OBAMA'S 3RD TERM?: With the potential of a Biden Administration and his recent picks for high ranking positions - is this the repeat of the Obama years?

George Papadopoulos:"This is Obama's 3rd term under Biden"

Obama's Role in Biden Presidency WH Press Sec dancing around the question,

Obama's 3rd term as President

That Joe Biden is a Shell for Obama's 3rd Term due to all the Obama retreads Joe it putting into his cabinet..

Remember Obama answered the question, do you wish you had a 3rd term? He said, “If I could make an arrangement where I had a stand in, a front man who had an ear piece, while sitting in my basement in sweats and I was just delivering the lines and i was doing all the talking...

Tucker Carlson says Joe Biden has no active role in running the U.S. government

Barack Obama says Biden is 'finishing the job' of his presidency