I'm starting this thread to try to explain my "Conspiracy Theory".

Now you all know what a FOE I am to such things, and that I expect people to provide evidence for theories they propose (or support) and in turn I will examine their material and find many holes in it.

As a skeptic I expect nothing less than the same here.

First, I'm going to give you the hypothesis and eventually, will SHOW you some evidence that will support the hypothesis.

While many Conspiracy theorists outright BELIEVE their theory, most are unwilling or unable to back up their material over time.

I propose that I may not be able to give you a loophole tight explanation, but I will give you enough building blocks on this to allow you to see for yourselves that it's plausible (rather than an outright idiotic claim to fame that turns out to based on someone else's nonsense).

Hypothesis: This 2008 Election has been severely corrupted and changed by Liberals changing parties from "Democrat" to "Republican" to influence the polls, the Primaries in many states and the eventual outcome of who will be considered and chosen as the Republican Nominee for the 2008 Presidential General Election.

I'll get back to you with more