If you do like the music of Jimi and Jeff, you must give this guy a listen. Music is my passion outside of real estate, and I'm very fortunate to be studying and playing with a guy named Phil Brown at present. There's a possible tour in the offing, and I'm signed on for it if it comes together. (I'm a bassist.) Phil has recorded a Hendrix tribute record, "The Jimi Project", and has spent two years getting the Hendrix family's permission to release it. It is slated for release near the end of March. Phil also has a CD, "Cruel Inventions" which is awesome, a marriage of psychedelic blues and hip-hop style bass/drums. I'm learning tunes from both CDs now in hopes the tour comes together. I'll post the locations when I get the final word. So far I'm hearing NYC, Detroit and Chicago, 150 to 500 seat venues.

This is why I have not been posting lately, I'm overwhelmed between regular work and this very challenging song material.

Check out Phil at:

http://www.philbrownguitar.com (Hit the bio link)
