As some of you may be starting to hear, a West Point attendee who posted pictures of himself wearing his cadet uniform while accompanied by a Che t-shirt and a message in his hat of "Communism Will Win", have been making the rounds as he's getting exposed.

West Point Grad Condemned For Pro-Communist Photos, Messages

September 27, 2017

A U.S. Military Academy graduate and Army infantry officer has been condemned after posing with a sign reading “Communism will win” and posting pro-Colin Kaepernick messages on social media.

The messages and images posted by Second Lt. Spenser Rapone have rocked the military community, prompting officers to open an investigation.

Alumni of West Point shared a photo on Twitter showing Rapone at a gathering wearing a Che Guevara shirt underneath his military uniform.

In another photo, he is seen making a fist with one hand as he holds a cap with a sign inside that reads “Communism will win.” Rapone tweeted the photo Sunday and captioned it with “#VeteransForKaepernick,” in a bid to show solidarity with the NFL’s national anthem protests.

Army officials condemned Rapone and said an investigation was opened Tuesday after his pro-Kaepernick and pro-communist photo drew social media attention, the New York Post reported.

“The U.S. Military Academy strives to develop leaders who internalize the academy’s motto of Duty, Honor, Country, and who live the Army values. Second Lieutenant Rapone’s actions in no way reflect the values of the U.S. Military Academy or the U.S. Army,” an Army statement reads.

Rapone apparently embraced the outrage, sharing the photo of himself wearing a Che Guevara shirt and writing, “In case there was any lingering doubt, hasta la victoria siempre.” The words, known as a Guevara slogan, translate to "Until victory, always!"

Ernesto "Che" Guevara, born in Argentina in 1928, became a key figure in Fidel Castro's Cuban Revolution in 1959. Guevara died in Bolivia in 1967 at age 39.

Rapone’s communist sympathies are no secret, the Post reported. He once posted photos of himself with Karl Marx's “Communist Manifesto” and a photo of One World Trade Center with him holding a communist red star on the top.

The soldier also admitted being a card-carrying member of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA).

A veterans’ subgroup of the DSA threw its support behind Rapone following the controversy, tweeting: “Let there be no doubt that we have unequivocal solidarity with and pride in Spenser. He’s an exceptional soldier.”

The group also released a statement claiming it encouraged him "to take whatever steps he sees necessary to express his political beliefs and continue to organize towards a socialist future.”

But he, quite obviously, isn't the only one.

I've been following the thread on since it started on the 25th.

There are several others that have been uncovered and deserve to have their names spread far and wide so they can all be purged from the military ranks.

One of his West Point buddies is a Michael Ross who uses an alias on Facebook by the name of Antonio Rosciano:

Also a buddy of Rapone is one Suhanraj Rajasegaran who is apparently not clever enough to use a Facebook alias:

Both Rapone and Ross have connections to a Dr. Rasheed Hosein who is an Islamic historian and Muslim layman at West Point. Pictures of them with him are featured on both of their Facebook pages.

And I also wanted to archive the social media content that has been dug up on Rapone here. His Twitter handle is punkproletarian/Commie Bebop. In no particlar order:

Additionally, his Facebook account under his fake name:

Lastly his reddit screen name and some content:

("She" being a reference to Bradley Manning)