In the throes of Progressive Tyranny
Rick Donaldson

On July 2, 1776 Congress declared independence as the British fleet and army arrive at New York harbor. Two days later it was a bright, sunny day in Philadelphia, though cool for July and this is the day that Congress adopts the Declaration of Independence from the rule of the British Crown. There were a multitude of reasons for the Declaration of Independence from Britain; chiefly among those reasons was the apparent need for Britain to control the Colonists, tax them heavily, take their weapons and arms, and put people on trial for various and sundry reasons that were truly beyond the law. In fact, the English King even refused to allow local governors and the Continental Congress to make laws for the safety and well-being of the public. At times there were quartering of foreign troops in private homes.

The English in America became fed up with their treatment and you can see from the very words of the Declaration, the reasoning behind their final decision. Subject to the Crown, Colonists were oppressed in many ways.

You would think then that the English having fought against her own Subjects and having those Subjects declare independence from Britain would think Subjects of the Crown today would understand the plight of those people who went before them. One would think that the continued oppression of British Citizens would eventually bring about yet another revolt. One would think.

This forum is for the discussion of something we’re going to call “In the Throes of Progressive Tyranny”. The forum will host the discussion of various laws and regulations that consistently, progressively push deeper and deeper into the Freedoms that both Americans and others in the world enjoy. Those freedoms are slowly, inexorably being eroded today.

On this forum we will post news articles, and discussion about what is being done to, for and by the people of this country – and other countries, to further erode those rights.

Progressive Tyranny is by definition the slow erosion of rights of the people and the increase of political and governmental power.

America is full of Liberals who want to take your gun rights – the Second Amendment to them is for “the government to have guns”… when it is quite clear that is not what the Second Amendment says at all. Progressives are a political party, and they are, in short, Socialists disguised as “Democrats”. Democrats are nothing more than Socialists most of the time. Oh, certainly there are some who are not Socialists, but they are becoming fewer and fewer.

Even Republicans are full of “progressives”, though they aren’t as obvious as the Democrats make themselves, they are there. The push for the GOP to become more “Centrists” is one of the worst things to happen in America in many years. Today we’re facing an election in a few months for a new President. The two defacto candidates are John McCain, a clearly Liberal Republican and Barack Obama, a clearly Socialist. America is at a crossroad in its history, to elect either the first black man to the Office of President, or push a liberal “Conservative” on the people of this country. Our choices are limited.

England has her own problems. Today in the news there are articles about making police dogs wear booties to prevent offending Muslims, students in England being placed in detention because they refused to participate in a clearly Muslim religious ceremony (and they aren’t Muslims) and a new rule saying “if you carry a knife, you’re going to jail”. England is suffering from it’s own internal tyranny, a progressive tyranny that makes it “OK” to be arrested for something that was “OK” to do (or more importantly NOT to do) until recently.

This forum then is specifically to bring light to the various attacks on American’s Rights – and certainly bring to light those Rights others are losing throughout the world to “Tolerance” and “Political Correctness” among other things. The attitudes of the authorities are changing, and those changes are not for the good of Freedoms in this world.

Happy Birthday, America... may the flag wave over this country for another two centuries!