And not more of that steaming pile known as Discovery either!

Sir Patrick Stewart In Talks To Return To Star Trek As Captain Jean-Luc Picard

June 24, 2018

Patrick Stewart may be beamed back for another Star Trek series.

Sir Patrick, 77, is “close to securing a deal” to return as Captain Jean-Luc Picard for a reboot of the Generation series.

The star is keen to reprise his most *famous part – and deals are close to *being struck, says a TV source.

CBS is working on projects to expand their Trekkie universe after the mammoth success of the Star Trek: Discovery series on Netflix.

The show’s co-creator Alex Kurtzman has a five-year contract to forge new adventures for the small screen. And his team has spoken to Sir Patrick about returning as Picard to helm the Enterprise for run or even longer.

An LA source said: “Patrick is *looking pretty good to get back on board the Enterprise. There are some aspects of the deal to be finalised, but there is a verbal commitment from all parties.”

He said: “There are animated series also in the works, and Patrick could easily lend his voice to them.

“An announcement will be made in the next few weeks and the show should be out next year.”

In the past Sir Patrick has *admitted he expected his breakout role in Star Trek: The Next Generation, which lasted seven years, to be a quick flop 30 years ago.