Secret Service WILL investigate Madonna after singer says she wants to BLOW UP the White House in expletive-filled rant at women's march

Ashley Judd and Madonna go low at women's march: Singer says she wants to BLOW UP the White House in F-word-filled speech as actress says 'Hitler' Trump has 'wet dreams' about Ivanka

By Anneta Konstantinides For
07:14 EST 21 Jan 2017, updated 18:06 EST 21 Jan 2017

Donning a black p***yhat, the music icon caused controversy by dropping the F-bomb four times, causing a slew of apologies from broadcasters airing the protest live. She went on to speak of her rage at the election result, telling the crowd she had thought a lot about 'blowing up the White House' but knew that it 'wouldn't change anything'

According to the Gateway Pundit, a spokesman for the Secret Service said they were 'aware' of Madonna's comments and will open an investigation, but the ultimate decision whether or not to prosecute is the decision of the U.S. Attorney's Office.

The Daily Mail Online has reached out to the Secret Service for a comment.

Madonna stated: 'I'm angry. Yes, I am outraged. Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House. But I know that this won't change anything.

'We cannot fall into despair. As the poet W. H. Auden once wrote on the eve of World War Two, "We must love one another or die." I choose love. Are you with me?'

Her speech was met with raucous applause from the crowd of over half a million people in attendance at the National Mall for the march.

Ashley Judd lowers the tone at star-studded DC women's march by reading poem claiming Trump has 'wet dreams' about Ivanka 'his favorite sex symbol' and comparing him to HITLER

More than 500,000 people participated in the Women's March on Washington in DC on Saturday

The march route was completely filled with people, making it physically impossible to actually march

There are also 600 sister marches planned throughout the country and even across the world

Pink p***yhats - knitted beanies with cat ears - became the accessory of the march in reference to Trump's quote 'grab her by the p***y'

America Ferrera, Scarlett Johnasson, Michael Moore and Alicia Keys spoke at the DC event

Their speeches were a call of action to the crowd, asking them to run for office, fight for reproductive rights

However, Ashley Judd and Madonna raised eyebrows with their controversial contributions

Judd read a poem saying Trump has 'wet dreams infused with his own genes'

Madonna said she had contemplated blowing up the White House

By Reporter

Published: 07:14 EST, 21 January 2017 | Updated: 14:36 EST, 21 January

As hundreds of thousands of Americans filled the streets of the nation's capital for the Women's March on Washington, actress Ashley Judd read a poem that compared Donald Trump to Hitler.

Director Michael Moore dramatically ripped up a Washington Post newspaper with the headline 'Trump takes power' as he declared 'here's the power'

Judd was reciting a poem written by a 19-year-old from Tennessee when she read the line: 'I feel Hitler in these streets, a mustache traded for a toupee.'

The poem was a celebration of 'nasty women', as Trump so famously called Hillary Clinton during a debate before the presidential election.

Ashley Judd lit up Twitter during the rally as she read a poem written by a 19-year-old from Tennessee that included the lines: 'I feel Hitler in these streets, a mustache traded for a toupee,' a clear reference to Trump

Madonna dropped several F-bombs before launching into her classic song Human Nature, changing one of the lyrics to 'Donald Trump sucks a d***'

'I am a nasty women,' Judd began as she read the poem. 'I'm not as nasty as a man who looks like he bathes in Cheeto dust.'

'I'm not as nasty as your own daughter being your favorite sex symbol, your wet dreams infused with your own genes,' she read later, clearly referencing Ivanka.

Scarlett Johansson was also among the big names to give a speech, speaking on behalf of women's reproductive rights



The Women Movement’s Embrace of Rape-Torturer Psychopath Donna Hylton

crime | Jan 22, 2017 | By Martin Barillas

Among the speakers at the Women’s March on Washington was feminist activist Donna Hylton. In 1985, Hylton was convicted in a New York court for her participation in the violent abduction, torture, and murder of Thomas Vigliarolo, a 60-year-old real estate broker. She is in demand on college campuses and elsewhere to speak about life in prison, and on her feminist perspective. Her website does not mention her conviction or the crimes ascribed to her. Four other were convicted as well.

Her website states that she is a “women's rights activist and criminal justice reform advocate,” who speaks about issues relating to incarcerated women and girls…” It noted that her life “took an unexpected and life-changing turn when as a child she was lured from Jamaica to the United States.” “Childhood abuse” and a “spiral of events” led to “her incarceration.”

According to a 1995 article in Psychology Today, Hylton was part of a gang hired by victim Vigliarolo’s former partner, Louis Miranda. The gang lured Vigliarolo to an apartment where, for as long as two weeks, they tortured him. One of Hylton’s accomplices, Rita Peters, would later explain why she shoved a yard-long metal rod up his rectum. Peters said, "He was a homo anyway." When asked how did she come to that conclusion, she said, "When I stuck the bar up his rectum he wiggled."
The article cited NYPD detective William Spurling who recounted Hylton’s chilling words about the kidnapping and murder of Vigliarolo. “Spurling himself interviewed Donna: ‘I couldn't believe this girl who was so intelligent and nice-looking could be so unemotional about what she was telling me she and her friends had done. They'd squeezed the victim's testicles with a pair of pliers, beat him, burned him. Actually, I thought the judge's sentence was lenient. Once a jailbird, always a jailbird.’” After Vigliarolo died, they stuffed his body in a trunk and left it to rot.

According to a 1985 petition for habeas corpus, “Petitioner and her co-defendants kidnapped Thomas Vigliarolo, a Long Island businessman, in order to obtain a ransom and that during the kidnapping, Vigliarolo died.” The petition, which was ultimately denied, indicated that it was on March 12, 1986, that a jury found Hylton guilty of second degree murder and two counts of first degree kidnapping. “Petitioner was sentenced to concurrent indeterminate prison terms of twenty-five years to life. People v. Hylton, 564 N.Y.S.2d 746 (1st Dep't 1991). “ She would spend 27 years in prison.

In a promo for a documentary for the CCTV network, which is controlled by the Chinese government, Hylton is heard to say, “Every person that represents an institution within this country is involved in the abuse that happened to me and so many other women. It doesn't matter black, brown, or white or whatever. A lot of the crimes that peopel are in prison for, especially women, are not crimes. They're situations."

When she was asked by CGTV, which is also an official Chinese media outlet, why she participated in the Women’s March on Washington, Hylton said, “First of all because I'm a woman. Because I'm a woman that spent 27 years in prison and we are the most marginalized of this demographic and we continue to be silenced, we continue to be negated, we continue to be vilified, we continue to be dehumanized…”

On her website, she is depicted in photographs alongside celebrities such as actor Steve Buscemi, feminist Gloria Steinem, and former Obama administration official Van Jones, who now appears regularly on CNN. In November, Hylton tweeted that Trump's election would endanger U.S. diplomatic ties to Europe.