Centrifuge Force
IBD Editorials ^ | 10 April 2007 | Staff

Axis Of Evil: Iran's leader giddily claimed Monday that his nation has joined the nuclear club — a membership the civilized world should revoke as soon as possible.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared that Iran can now produce nuclear fuel on an "industrial scale." Tehran reportedly has added roughly 1,000 of the centrifuges used to produce enriched uranium. The regime claims it will have 3,000 centrifuges installed by May.

Alarmingly, it has room for 54,000 at its nuclear facility in Natanz, a number that suggests it's more interested in nuclear weapons than nuclear energy.
Soon to be armed and dangerous. Anyone who thought the Iranian threat wasn't serious needs to reassess. With those centrifuges humming, Tehran could have enough nuclear material to make a bomb by 2009. That's about six years sooner than some previous U.S. intelligence estimates, though it's also a year later than Iran's own prediction.

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