosts by defecating and masturbating in the pews, stealing the church’s silver, and attempting to kidnap a child from a baptism.

The church is constantly littered with liquor bottles, bloody drug needs, and other trash. Officials have also witnessed brawls and threats of violence, according to Kristianstadsbladet. The refugees continue to inflict the most disrespectful behavior, expressing their belief that Islam is superior to all other religions.

After ignorantly welcoming in the Muslim migrants, the church is now pleading with the government to send them full-time security guards to prevent the asylum seekers from further desecrating their building.

Now, services attendance is dwindling and patrons are unwilling to hold their weddings, christenings, and baptisms in the once prestigious church because they are too afraid of the racist, bigoted migrants.

While Christians are notorious for allowing their peaceful beliefs to be overrun by intolerant crowds who see their Christ-like disposition as a weakness, we know exactly what would happen if a group of non-Muslims used a mosque in such a way. Although mosques are well-known for keeping filthy kuffars out of their lavish buildings, if Christians defecated on prayer mats, heads would undoubtedly roll.

Of course, no mosque is taking in Christian refugees, who are the prime targets of devout Muslims who understand that when Allah commanded them to slaughter the “people of the book,” he meant it literally.

The same tolerance and love leftists are screeching at us to extend is never expected from the migrants who illegally cross into our countries, live off our benefits, and demand adherence to their religion and values. Instead, liberals excuse migrant violence and oppression by arguing that they are provoked by our own values.

While some really are peaceful refugees escaping the torments of war, most are Muslims who are attempting to spread Sharia law. They are required to obey it, commanded to spread it, and encouraged to enforce it in the most barbaric ways.

For leftists to expect that the adherents of an ideology that oppresses religious minorities and exacts savage punishments for failing to obey their religious laws is evident of their ignorance. Nowhere does the Quran teach Muslims to be peaceful or tolerant to anyone but other practicing Muslims. In fact, for the rest of us, there is only death if we chose not to submit to Islam. Still, leftists ironically believe that Christians are the intolerant ones.

When churches open their doors to the heathen religion of Islam, they are inviting in the very ideology that commands their death for not bowing down to their false god.
