Moscow, Beijing to Sign Declaration on World Order
MOSCOW, June 29 (RIA Novosti) - Chinese leader Hu Jintao will arrive here Thursday to sign a joint declaration on world order in the 21st Century, a spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry wrote in an article published in the government daily Rossiiskaya Gazeta Wednesday.

"This is a crucial document that reflects the convergence of Russia and China's fundamental positions on key issues in modern world order - our common view for the outlook of the development of humankind," Alexander Yakovenko wrote.

According to Yakovenko, the declaration will affirm the parties' commitment to forming a new fair and rational world order and to increasing the role of the UN in international politics.

Russia and China will announce the unacceptability of monopolizing global affairs, dividing states into those who lead and those who are led, imposing models for social development from the outside and applying double standards, he wrote.

Yakovenko wrote the sides will urge the international community to combine efforts in order to create a new architecture of security by shaping a global strategy to counteract new threats and challenges under the UN aegis, the article reads.

Russia and China have launched work on a mid-term program for developing bilateral trade and economic relations for 2006-2010, he wrote.

According to Yakovenko, the document will provide a comprehensive analysis of the potential for bilateral cooperation and offer specific recommendations for solving the existing problems that in some cases stall the development of Russian-Chinese trade and economic cooperation. Economic cooperation remains the pivotal sphere of Russian-Chinese interaction, he wrote.