Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck View Post
Looks like the second trial against University Of Cincinnati Police Officer Ray Tensing, who was involved in shooting a suspect that attempted to flee and nearly ran him over, has thankfully resulted in a mistrial.

Even better, it's been raining buckets today (home weather stations says almost exactly 3.75" so far today!) so the local wildlife has been pretty quiet. I was actually downtown in the city when the trial was declared a mistrial. Made sure I got out to the Green Zone as quickly as I could.

Weather is supposed to be pretty nice this weekend though so who knows what the local community agitators have planned. Just so it doesn't happen when I'm down there...
Looks like we're already in a pre-revolutionary ferment that reminds me of 1917 in Russia, complete with an alleged government that formally holds power, and another parallel government of revolutionaries that aims to overthrow it...