Two nights ago I talked with a retired officer friend. His son is connected to a certain black ops unit. (No names or other information here, thanks) and he said something was going on. I could infer quickly given the news we were watching on television at the time, what was going to happen.

So I saw this coming a couple days ago.

The Russians were notified, according to open source news. They are screaming about it nonetheless.

If they would have stepped up to the plate and actually obliterated ISIS this wouldn't be an issue. Obama warned Syrian and Assad, but he stepped over the line anyway. It took Trump to slap his bitch ass. The Russians won't do it. They are trying to be friendly to the guy.

On the other hand, he likely wouldn't have use chemical weapons had ISIS not been involved.

The players are so interwoven and interconnected now, it will be impossible to remove the cancer.

This is probably going to trigger the Russians into doing something bigger. And China will get involved because "they can".

I don't see a lot of good coming from this... it's rather like bombing a tent full of camels. The camels die and the camel jockeys get more camels..... You can't bomb ONE base and kill the cancer.