Anyone else get hooked on this Joss Whedon TV Series and/or movie?

I remember when the TV series came out. Since I enjoyed Buffy the Vampire Slayer (created by Whedon), I was curious to see what he would do with a space/western concept. Unfortunately, the series didn't last very long, so I didn't really get much of a feel for it at the time.

However, I was pretty excited to see the movie Serenity that came out last year, and I did get the DVD for Christmas ... and then we just got the DVD collection of all of the episodes that were made (including the ones never shown on TV). Now that I've had the chance to watch them all (in order -- very important), and do a little reading on the background of the concepts, I'm very impressed.

One of the background items that applies, in a way, to this forum, is the idea that the US and China grow to be the only remaining super powers by the time that our earth becomes "used up" and everyone jumps on ships and flies off to settle the conveniently nearby star system. By that time, everyone on earth knows both English and Mandarin ... so, in the shows, while the characters speak English, they will curse and say other short phrases and terms in Mandarin. Also, the environments the characters move through (cities, etc.) are an interesting mix of western and eastern styles. From an entertainment POV, it works pretty well.

